A project which can help you to track the movies and tv shows you watched or you want to watch.
Although You may have to wait for few seconds before it loads.
Visit Media Tracker.
Media tracker is a responsive website with multiple pages. The current version is 1.0.0 which is a MVP (minimum viable project) and as of now you can:-
- Explore trending movies and tv shows.
- Explore movies and tv shows and filter them based on different genres and categories.
- Search for any movies or tv show based.
- Mark/Unmark movies and series as watched.
- Mark/Unmark individual seasons and episodes of tv series as watched.
- Mark/Unmark movies and series as watch later.
- Observe all the tracked data in your profile page.
- Visualize the progress of series you tracked.
- Get total hours spend on movies, tv shows and anime respectively.
- Able to login and save your data.
- Delete your account if you want.
- Auto selection of all the previous episodes.
- Unmarking of entire series with single click.
- Unmarking of entire season with single click.
Version | Release Date |
v1.0.0 | 09 May 2021 |
- Mongodb as Database.
- Express as Backend Framework.
- React as Frontend Library and other related libraries in react ecosystem.
- Node for JavaScript runtime environment along with npm.
- Heroku for deployment.
- Public API of TMDB for all the media data in the app.
- Will Update soon.
- Will Update soon.
- Add a button which will increment the episode watched in the details page without having to open the episode list.
- Add a button which will increment the episode watched directly from profile.