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Add better substitution lemma for ExprLow
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ymherklotz committed Oct 15, 2024
1 parent ef9862d commit ad22db2
Showing 1 changed file with 27 additions and 1 deletion.
28 changes: 27 additions & 1 deletion DataflowRewriter/ExprLow.lean
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Expand Up @@ -34,6 +34,16 @@ namespace ExprLow
variable {Ident}
variable [DecidableEq Ident]

@[drunfold] def modify (i i' : Ident) : ExprLow Ident → ExprLow Ident
| .base inst typ => if typ = i then .base inst i' else .base inst typ
| .input x y e' => modify i i' e' |> .input x y
| .output x y e' => modify i i' e' |> .output x y
| .connect x y e' => modify i i' e' |> .connect x y
| .product e₁ e₂ =>
let e₁' := modify i i' e₁
let e₂' := modify i i' e₂
.product e₁' e₂'

def get_types (ε : IdentMap Ident (Σ T, Module Ident T)) (i : Ident) : Type* :=
(ε.find? i) |>.map Sigma.fst |>.getD PUnit

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -170,7 +180,7 @@ set_option pp.deepTerms true in
variable {T T'}
{mod : Module Ident T}
{mod' : Module Ident T'} in
theorem substitution (iexpr : ExprLow Ident) {ident} (h : ε.mem ident ⟨ T, mod ⟩) :
theorem substite_env (iexpr : ExprLow Ident) {ident} (h : ε.mem ident ⟨ T, mod ⟩) :
mod ⊑ mod' →
[e| iexpr, ε ] ⊑ ([e| iexpr, {ε | h := ⟨ T', mod' ⟩} ]) := by
unfold build_module_expr
Expand All @@ -196,6 +206,22 @@ theorem substitution (iexpr : ExprLow Ident) {ident} (h : ε.mem ident ⟨ T, mo
| product e₁ e₂ iH₁ iH₂ => sorry
| connect p1 p2 e iH => sorry

theorem substition {I I' i i' mod mod' iexpr} :
ε.find? i = some ⟨ I, mod ⟩ →
ε.find? i' = some ⟨ I', mod' ⟩ →
mod ⊑ mod' →
[e| iexpr, ε ] ⊑ ([e| iexpr.modify i i', ε ]) := by
unfold build_module_expr
induction iexpr generalizing i i' mod mod' with
| base inst typ =>
intro hfind₁ hfind₂ Href
dsimp [drunfold]
by_cases h : typ = i
· subst typ
rw [hfind₁]; dsimp [drunfold]

| _ => sorry

end Refinement

end ExprLow
Expand Down

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