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Use dependent rewrites to reason about build_module'
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ymherklotz committed Oct 14, 2024
1 parent 0019e28 commit c93b392
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Showing 6 changed files with 232 additions and 73 deletions.
27 changes: 26 additions & 1 deletion DataflowRewriter/AssocList.lean
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Expand Up @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ namespace Batteries.AssocList
def append {α β} (a b : AssocList α β) : AssocList α β :=
match a with
| .nil => b
| .cons x y xs =>
| .cons x y xs =>
.cons x y <| xs.append b

def modifyKeys {α β} (map : AssocList α β) (f : α → α) : AssocList α β :=
Expand All @@ -23,4 +23,29 @@ def keysList {α β} (map : AssocList α β) : List α :=
def filter {α β} (f : α → β → Bool) (l : AssocList α β) :=
l.foldl (λ c a b => if f a b then c.cons a b else c) (∅ : AssocList α β)

def mem {α β} [BEq α] (a : α) (b : β) (l : AssocList α β) : Prop :=
l.find? a = some b

private theorem map_keys_list' {α β γ} [DecidableEq α] {f : α → β → γ} {l : List (α × β)} {ident val} :
List.find? (fun x => x.fst == ident) l = some val →
List.find? ((fun x => x.fst == ident) ∘ fun x => (x.fst, f x.fst x.snd)) l = some (ident, val.snd) := by
induction l generalizing ident val <;> simp_all
rename_i head tail iH
intro Hfirst
rcases Hfirst with ⟨ h1, h2 ⟩ | ⟨ h1, h2 ⟩
subst_vars; left; simp
right; and_intros; assumption
apply iH

theorem map_keys_list {α β γ} [DecidableEq α] {ident} {l : AssocList α β} {f : α → β → γ} :
(l.mapVal f).find? ident = (l.find? ident).map (f ident) := by
simp [find?_eq]
cases h : List.find? (fun x => x.fst == ident) l.toList <;> simp_all
· assumption
· rename_i val
refine ⟨ ident, val.snd, ?_ ⟩
and_intros <;> try rfl
apply map_keys_list'; assumption

end Batteries.AssocList
153 changes: 117 additions & 36 deletions DataflowRewriter/ExprLow.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ Authors: Yann Herklotz

import DataflowRewriter.Module
import DataflowRewriter.Simp
import DataflowRewriter.HVector

namespace DataflowRewriter

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -33,32 +34,96 @@ namespace ExprLow
variable {Ident}
variable [DecidableEq Ident]

@[drunfold] def build_module' (ε : IdentMap Ident ((T: Type _) × Module Ident T))
: ExprLow Ident → Option ((T: Type _) × Module Ident T)
| .base i e => do
let mod ← ε.find? e
return ⟨ mod.1, mod.2.renamePorts (λ ⟨ _, y ⟩ => ⟨ .internal i, y ⟩ ) ⟩
def get_types (ε : IdentMap Ident (Σ T, Module Ident T)) (i : Ident) : Type* :=
(ε.find? i) |>.map Sigma.fst |>.getD PUnit

def ident_list : ExprLow Ident → List Ident
| .base i e => [e]
| .input _ _ e
| .output _ _ e
| .connect _ _ e => e.ident_list
| .product a b => a.ident_list ++ b.ident_list

abbrev EType ε (e : ExprLow Ident) := (HVector (get_types ε) e.ident_list)

@[drunfold] def build_module' (ε : IdentMap Ident ((T: Type) × Module Ident T))
: (e : ExprLow Ident) → Option (Module Ident (EType ε e))
| .base i e =>
match h : ε.find? e with
| some mod =>
have H : mod.1 = get_types ε e := by
simp [Batteries.AssocList.find?_eq] at h
rcases h with ⟨ l, r ⟩
simp_all [get_types]
some ((H ▸ mod.2).liftD)
| none => none
| .input a b e' => do
let e ← build_module' ε e'
return ⟨ e.1, e.2.renameToInput (λ p => if p == a then ⟨ .top, b ⟩ else p)
return e.renameToInput (λ p => if p == a then ⟨ .top, b ⟩ else p)
| .output a b e' => do
let e ← build_module' ε e'
return ⟨ e.1, e.2.renameToOutput (λ p => if p == a then ⟨ .top, b ⟩ else p)
return e.renameToOutput (λ p => if p == a then ⟨ .top, b ⟩ else p)
| .connect o i e' => do
let e ← build_module' ε e'
return ⟨e.1, e.2.connect' o i
return e.connect' o i
| .product a b => do
let a <- build_module' ε a;
let b <- build_module' ε b;
return ⟨a.1 × b.1, a.2.product b.2
let a build_module' ε a;
let b build_module' ε b;
return a.productD b

@[drunfold] def build_module (ε : IdentMap Ident (Σ (T : Type _), Module Ident T))
@[drunfold] def build_moduleP (ε : IdentMap Ident (Σ T, Module Ident T))
(e : ExprLow Ident)
(h : (build_module' ε e).isSome = true := by rfl)
: (T : Type _) × Module Ident T := build_module' ε e |>.get h
: Module Ident (EType ε e) := build_module' ε e |>.get h

theorem build_module_modify {ε : IdentMap Ident (Σ (T : Type), Module Ident T)} {expr} {m : (Σ (T : Type), Module Ident T)} {i : Ident} :
(build_module' ε expr).isSome → (build_module' (ε.modify i (λ _ _ => m)) expr).isSome := by sorry
@[drunfold] def build_module (ε : IdentMap Ident (Σ T, Module Ident T))
(e : ExprLow Ident)
: Module Ident (EType ε e) := build_module' ε e |>.getD Module.empty

@[drunfold] abbrev build_module_expr (ε : IdentMap Ident (Σ T, Module Ident T))
(e : ExprLow Ident)
: Module Ident (EType ε e) := build_module ε e

notation:25 "[e| " e ", " ε " ]" => build_module_expr ε e
notation:25 "[T| " e ", " ε " ]" => EType ε e

-- theorem build_module_replace {ε : IdentMap Ident (Σ (T : Type), Module Ident T)} {expr} {m : (Σ (T : Type), Module Ident T)} {i : Ident} :
-- (build_module' ε expr).isSome → (build_module' (ε.replace i m) expr).isSome := by sorry

def _root_.DataflowRewriter.IdentMap.replace_env (ε : IdentMap Ident (Σ (T : Type _), Module Ident T)) {ident mod}
(h : ε.mem ident mod) mod' :=
(ε.replace ident mod')

notation:25 "{" ε " | " h " := " mod' "}" => IdentMap.replace_env ε h mod'

theorem find?_modify {modIdent ident m m'} {ε : IdentMap Ident (Σ (T : Type _), Module Ident T)}
(h : ε.mem ident m') :
Batteries.AssocList.find? modIdent ε = none →
Batteries.AssocList.find? modIdent ({ε | h := m}) = none := by sorry

{ε : IdentMap Ident (Σ (T : Type _), Module Ident T)}
{S ident iexpr} {mod : Σ T : Type _, Module Ident T}
{mod' : Σ T : Type _, Module Ident T} {smod : Module Ident S}
{h : ε.mem ident mod}
[MatchInterface mod.2 mod'.2]
[MatchInterface ([e| iexpr, ε ]) smod]
: MatchInterface ([e| iexpr, {ε | h := mod'} ]) smod := by sorry

theorem build_module'.dep_rewrite {instIdent} : ∀ {modIdent : Ident} {ε a} (Hfind : ε.find? modIdent = a), (Option.rec (motive := fun x =>
Batteries.AssocList.find? modIdent ε = x →
Option (Module Ident ([T| base instIdent modIdent, ε ])))
(fun h_1 => none)
(fun val h_1 => some (build_module'.proof_2 ε modIdent val h_1 ▸ val.snd).liftD)
(Batteries.AssocList.find? modIdent ε)
(Eq.refl (Batteries.AssocList.find? modIdent ε))) =
(Option.rec (motive := fun x =>
a = x →
Option (Module Ident ([T| base instIdent modIdent, ε ])))
(fun h_1 => none)
(fun val h_1 => some (build_module'.proof_2 ε modIdent val (Hfind ▸ h_1) ▸ val.snd).liftD)
(Eq.refl a)) := by intro a b c d; cases d; rfl

section Refinement

Expand All @@ -68,31 +133,47 @@ variable {Ident : Type w}
variable [DecidableEq Ident]
variable [Inhabited Ident]

variable (ε : IdentMap Ident ((T : Type) × Module Ident T))
variable (iexpr : ExprLow Ident)
variable (hiexpr : (build_module' ε iexpr).isSome)
variable (ε : IdentMap Ident ((T : Type _) × Module Ident T))

variable {S : Type v}
variable (smod : Module Ident S)

variable [MatchInterface (build_module ε iexpr hiexpr).2 smod]

def refines_φ (R : (build_module ε iexpr hiexpr).1 → S → Prop) :=
(build_module ε iexpr hiexpr).2 ⊑_{R} smod

def refines := ∃ R, (build_module ε iexpr hiexpr).2 ⊑_{R} smod

notation:35 x " ⊑ₑ_{" f:35 "} " y:34 => refines_φ x y f
notation:35 x " ⊑ₑ " y:34 => refines x y

theorem substitution {T ident mod} {mod' : Module Ident T}
[MatchInterface (build_module (ε.modify ident (λ _ _ => ⟨T, mod'⟩)) iexpr (build_module_modify hiexpr)).2 smod]
[MatchInterface mod mod']
(R : (build_module ε iexpr hiexpr).1 → S → Prop) :
(build_module ε iexpr hiexpr).2 ⊑ smod →
ε.find? ident = some ⟨ T, mod ⟩ →
mod ⊑ mod' →
(build_module (ε.modify ident (λ _ _ => ⟨T, mod'⟩)) iexpr (build_module_modify hiexpr)).2 ⊑ smod := by sorry
#check Option.rec

-- set_option debug.skipKernelTC true in
set_option pp.proofs true in
set_option pp.deepTerms true in
variable {T T'}
{mod : Module Ident T}
{mod' : Module Ident T'}
[MatchInterface mod mod'] in
theorem substitution (iexpr : ExprLow Ident)
(_ : MatchInterface ([e| iexpr, ε ]) smod)
{ident} (h : ε.mem ident ⟨ T, mod ⟩) :
mod ⊑ mod' →
[e| iexpr, ε ] ⊑ smod →
[e| iexpr, {ε | h := ⟨ T', mod' ⟩} ] ⊑ smod := by
unfold build_module_expr
induction iexpr with
| base instIdent modIdent =>
intro Hmod Hbase
dsimp [build_module_expr, build_module, build_module']
cases Hfind : ((Batteries.AssocList.find? modIdent ε)) with
| none =>
have Hfind' := find?_modify (m := ⟨T', mod'⟩) h Hfind
unfold DataflowRewriter.ExprLow.build_module'.match_1
simp only [build_module'.dep_rewrite Hfind', Option.getD]
rename_i Match
dsimp [build_module_expr, build_module, build_module'] at Hbase Match
unfold DataflowRewriter.ExprLow.build_module'.match_1 at Hbase Match
simp [build_module'.dep_rewrite Hfind] at Hbase Match
apply Module.empty_refines
| some curr_mod => sorry
| input iport name e iH => sorry
| output iport name e iH => sorry
| product e₁ e₂ iH₁ iH₂ => sorry
| connect p1 p2 e iH => sorry

end Refinement

Expand Down
101 changes: 77 additions & 24 deletions DataflowRewriter/Module.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import Qq
import DataflowRewriter.Simp
import DataflowRewriter.List
import DataflowRewriter.AssocList
import DataflowRewriter.HVector

open Batteries (AssocList)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -137,11 +138,13 @@ The empty module, which should also be the `default` module.

theorem empty_is_default {Ident S} : @empty Ident S = default := Eq.refl _

variable {Ident : Type _}
universe i

variable {Ident : Type i}
variable [DecidableEq Ident]
variable [Inhabited Ident]

@[drunfold] def liftL {S S'} (x: (T : Type _) × (S → T → S → Prop))
@[drunfold] def liftL {S S' : Type _} (x: (T : Type _) × (S → T → S → Prop))
: (T : Type _) × (S × S' → T → S × S' → Prop) :=
⟨ x.1, λ (a,b) ret (a',b') => x.2 a ret a' ∧ b = b' ⟩

Expand All @@ -155,6 +158,30 @@ variable [Inhabited Ident]
@[drunfold] def liftR' {S S'} (x: S' → S' → Prop) : S × S' → S × S' → Prop :=
λ (a,b) (a',b') => x b b' ∧ a = a'

@[drunfold] def liftLD {α : Type _} {l₁ l₂ : List α} {f} (x: (T : Type _) × (HVector f l₁ → T → HVector f l₁ → Prop))
: (T : Type _) × (HVector f (l₁ ++ l₂) → T → HVector f (l₁ ++ l₂) → Prop) :=
⟨ x.1, λ a ret a' => x.2 a.left ret a'.left ∧ a.right = a'.right ⟩

@[drunfold] def liftRD {α : Type _} {l₁ l₂ : List α} {f} (x: (T : Type _) × (HVector f l₂ → T → HVector f l₂ → Prop))
: (T : Type _) × (HVector f (l₁ ++ l₂) → T → HVector f (l₁ ++ l₂) → Prop) :=
⟨ x.1, λ a ret a' => x.2 a.right ret a'.right ∧ a.left = a'.left ⟩

@[drunfold] def liftLD' {α : Type _} {l₁ l₂ : List α} {f} (x: HVector f l₁ → HVector f l₁ → Prop)
: HVector f (l₁ ++ l₂) → HVector f (l₁ ++ l₂) → Prop :=
λ a a' => x a.left a'.left ∧ a.right = a'.right

@[drunfold] def liftRD' {α : Type _} {l₁ l₂ : List α} {f} (x: HVector f l₂ → HVector f l₂ → Prop)
: HVector f (l₁ ++ l₂) → HVector f (l₁ ++ l₂) → Prop :=
λ a a' => x a.right a'.right ∧ a.left = a'.left

@[drunfold] def liftSingle.{u} {α} {a : α} {f} (x: Σ (T : Type u), (f a → T → f a → Prop))
: Σ (T : Type u), HVector f [a] → T → HVector f [a] → Prop :=
⟨ x.1, λ | .cons a .nil, t, .cons a' .nil => x.2 a t a' ⟩

@[drunfold] def liftSingle' {α} {a : α} {f} (x: f a → f a → Prop)
: HVector f [a] → HVector f [a] → Prop :=
λ | .cons a .nil, .cons a' .nil => x a a'

`connect'` will produce a new rule that fuses an input with an output, with a
precondition that the input and output type must match.
Expand All @@ -175,7 +202,19 @@ precondition that the input and output type must match.
internals := liftL' ++ liftR'

@[drunfold] def renamePorts {S} (mod : Module Ident S) (f : InternalPort Ident → InternalPort Ident) : Module Ident S :=
@[drunfold] def productD {α} {l₁ l₂ : List α} {f} (mod1 : Module Ident (HVector f l₁)) (mod2: Module Ident (HVector f l₂)) : Module Ident (HVector f (l₁ ++ l₂)) :=
{ inputs := (mod1.inputs.mapVal (λ _ => liftLD)).append (mod2.inputs.mapVal (λ _ => liftRD)),
outputs := (mod1.outputs.mapVal (λ _ => liftLD)).append (mod2.outputs.mapVal (λ _ => liftRD)),
internals := liftLD' ++ liftRD'

@[drunfold] def liftD {α} {e : α} {f} (mod : Module Ident (f e)) : Module Ident (HVector f [e]) :=
{ inputs := mod.inputs.mapVal λ _ => liftSingle,
outputs := mod.outputs.mapVal λ _ => liftSingle,
internals := liftSingle'

@[drunfold] def renamePorts {S : Type _} (mod : Module Ident S) (f : InternalPort Ident → InternalPort Ident) : Module Ident S :=
{ inputs := mod.inputs.modifyKeys f,
outputs := mod.outputs.modifyKeys f,
internals := mod.internals
Expand All @@ -195,21 +234,31 @@ precondition that the input and output type must match.

end Module

section Match

The following definition lives in `Type`, I'm not sure if a type class can live
in `Prop` even though it seems to be accepted.

variable {Ident} [DecidableEq Ident] [Inhabited Ident] in
variable {Ident}
variable [DecidableEq Ident]
variable {I S}

Match two interfaces of two modules, which implies that the types of all the
input and output rules match.
class MatchInterface {I S} (imod : Module Ident I) (smod : Module Ident S) where
class MatchInterface (imod : Module Ident I) (smod : Module Ident S) : Prop where
input_types : ∀ (ident : Ident), (imod.inputs.getIO ident).1 = (smod.inputs.getIO ident).1
output_types : ∀ (ident : Ident), (imod.outputs.getIO ident).1 = (smod.outputs.getIO ident).1

theorem match_interface_empty {smod : Module Ident S} [MatchInterface (@Module.empty Ident I) smod]
: ∀ I', MatchInterface (@Module.empty Ident I') smod := sorry

end Match

State that there exists zero or more internal rule executions to reach a final
state from an initial state.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -282,14 +331,13 @@ def refines_φ (R : I → S → Prop) :=
R init_i init_s →
comp_refines imod smod R init_i init_s

notation:35 x " ⊑_{" R:35 "} " y:34 => refines_φ x y R

omit mm in
def refines :=
∃ (R : I → S → Prop),
∀ (init_i : I) (init_s : S),
R init_i init_s →
indistinguishable imod smod init_i init_s →
comp_refines imod smod (fun a b => indistinguishable imod smod a b ∧ R a b) init_i init_s
∃ (mm : MatchInterface imod smod) (R : I → S → Prop),
imod ⊑_{fun x y => indistinguishable imod smod x y ∧ R x y} smod

notation:35 x " ⊑_{" R:35 "} " y:34 => refines_φ x y R
notation:35 x " ⊑ " y:34 => refines x y

omit [Inhabited Ident] in
Expand All @@ -298,22 +346,27 @@ theorem refines_φ_refines {φ} :
imod ⊑_{φ} smod →
imod ⊑ smod := by
intro Hind Href
exists φ
intro init_i init_s Hphi Hindis
specialize Href init_i init_s Hphi
rcases Href with ⟨ Hin, Hout, Hint ⟩; constructor
· intro ident mid_i v Hcont Hrule
specialize Hin ident mid_i v Hcont Hrule
· intro ident mid_i v Hcont Hrule
specialize Hout ident mid_i v Hcont Hrule
· intro rule mid_i Hcont Hrule
specialize Hint rule mid_i Hcont Hrule
-- exists φ
-- intro init_i init_s ⟨ Hphi, Hindis ⟩
-- specialize Href init_i init_s Hindis
-- rcases Href with ⟨ Hin, Hout, Hint ⟩; constructor
-- · intro ident mid_i v Hcont Hrule
-- specialize Hin ident mid_i v Hcont Hrule
-- tauto
-- · intro ident mid_i v Hcont Hrule
-- specialize Hout ident mid_i v Hcont Hrule
-- tauto
-- · intro rule mid_i Hcont Hrule
-- specialize Hint rule mid_i Hcont Hrule
-- tauto

end Refinement

theorem empty_refines {Ident S I₁ I₂} [DecidableEq Ident] {smod : Module Ident S} :
@empty Ident I₁ ⊑ smod →
@empty Ident I₂ ⊑ smod := by sorry

end Module

instance {n} : OfNat (InstIdent Nat) n where
Expand Down

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