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ymherklotz committed Nov 5, 2024
1 parent 9aefbec commit ea0bb83
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Showing 5 changed files with 436 additions and 0 deletions.
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions DataflowRewriter/AssocList/Lemmas.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -179,4 +179,15 @@ theorem erase_equiv {α β} [DecidableEq α] {a b : AssocList α β} ident ident
i ≠ i' →
(a.eraseAll i).find? i' = a.find? i' := by sorry

@[simp] theorem any_map {α β} {f : α → β} {l : List α} {p : β → Bool} : ( f).any p = l.any (p ∘ f) := by
induction l with simp | cons _ _ ih => rw [ih]

theorem keysInMap {α β} [DecidableEq α] {m : AssocList α β} {k} : m.contains k → k ∈ m.keysList := by
unfold Batteries.AssocList.contains Batteries.AssocList.keysList
intro Hk; simp_all

theorem keysNotInMap {α β} [DecidableEq α] {m : AssocList α β} {k} : ¬ m.contains k → k ∉ m.keysList := by
unfold Batteries.AssocList.contains Batteries.AssocList.keysList
intro Hk; simp_all

end Batteries.AssocList
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions DataflowRewriter/ExprLowLemmas.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ Authors: Yann Herklotz
import DataflowRewriter.Module
import DataflowRewriter.ExprLow

open Batteries (AssocList)

namespace DataflowRewriter

def Module.toBaseExprLow {Ident S} (m : Module Ident S) (inst typ : Ident) : ExprLow Ident :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -75,6 +77,12 @@ theorem build_moduleD.dep_rewrite {instIdent} : ∀ {modIdent : Ident} {ε a} (H
let b ← b.build_module'
return ⟨ _, a.2.product b.2

@[drunfold] def build_module_names
: (e : ExprLow Ident) → List (PortMapping Ident × Ident)
| .base i e => [(i, e)]
| .connect o i e' => e'.build_module_names
| .product a b => a.build_module_names ++ b.build_module_names

@[drunfold] def build_moduleP
(e : ExprLow Ident)
(h : (build_module' ε e).isSome = true := by rfl)
Expand Down
223 changes: 223 additions & 0 deletions DataflowRewriter/Rewrites/MergeRewriteCorrect.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
Copyright (c) 2024 VCA Lab, EPFL. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Yann Herklotz

import Lean
import Init.Data.BitVec.Lemmas
import Qq

import DataflowRewriter.Simp
import DataflowRewriter.Module
import DataflowRewriter.ExprLow
import DataflowRewriter.Component
import DataflowRewriter.KernelRefl
import DataflowRewriter.Reduce
import DataflowRewriter.List
import DataflowRewriter.ExprHighLemmas
import DataflowRewriter.Tactic
import DataflowRewriter.Rewrites.MergeRewrite

open Batteries (AssocList)

open Lean hiding AssocList
open Meta Elab

namespace DataflowRewriter.MergeRewrite

attribute [drcompute] Batteries.AssocList.toList Function.uncurry Module.mapIdent List.toAssocList List.foldl Batteries.AssocList.find? Option.pure_def Option.bind_eq_bind Option.bind_some Module.renamePorts Batteries.AssocList.mapKey toString Nat.repr Nat.toDigits Nat.toDigitsCore Nat.digitChar List.asString Option.bind Batteries.AssocList.mapVal Batteries.AssocList.eraseAll Batteries.AssocList.eraseP beq_self_eq_true Option.getD cond beq_self_eq_true beq_iff_eq String.reduceEq and_false imp_self BEq.beq

attribute [drdecide] and_false decide_False decide_True and_true Batteries.AssocList.eraseAllP
and_false decide_False decide_True reduceCtorEq cond

abbrev Ident := Nat

def ε (T : Type _) : IdentMap String (TModule String) :=
[ ("merge", ⟨ _, StringModule.merge T 2 ⟩)
, ("merge3", ⟨ _, StringModule.merge T 3 ⟩)

@[drunfold] def threemerge (T : Type _) : StringModule (List T) := by
precomputeTac [e| rewrite.output_expr, ε T ] by
dsimp only [drunfold,seval,drcompute]
simp only [seval,drdecide]
-- conv in Module.connect'' _ _ => rw [Module.connect''_dep_rw]; rfl
-- conv in _ :: Module.connect'' _ _ :: _ => arg 2; rw [Module.connect''_dep_rw]; rfl
-- unfold Module.connect''
-- dsimp

theorem threemerge_eq_merge3 T : threemerge T = StringModule.merge T 3 := by rfl

def merge_sem_type (T : Type _) : Type := by
precomputeTac [T| rewrite.input_expr, ε T ] by
dsimp only [drunfold,seval,drcompute]

def merge_sem (T : Type _) : StringModule ([T| rewrite.input_expr, ε T ]) := by
precomputeTac [e| rewrite.input_expr, ε T ] by
dsimp only [drunfold,seval,drcompute]
simp only [seval,drdecide]
conv in Module.connect'' _ _ => rw [Module.connect''_dep_rw]; rfl
unfold Module.connect''

attribute [dmod] Batteries.AssocList.find? BEq.beq

instance {T} : MatchInterface (merge_sem T) (threemerge T) where
input_types := by
intro ident;
by_cases h : (Batteries.AssocList.contains ↑ident (merge_sem T).inputs)
· have h' := keysInMap h; fin_cases h' <;> rfl
· have h' := keysNotInMap h; dsimp [drunfold, AssocList.keysList] at h' ⊢
simp at h'; let ⟨ ha, hb, hc ⟩ := h'; clear h'
simp only [Batteries.AssocList.find?_eq, Batteries.AssocList.toList]
rcases ident with ⟨ i1, i2 ⟩;
repeat (rw [List.find?_cons_of_neg]; rotate_left; simp; intros; subst_vars; solve_by_elim)
output_types := by
intro ident;
by_cases h : (Batteries.AssocList.contains ↑ident (merge_sem T).outputs)
· have h' := keysInMap h; fin_cases h' <;> rfl
· have h' := keysNotInMap h; dsimp [drunfold, AssocList.keysList] at h' ⊢
simp at h'
simp only [Batteries.AssocList.find?_eq, Batteries.AssocList.toList]
rcases ident with ⟨ i1, i2 ⟩;
repeat (rw [List.find?_cons_of_neg]; rotate_left; simp; intros; subst_vars; solve_by_elim)
inputs_present := by sorry
outputs_present := by sorry

theorem sigma_rw {S T : Type _} {m m' : Σ (y : Type _), S → y → T → Prop} {x : S} {y : T} {v : m.fst}
(h : m = m' := by reduce; rfl) :
m.snd x v y ↔ m'.snd x (h ▸ v) y := by
constructor <;> (intros; subst h; assumption)

def φ {T} (x : List T × List T) (y : List T) := (x.1 ++ x.2).Perm y

theorem φ_indistinguishable {T} :
∀ x y, φ x y → Module.indistinguishable (merge_sem T) (threemerge T) x y := by
unfold φ; intro x y H
constructor <;> intro ident new_i v Hcontains Hsem
· have Hkeys := keysInMap Hcontains; clear Hcontains
fin_cases Hkeys <;> (constructor; rfl)
· have Hkeys := keysInMap Hcontains; clear Hcontains
fin_cases Hkeys
let ⟨ ⟨ i, Ha, Hc ⟩, Hb ⟩ := Hsem; clear Hsem
let (x1, x2) := x; clear x
let (new_i1, new_i2) := new_i; clear new_i
subst_vars; simp [seval,drunfold]
generalize h : x2[i] = y'
have Ht : ∃ (i : Fin x2.length), x2.get i = y' := by exists i
rw [← List.mem_iff_get] at Ht
have He := List.Perm.symm H
have Hiff := List.Perm.mem_iff (a := y') He
have Ht' : y' ∈ y := by rw [Hiff]; simp; cases Ht <;> tauto
rw [List.mem_iff_get] at Ht'
let ⟨ i', Hi' ⟩ := Ht'; clear Ht'
constructor; exists i'; and_intros; rfl
simp [←Hi']

theorem correct_threeway_merge'' {T: Type _} [DecidableEq T]:
threemerge T ⊑_{φ} (merge_sem T) := by
intro ⟨ x1, x2 ⟩ y HPerm
. intro ident ⟨x'1, x'2⟩ v Hcontains Himod
have := keysInMap Hcontains
fin_cases this
· dsimp at *
rw [sigma_rw] at Himod
dsimp at Himod
let ⟨ Hl, Hr ⟩ := Himod; clear Himod; subst_vars
have Hφ : φ (v :: x1, x'2) (v :: y) := by
simp [*, φ] at HPerm ⊢; assumption
constructor; constructor; and_intros
all_goals first | rfl | apply existSR.done | assumption
· dsimp at *
rw [sigma_rw] at Himod
dsimp at Himod
let ⟨ Hl, Hr ⟩ := Himod; clear Himod; subst_vars
have Hφ : φ (v :: x1, x'2) (v :: y) := by
simp [*, φ] at HPerm ⊢; assumption
constructor; constructor; and_intros
all_goals first | rfl | apply existSR.done | assumption
· dsimp at *
rw [sigma_rw] at Himod
dsimp at Himod
let ⟨ Hl, Hr ⟩ := Himod; clear Himod; subst_vars
have Hφ : φ (x'1, v :: x2) (v :: y) :=
List.Perm.symm (List.perm_cons_append_cons v (List.Perm.symm HPerm))
constructor; constructor; and_intros
all_goals first | rfl | apply existSR.done | assumption
· intro ident mid_i v Hcontains Hi
have := keysInMap Hcontains
fin_cases this
rcases Hi with ⟨ ⟨ i, Hil ⟩, Hir ⟩
rcases Hil with ⟨ Hill, Hilr ⟩
dsimp at *
subst v; subst x1
generalize Hx2get : x2.get i = v'
have Hx2in : v' ∈ x2 := by rw [List.mem_iff_get]; tauto
have He := HPerm
have Hiff := List.Perm.mem_iff (a := v') HPerm
have Hyin : v' ∈ y := by rw [← Hiff]; simp; tauto
rw [List.mem_iff_get] at Hyin
rcases Hyin with ⟨ i', Hyget ⟩
have HerasePerm : φ mid_i (y.eraseIdx i'.1) := by
simp [φ, Hill]
trans; apply List.perm_append_comm
rw [←List.eraseIdx_append_of_lt_length] <;> [skip; apply i.isLt]
trans ((x2 ++ mid_i.1).erase x2[i])
have H2 : x2[i] = (x2 ++ mid_i.1)[i] := by
symm; apply List.getElem_append_left
rw [H2]; symm; apply List.erase_get
symm; trans; symm; apply List.erase_get
rw [Hyget]; simp at Hx2get; simp; rw [Hx2get]
apply List.perm_erase; symm
symm; trans; symm; assumption
apply List.perm_append_comm
constructor; constructor; and_intros
· exists i'; and_intros; rfl; simp_all
· apply existSR.done
· assumption
· intro ident mid_i Hcontains Hv
fin_cases Hcontains; have Hv' := Hv rfl; clear Hv
reduce at *
rcases Hv' with ⟨ ⟨ la1, la2 ⟩, lb, Hv' ⟩; reduce at *;
rcases Hv' with ⟨ ⟨ ⟨ i, H2, H3 ⟩, Hx3 ⟩, Hx2, H4 ⟩
subst lb; subst la1; subst la2
have HerasePerm : φ mid_i y := by
simp [φ, Hx2,← H4]
rw [←List.eraseIdx_append_of_lt_length] <;> [skip; apply i.isLt]
trans ((x1 ++ x1[i] :: x2).erase x1[i])
rw [List.perm_comm]
have : x1[↑i] = x1.get i := by simp
simp [*] at *
have H : x1[↑i] = (x1 ++ x1[↑i] :: x2)[↑i] := by
symm; apply List.getElem_append_left
dsimp at *; conv => arg 1; arg 2; rw [H]
apply List.erase_get
trans ((x1[i] :: (x1 ++ x2)).erase x1[i])
apply List.perm_erase; simp
rw [List.erase_cons_head]; assumption
constructor; and_intros
all_goals first | rfl | apply existSR.done | assumption

theorem correct_threeway_merge' {T: Type _} [DecidableEq T] :
(merge_sem' T).snd ⊑ threemerge' T :=
Module.refines_φ_refines φ_indistinguishable correct_threeway_merge''

instance {T} : MatchInterface (merge_sem T).snd (threemerge T) :=
inferInstanceAs (MatchInterface (merge_sem' T).snd (threemerge' T))

theorem correct_threeway_merge {T: Type _} [DecidableEq T] :
(merge_sem T).snd ⊑ threemerge T := by
apply correct_threeway_merge'

-- /--
-- info: 'DataflowRewriter.correct_threeway_merge' depends on axioms: [propext, Classical.choice, Quot.sound]
-- -/
-- #guard_msgs in
#print axioms correct_threeway_merge

end DataflowRewriter.MergeRewrite
76 changes: 76 additions & 0 deletions DataflowRewriter/Rewrites/MuxTaggedRewrite.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
Copyright (c) 2024 VCA Lab, EPFL. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Martina Camaioni

import DataflowRewriter.Rewriter
import DataflowRewriter.ExprHighElaborator

namespace DataflowRewriter.MuxTaggedRewrite

def matcher (g : ExprHigh String) : RewriteResult (List String) := sorry

def lhs' : ExprHigh String := [graph|
i_t [mod = "io"];
i_f [mod = "io"];
i_c [mod = "io"];
i_tag [mod = "io"];
o_out [mod = "io"];

mux [mod = "mux"];
join [mod = "join"];

i_t -> mux [inp = "inp0"];
i_f -> mux [inp = "inp1"];
i_c -> mux [inp = "inp2"];

i_tag -> join [inp = "inp0"];

mux -> join [out = "out0", inp = "inp1"];

join -> o_out [out = "out0"];

def lhs := lhs'.extract ["mux", "join"] |>.get rfl

theorem double_check_empty_snd : lhs.snd = ∅ ∅ := by rfl

def lhsLower := lhs.fst.lower.get rfl

def rhs : ExprHigh String := [graph|
i_t [mod = "io"];
i_f [mod = "io"];
i_c [mod = "io"];
i_tag [mod = "io"];
o_out [mod = "io"];

mux [mod = "tagged_mux"];
join_t [mod = "join"];
join_f [mod = "join"];
fork [mod = "fork"];

i_tag -> fork [inp = "inp0"];

fork -> join_t [out = "out0", inp = "inp0"];
i_t -> join_t [inp = "inp1"];

fork -> join_f [out = "out1", inp = "inp0"];
i_f -> join_f [inp = "inp1"];

join_t -> mux [out = "out0", inp = "inp0"];
join_f -> mux [out = "out0", inp = "inp1"];
i_c -> mux [inp = "inp2"];

mux -> o_out [out = "out0"];

def rhsLower := rhs.lower.get rfl

def rewrite : Rewrite String :=
{ abstractions := [],
pattern := matcher,
input_expr := lhsLower,
output_expr := rhsLower }

end DataflowRewriter.MuxTaggedRewrite

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