This repository hosts pre-compiled debian packages of each submodule required in the main VEXU-GHOST repository.
Download the required debian and install it using dpkg -i [pkg_name.deb]
When adding new submodule packages,
- Determine your system architecture using
dpkg --print-architecture
. - For Non-ROS packages,
- Build the package on a donor machine.
- Create a new manifest file following the structure convention (folders, separator, files)
- Add a new makefile target for your package:
- Invoke prepare_pkg to prepare manifest contents.
- Invoke build_pkg to pack contents into a .deb file.
- Add new package target to 'all' target.
- Build package using makefile, and push new additions.
- For ROS packages follow this link, or:
- Navigate to package folder (same folder as package.xml).
- Run
bloom-generate rosdebian --ros-distro humble; fakeroot debian/rules binary
to create source files - Copy generated package folder (named "ros-humble-..." under the generated "debian" folder) to this repository under src/.
- Rename folder to adhere with naming convention.
- Add a new makefile target for your package:
- Invoke build_pkg to pack contents into a .deb file.
- Add new package target to 'all' target.
- Build package using makefile, and push new additions.
- Xander Wilson
- Discord: chief_himself
- Email: