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new files + rgdal install from archive
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Ash-Manoj committed Oct 21, 2024
1 parent 1c3587d commit 7cae891
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Showing 14 changed files with 1,631 additions and 61 deletions.
39 changes: 0 additions & 39 deletions .gitignore

This file was deleted.

17 changes: 10 additions & 7 deletions Dockerfile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# Pull any base image that includes R
FROM r-base:4.2.0
FROM rocker/geospatial

# the parameter parsing function always needs the rjson and yaml packages
RUN R -e "install.packages(c('jsonlite', 'yaml'))"
Expand All @@ -11,25 +11,28 @@ RUN R -e 'remotes::install_github("VForWaTer/json2aRgs")'
# install Catflow-R-Package dependencies
RUN R -e "install.packages(c('deSolve', 'RColorBrewer', 'zoo', 'xts'))"

# install gdal
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y libgdal-dev

# install representative hillslope dependencies
RUN R -e "install.packages(c('rgdal', 'raster'))"

# create the tool input structure
RUN mkdir /in
COPY ./in /in
RUN mkdir /out
RUN mkdir /src
COPY ./src /src

RUN R -e "install.packages(c('raster'))"

# download latest version of Catflow-R-Package from github, untar and rename
RUN wget -qO- | tar xz -C src/ && mv /src/Catflow-R-Package-main /src/Catflow-R-Package

# install Catflow-R-Package from source
RUN R -e "install.packages('/src/Catflow-R-Package/Catflow', repos = NULL, type = 'source')"

# install representative hillslope dependencies
# Download rgdal package archive, untar, and rename
RUN wget -qO- | tar xz -C src/

# Install rgdal package from source
RUN R -e "install.packages('/src/rgdal', repos = NULL, type = 'source')"

# delete Catflow-R-Pacakge source code
RUN rm -rf /src/Catflow-R-Package

Expand Down
File renamed without changes.
113 changes: 113 additions & 0 deletions src copy/catlib.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
# This file contains a function based on the hillslope wizards developed
# by Ralf Loritz (2014). The function is used to infer a representative hillslope from
# provided .tif files.

# load Catflow package

make_geometry_representative_hillslope <- function(params,data_paths) {
# loader raster package to open .tif files

# load hillslope tool

#import spatial data
flow_accum <- raster(data_paths$flow_accumulation) # flowaccumulation Attention should be in log scale (Edit: Not working with log - Ashish)
hillslopes <- raster(data_paths$hillslopes) # !!! entire basin as one hillslope
elev_2_river <- raster(data_paths$elev2river) # elevation to !!!elev2riv_mod !!! (because of failed calculation areas, gasp are filled with values of SAGA calculation)
dist_2_river <- raster(data_paths$dist2river) # distance to river
dem <- raster(data_paths$filled_dem) # digital elevation modell
aspect <- raster(data_paths$aspect) # aspect
river_id <- raster(data_paths$river_id) # stream link id

# plot spatial data
system("mkdir /out/plots")
system("chmod 777 /out/plots")


plot(hillslopes, main = "Basin")
plot(river_id, main = "River Network")
plot(aspect, main = "Aspect")
plot(flow_accum, main = "Flow Accumulation")
plot(dem, main = "DEM")
plot(elev_2_river, main = "Elevation to River")
plot(dist_2_river, main = "Distance to River")

# project path CATFLOW/in/
project.path <- "/out/CATFLOW/in"
system("mkdir -p /out/CATFLOW/in/")
system("chmod 777 /out/CATFLOW")
system("chmod 777 /out/CATFLOW/in")

# transform hillslope to point table
hillslope_data_frame <- rasterToPoints(hillslopes)

# create a list of the input maps
li_spatial <- list("accum" = flow_accum, "hillslopes" = hillslopes, "dem" = dem, "dist2river" = dist_2_river,
"elev2river" = elev_2_river, "aspect" = aspect, "hillslope_table" = hillslope_data_frame,
"stream_id" = river_id)

# Select a hillslope from the hillslope raster map (integer value) - halfbasins file
hillslope_nr <- params$hillslope_id

# Run hillslope function. no_rf= Percentage of no flow area for region with almost no slope
# min_dist = minimum number of cells within a hillslope; freedom= freedom of spline function

hill <- hillslope_tool(hillslope_nr, li_spatial, plot_hillslope_width = TRUE, plot_2d_catena = TRUE,
no_rf = params$no_flow_area, min_dist = params$min_cells, min_area = 10000, freedom = 10)

#create slope.list for Catflow function make.geometry
# turn around hillslope catena left to right
hill$short_rep_hill$east <- rev(hill$short_rep_hill$east) # East
hill$short_rep_hill$north <- rev(hill$short_rep_hill$north) # North
hill$short_rep_hill$short_elev <- rev(hill$short_rep_hill$short_elev + 6) # Elev + 4 or 6?

# rectangle, get hillslope width w : A/length = w
w <- hill$area / hill$short_rep_hill$short_dist[length(hill$short_rep_hill$short_dist)]

# assign homogenous width to hill object
hill$short_rep_hill$short_width_corr <- rep(c(w), length(hill$short_rep_hill$short_dist)) # Width

# Assign values to x based on the value of params$hill_type
if (params$hill_type == "constant") {
htyp <- 1
} else if (params$hill_type == "cake") {
htyp <- 2
} else if (params$hill_type == "variable") {
htyp <- 3

# slope.list as input for make_geometry
topo <- list(
xh = hill$short_rep_hill$east, # East
yh = hill$short_rep_hill$north, # North
zh = hill$short_rep_hill$short_elev, # Elev
bh = hill$short_rep_hill$short_width_corr, # Width
dist = hill$short_rep_hill$short_dist,
tot.area = hill$area, # Area
htyp = htyp, # Hillslope type
dyy = params$depth, # Thickness of profile [m] average of drillings 2.1 m
xsi = seq(0, 1, length = max(hill$short_rep_hill$short_dist) + 1), # in order to get every 1m a node length of hillslope + 1 # discretitation
eta = c(seq(0,0.625,length=6),seq(0.7,0.85, length=3),seq(0.875,1, length=6)), # eta starts at the bottom, upper 50 cm, dx=10cm, 50-400cm dx=25 cm
out.file = "rep_hill.geo" # outpath

# make geometry from hillslope parameters
out.geom <- make.geometry(topo, make.output = TRUE, project.path = project.path)

# save output of make.geometry() for use in other tools
saveRDS(out.geom, file = "/out/geom.Rds")

# return to use in workflows

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