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Portable single-file Linux container in unprivileged user namespaces


RunImage is designed to be completely static and portable to run on almost any Linux distribution. It is based on a specially configured Arch Linux rootfs. The technology of single-file containerization is based on unprivileged user namespaces and works with a uruntime, DwarFS (or SquashFS) image, statically compiled binaries and sharun for the operation of the container script, and containerization itself is carried out by statically compiled Bubblewrap with tini as init and ssrv as shell server/client.

In addition, RunImage has the ability to isolate itself from the main system, use separate portable or sandbox home directories and configuration files for each executable file, and has the ability to run separate X11 servers, including running multiple Xorg servers on TTY (XFCE is used as DE)

You can use it to develop or run any applications and games, including applications and games for Windows, launch games from retro platforms using popular emulators, work with the office, with remote desktops, multimedia, browsers, messengers, and even run virtual machines with QEMU/KVM and Virt-Manager, USB and block device forwarding in VM also works.

Also inside the container, you can use various means of proxification, such as proxychains, tor and others and run VNC and SSH servers. In network sandbox mode you can use VPN (tested openvpn, wireguard, sshuttle, tun2proxy) and other network tools without root rights.

The full list of installed packages can be found in the releases file pkg_list{-release-type}.txt


  • Supports the x86_64 and aarch64 architectures.
  • A portable single executable file with an idea - downloaded and launched. Nothing needs to be installed in the system.
  • Works on most Linux distributions, including even very old ones or without glibc or systemd and in live boot mode.
  • OverlayFS mode (It looks like the usual means of containerization like docker) (See Usage)
  • Read-Write mount in OverlayFS mode.
  • The ability to en/decrypt container rootfs
  • Running and working without root rights, including package management.
  • The ability to work in a packed and unpacked form.
  • The ability to run both 32-bit and 64-bit executable files.
  • Based on Arch Linux, contains the latest software and AUR support.
  • Access to BlackArch repo.
  • Access to Chaotic-AUR repo.
  • Own Pacman repository with mirror.
  • Updating without extraction runimage and automatic rebuild if the update was successful.
  • The ability to launching AppImage applications with FUSE mount (not needed to extract).
  • The ability to exec commands at the host level (see RIM_ENABLE_HOSTEXEC and hostexec)
  • The ability to use both separate home directories for each executable file, and completely seamless use of the system home directory.
  • The ability to use separate container configuration files for each launched executable file
  • There is no performance drawdown. All applications and executable files run at the same speed as in the system
  • The ability to Filesystem, X11, DBUS, UDEV, Network, SystemD, USERs and PIDs sandboxing.
  • Port forwarding in sandbox network mode (TCP, UDP, SOCKS5 proxy and reverse mode supports).
  • Temporary home directory in RAM (can be used as a real private mode for browsers and applications)
  • Sandbox and portable home directory.
  • The ability to launching a full DE in windowed/full screen mode and on TTY
  • Works with any versions of nvidia proprietary drivers
  • Works in Wayland session.
  • Monitoring of running processes
  • Background processes control
  • The ability to execute commands in a single container or in specified container.
  • The ability to start and control SystemD services with fake-systemd package.
  • The ability to use custom rootfs (alpine-based, debian-based, voidlinux-based supports)
  • Usability and comprehensibility.


  • Supported architectures (should work on any Linux kernel architecture. However, it is currently only built for x86_64 and aarch64)
  • Minimum recommended Linux kernel version 4.18+ (tested on Centos 7 with 3.10 and on Ubuntu 12.04 with 3.11 using SUID Bubblewrap and it's works, but 5.0+ with unprivileged user namespaces support is recommended)
  • FUSE (but not necessarily, because it is possible to work in unpacked form without FUSE mounting). Also you can create /dev/fuse manually (as root) if the kernel module exists (see this code):
mknod /dev/fuse -m 0666 c 10 229

To get started:

  1. Download continuous release from the releases page. (HF mirror)
  2. Make it executable before run.
chmod +x runimage


└──╼ $ runimage {args} {executable} {executable args}

    rim-help                       Show this usage info
    rim-version                    Show RunImage, rootfs, static, runtime version
    rim-pkgls                      Show packages installed in RunImage
    rim-binls                      Show executables in RunImage
    rim-shell    {args}            Run RunImage shell or execute a command in RunImage shell
    rim-desktop  {args}            Launch RunImage desktop
    rim-ofsls                      Show the list of RunImage OverlayFS
    rim-ofsrm    {id id ...|all}   Remove OverlayFS
    rim-build    {args}            Build new RunImage container
    rim-update   {args}            Update packages and rebuild RunImage
    rim-kill     {RUNPIDs|all}     Kill running RunImage containers
    rim-psmon    {args} {RUNPIDs}  Monitoring of processes running in RunImage containers
    rim-exec     {RUNPID} {args}   Exec command in running container
    rim-portfw   {RUNPID} {args}   Forward additional ports
    rim-dinteg   {args}            Desktop integration
    rim-shrink   {args}            Shrink RunImage rootfs
    rim-bootstrap {pkg pkg}        Bootstrap new RunImage
    rim-encfs    {build args}      Encrypt RunImage rootfs
    rim-decfs    {build args}      Decrypt RunImage rootfs
    rim-enc-passwd {build args}    Change decrypt password for encrypted RunImage rootfs

Only for not extracted (RunImage runtime options):
    --runtime-extract {pattern}          Extract content from embedded filesystem image
    --runtime-extract-and-run {args}     Run RunImage after extraction without using FUSE
    --runtime-help                       Show RunImage runtime help
    --runtime-offset                     Print byte offset to start of embedded
    --runtime-portable-home              Create a portable home folder to use as $HOME
    --runtime-portable-config            Create a portable config folder to use as $XDG_CONFIG_HOME
    --runtime-version                    Print version of RunImage runtime
    --runtime-mount                      Mount embedded filesystem image and print
                                            mount point and wait for kill with Ctrl-C
    --runtime-squashfuse {args}          Launch squashfuse
    --runtime-unsquashfs {args}          Launch unsquashfs
    --runtime-mksquashfs {args}          Launch mksquashfs
    --runtime-dwarfs     {args}          Launch dwarfs
    --runtime-dwarfsck   {args}          Launch dwarfsck
    --runtime-mkdwarfs   {args}          Launch mkdwarfs
    --runtime-dwarfsextract {args}       Launch dwarfsextract

Configuration environment variables:
    RIM_ROOTFS=/path/rootfs                  Specifies custom rootfs (0 to disable)
    RIM_NO_NET=1                             Disables network access
    RIM_TMP_HOME=1                           Creates tmpfs /home/$USER and /root in RAM and uses it as $HOME
    RIM_TMP_HOME_DL=1                        As above, but with binding $HOME/Downloads dir
    RIM_SANDBOX_HOME=1                       Creates sandbox home dir
    RIM_SANDBOX_HOME_DL=1                    As above, but with binding $HOME/Downloads dir
    RIM_SANDBOX_HOME_DIR=/path/dir           Specifies sandbox home dir
    RIM_UNSHARE_HOME=1                       Unshares host home dir
    RIM_UNSHARE_HOME_DL=1                    As above, but with binding $HOME/Downloads dir
    RIM_PORTABLE_HOME=1                      Creates a portable home dir and uses it as $HOME
    RIM_PORTABLE_HOME_DIR=/path/dir          Specifies a portable home dir and uses it as $HOME
    RIM_PORTABLE_CONFIG=1                    Creates a portable config dir and uses it as $XDG_CONFIG_HOME
    RIM_NO_CLEANUP=1                         Disables unmounting and cleanup mountpoints
    RIM_UNSHARE_PIDS=1                       Unshares all host processes
    RIM_UNSHARE_USERS=1                      Don't bind-mount /etc/{passwd,group}
    RIM_UNSHARE_HOSTNAME=1                   Unshares UTS namespace and hostname
    RIM_UNSHARE_HOSTS=1                      Unshares host /etc/hosts
    RIM_UNSHARE_RESOLVCONF=1                 Unshares host /etc/resolv.conf
    RIM_UNSHARE_RUN=1                        Unshares host /run
    RIM_SHARE_SYSTEMD=1                      Shares host SystemD
    RIM_UNSHARE_DBUS=1                       Unshares host DBUS
    RIM_UNSHARE_UDEV=1                       Unshares host UDEV (/run/udev)
    RIM_UNSHARE_XDGRUN=1                     Unshares host $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR
    RIM_UNSHARE_XDGSOUND=1                   Unshares host $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR sound sockets
    RIM_UNSHARE_MODULES=1                    Unshares host kernel modules (/usr/lib/modules)
    RIM_UNSHARE_LOCALTIME=1                  Unshares host localtime (/etc/localtime)
    RIM_UNSHARE_NSS=1                        Unshares host NSS (/etc/nsswitch.conf)
    RIM_UNSHARE_TMP=1                        Unshares host /tmp
    RIM_UNSHARE_TMPX11UNIX=1                 Unshares host /tmp/.X11-unix
    RIM_UNSHARE_DEF_MOUNTS=1                 Unshares default mount points (/mnt /media /run/media)
    RIM_SHARE_BOOT=1                         Shares host /boot
    RIM_SHARE_ICONS=1                        Shares host /usr/share/icons
    RIM_SHARE_FONTS=1                        Shares host /usr/share/fonts
    RIM_SHARE_THEMES=1                       Shares host /usr/share/themes
    RIM_SHARE_PKGCACHE=1                     Shares host packages cache
    RIM_BIND=/path:/path,/path1:/path1       Binds specified paths to the container
    RIM_BIND_PWD=1                           Binds $PWD to the container
    RIM_NO_NVIDIA_CHECK=1                    Disables checking the nvidia driver version
    RIM_SYS_NVLIBS=1                         Try to use system Nvidia libraries
    RIM_NO_32BIT_NVLIBS_CHECK=1              Disable 32-bit Nvidia libraries check
    RIM_NVIDIA_DRIVERS_DIR=/path/dir         Specifies custom Nvidia driver images dir
    RIM_CACHEDIR=/path/dir                   Specifies custom RunImage cache dir
    RIM_OVERFSDIR=/path/dir                  Specifies custom RunImage OverlayFS dir
    RIM_OVERFS_MODE=1                        Enables OverlayFS mode
    RIM_NO_BWRAP_OVERLAY=1                   Disables Bubblewrap overlay for OverlayFS mode
    RIM_NO_CRYPTFS_MOUNT=1                   Disables mount encrypted RunImage rootfs
    RIM_KEEP_OVERFS=1                        Enables OverlayFS mode with saving after closing RunImage
    RIM_OVERFS_ID=ID                         Specifies the OverlayFS ID
    RIM_SHELL=shell                          Selects $SHELL in RunImage
    RIM_NO_CAP=1                             Disables Bubblewrap capabilities (Default: ALL, drop CAP_SYS_NICE)
                                                    you can also use nocap in RunImage
    RIM_IN_SAME_PTY=1                        Start shell session in same PTY
    RIM_TTY_ALLOC_PTY=1                      Allocate PTY for shell session on TTY
    RIM_AUTORUN='{executable} {args}'        Autorun mode for executable from PATH (0 to disable)
    RIM_RUN_IN_ONE=1                         Execute commands in one container
    RIM_ALLOW_ROOT=1                         Allows to run RunImage under root user
    RIM_QUIET_MODE=1                         Disables all non-error RunImage messages
    RIM_NO_WARN=1                            Disables all warning RunImage messages
    RIM_NOTIFY=1                             Enables non-error RunImage notification
    RUNTIME_EXTRACT_AND_RUN=1                Run RunImage after extraction without using FUSE
    TMPDIR=/path/TMPDIR                      Used for extract and run options
    RIM_CONFIG=/path/config.rcfg             RunImage сonfiguration file (0 to disable)
    RIM_ENABLE_HOSTEXEC=1                    Enables the ability to execute commands at the host level
    RIM_HOST_TOOLS=cmd,cmd                   Enables specified commands from the host (0 to disable)
    RIM_HOST_XDG_OPEN=1                      Enables xdg-open from the host
    RIM_NO_RPIDSMON=1                        Disables the monitoring thread of running processes
    RIM_WAIT_RPIDS_EXIT=1                    Wait for all processes to exit
    RIM_EXEC_SAME_PWD=1                      Use same $PWD for rim-exec and hostexec
    RIM_SANDBOX_NET=1                        Creates a network sandbox
    RIM_SNET_SHARE_HOST=1                    Creates a network sandbox with access to host loopback
    RIM_SNET_CIDR=              Specifies TAP iface subnet in network sandbox (Def:
    RIM_SNET_TAPNAME=tap0                    Specifies TAP iface name in network sandbox (Def: eth0)
    RIM_SNET_MAC=B6:40:E0:8B:A6:D7           Specifies TAP iface MAC in network sandbox (Def: random)
    RIM_SNET_MTU=65520                       Specifies TAP iface MTU in network sandbox (Def: 1500)
    RIM_SNET_TAPIP=               For set TAP iface IP in network sandbox mode (Def:
    RIM_SNET_PORTFW='2222:22 R:53:53/UDP'    Enables port forwarding in network sandbox mode (1 to enable)
    RIM_SNET_DROP_CIDRS=1                    Drop access to host CIDR's in network sandbox mode
    RIM_HOSTS_FILE=/path/hosts               Binds specified file to /etc/hosts (0 to disable)
    RIM_RESOLVCONF_FILE=/path/resolv.conf    Binds specified file to /etc/resolv.conf (0 to disable)
    RIM_BWRAP_ARGS+=()                       Array with Bubblewrap arguments (for config file)
    RIM_EXEC_ARGS+=()                        Array with Bubblewrap exec arguments (for config file)
    RIM_CRYPTFS_PASSFILE=/path/passfile      Specifies passfile for decrypt encrypted RunImage rootfs
    RIM_XORG_CONF=/path/xorg.conf            Binds xorg.conf to /etc/X11/xorg.conf in RunImage (0 to disable)
                                                    (Default: /etc/X11/xorg.conf bind from the system)
    RIM_SYS_BWRAP=1                          Using system bwrap
    RIM_SYS_SQFUSE=1                         Using system squashfuse
    RIM_SYS_UNSQFS=1                         Using system unsquashfs
    RIM_SYS_MKSQFS=1                         Using system mksquashfs
    RIM_SYS_UNIONFS=1                        Using system unionfs
    RIM_SYS_SLIRP=1                          Using system slirp4netns
    RIM_SYS_GOCRYPTFS=1                      Using system gocryptfs
    RIM_SYS_TOOLS=1                          Use all binaries from the system
                                                If they are not found in the system - auto return to the built-in
    RIM_KEEP_OLD_BUILD=1                     Creates a backup of the old RunImage when building a new one
    RIM_CMPRS_FS={sqfs|dwfs}                 Specifies the compression filesystem for RunImage build
    RIM_CMPRS_BSIZE={1M|20}                  Specifies the compression filesystem block size for RunImage build
    RIM_CMPRS_ALGO={zstd|xz|lz4}             Specifies the compression algo for RunImage build
    RIM_CMPRS_LVL={1-22|1-9|1-12}            Specifies the compression ratio for RunImage build
    RIM_UPDATE_SHRINK=1                      Run rim-shrink --all after update
    RIM_UPDATE_CLEANUP=1                     Run rim-shrink --pkgcache after update
    RIM_DINTEG=1                             Enables desktop integration pacman hook
    RIM_DINTEG_MIME=1                        Desktop integration with MIME types
    RIM_XEPHYR_SIZE=HEIGHTxWIDTH             Sets RunImage desktop resolution (Default: 1600x900)
    RIM_DESKTOP_DISPLAY=9999                 Sets RunImage desktop $DISPLAY (Default: 1337)
    RIM_XEPHYR_FULLSCREEN=1                  Starts RunImage desktop in full screen mode
    RIM_DESKTOP_UNCLIP=1                     Disables clipboard synchronization for RunImage desktop
    RIM_SHRINK_ALL=1                         Shrink all
    RIM_SHRINK_BACK=1                        Shrink backup files '*.old' '*.back'
    RIM_SHRINK_STATICLIBS=1                  Shrink static libs '*.a'
    RIM_SHRINK_DOCS=1                        Shrink /usr/share/{man,doc,help,info,gtk-doc} and '*.md' 'README*'
    RIM_SHRINK_STRIP=1                       Strip all debugging symbols & sections
    RIM_SHRINK_LOCALES=1                     Shrink all locales except uk ru en en_US
    RIM_SHRINK_OBJECTS=1                     Shrink object files '*.o'
    RIM_SHRINK_PKGCACHE=1                    Shrink packages cache
    RIM_SHRINK_SRC=1                         Shrink source code files for build
    RIM_SHRINK_PYCACHE=1                     Shrink '__pycache__' directories

Other environment variables at runtime:

INSIDE_RUNIMAGE=1 If inside RunImage
RUNIMAGE=/path/runimage RunImage path (for packed)
RUNOFFSET=1234 Image offset (for packed)
ARG0=runimage Null argument
RUNPID=1234 PID of script
RUNPPID=1233 Parent PID of script
RUNDIR=/path/RunDir Run binary directory
RUNROOTFS=/path/rootfs RootFS directory
RUNSTATIC=/path/static Static binaries directory
RUNIMAGEDIR=/path/dir RunImage or RunDir directory
RUNCONFIGDIR=/path/config RunImage external configs directory
SANDBOXHOMEDIR=/path/sandbox-home Sandbox homes directory
PORTABLEHOMEDIR=/path/portable-home Portable homes directory
RUNCACHEDIR=/path/cache Cache directory
NVIDIA_DRIVERS_DIR=/path/nvidia-drivers Nvidia driver images directory
RUNSRCNAME=runimage RunImage or link or executable name
RUNIMAGE_VERSION=1.2.3 RunImage version
RUNROOTFS_VERSION=1.2.3 RootFS version
RUNSTATIC_VERSION=1.2.3 Static version
RUNRUNTIME_VERSION=1.2.3 RunImage runtime version
RUNOVERFSDIR=/path/overlayfs Directory for all OverlayFS
OVERFS_DIR=/path/overlayfs/id OverlayFS ID directory
OVERFS_MNT=/path/overlayfs/id/mnt OverlayFS ID mount directory
RUNRUNTIME=/path/uruntime RunImage runtime
RUNROOTFSTYPE=base Rootfs type
FUSE_PIDS=1235 PIDs of all RunImage FUSE tools
RUNUSER=user The name of the user who runs RunImage
REUIDDIR=/tmp/.r$EUID RunImage EUID working directory
RUNTMPDIR=$REUIDDIR/run RunImage RUNPIDs working directory
BWINFFL=$RUNPIDDIR/bwinf Bubblewrap info file
RIMENVFL=$RUNPIDDIR/rimenv RIM environment variables file
RUNDIRFL=$RUNPIDDIR/rundir RunImage RunDir path file

Utils scripts:

cip Сheck public ip
dbus-flmgr Launch the system file manager via dbus
getdimg For download docker container images
hostexec For execute commands at the host level (see ENABLE_HOSTEXEC)
httpfw For expose a local HTTP web service to the internet
nocap Disables container capabilities
pac sudo pacman (fake sudo)
packey sudo pacman-key (fake sudo)
panelipmon Shows information about an active network connection
rim-bootstrap For bootstrap new runimage
rim-build For the runimage build
rim-desktop For the desktop mode
rim-dinteg For desktop integration
rim-psmon For monitoring of processes running in runimage containers
rim-shrink For shrinking unnecessary files
rim-update For runimage update
tcpfw For expose a local TCP port to the internet
webm2gif Convert webm to gif
xclipfrom For clipboard synchronization in desktop mode
xclipsync For clipboard synchronization in desktop mode

Additional information:

You can create a symlink/hardlink to runimage or rename runimage and give it the name
    of some executable from the PATH, this will allow you to run
    runimage in autorun mode for this executable.

The same principle applies to the RIM_AUTORUN env var:
    └──╼ $ RIM_AUTORUN="ls -la" runimage {autorun executable args}

Here runimage will become something like an alias for 'ls' in runimage
    with the '-la' argument. You can also use RIM_AUTORUN as an array 
    for complex commands in the config.
    RIM_AUTORUN=("ls" "-la" "/path/to something")
This will also work in extracted form.

When using the RIM_PORTABLE_HOME and RIM_PORTABLE_CONFIG variables, runimage will create or
    search for these directories next to itself. The same behavior will occur when
    adding a runimage or Run binary or renamed or symlink/hardlink to them in the PATH
    it can be used both extracted and compressed and for all executable files being run:
    if a symlink/hardlink to runimage is used:
    or with runimage/Run name:
    It can also be with the name of the executable file from RIM_AUTORUN env var,
        or with the same name as the executable being run.
RIM_SANDBOX_HOME* similar to RIM_PORTABLE_HOME, but the system HOME becomes isolated.
RIM_SANDBOX_HOME_DIR and RIM_PORTABLE_HOME_DIR point to a specific directory or create it in the absence of.

RunImage uses fakechroot and fakeroot, which allows you to use root commands, including in
    unpacked form, to update the rootfs or install/remove packages.
    sudo and pkexec have also been replaced with fake ones.

RunImage configuration file:

Special BASH-syntax file with the .rcfg extension, which describes additional
    instructions and env vars for run runimage.
Configuration file can be located next to runimage:
it can be used both extracted and compressed and for all executable files being run:
if a symlink/hardlink to runimage is used:
or in $RUNCONFIGDIR directory:
It can also be with the name of the executable file from RIM_AUTORUN env var,
    or with the same name as the executable being run.
In $RUNDIR/config there are default configs in RunImage, they are run in priority,
    then external configs are run if they are found.

RunImage desktop:

Ability to run RunImage in desktop mode. Default DE: XFCE
For RunImage desktop to work, PIDs and DBUS unsharing is required. This will happen 
    automatically when running outside the container.
If the launch is carried out from an already running desktop, then Xephyr will start
    in windowed/full screen mode (see RIM_XEPHYR_* env vars)
    Use CTRL+SHIFT to grab the keyboard and mouse.
It is also possible to run on TTY with Xorg (see RIM_XORG_CONF env vars)
    To do this, just log in to TTY and run RunImage desktop.
Important! The launch on the TTY should be carried out only under the user under whom the
    login to the TTY was carried out.

[ Usage ]: rim-desktop [OPTIONS]
[ Options ]:
    -d, --display       Sets $DISPLAY (env: RIM_DESKTOP_DISPLAY=1337)
    -f, --fullscreen    Starts Xephyr in fullscreen mode (env: RIM_XEPHYR_FULLSCREEN=1)
    -h, --help          Show this message
    -s, --size          Sets Xephyr resolution (env: RIM_XEPHYR_SIZE=1600x900)
    -u, --unclip        Disables clipboard synchronization (env: RIM_DESKTOP_UNCLIP=1)

RunImage OverlayFS:

Allows you to create additional separate layers to modify the container filesystem without
    changing the original container filesystem. Works by unionfs-fuse and Bubblewrap overlay 
    in packed and unpacked. Also, in packed form, it allows you to mount the container in Read-Write mode.

It also allows you to attach to the same OverlayFS when you specify it's ID. 
    If OverlayFS with such ID does not exist, it will be created:
└──╼ $ RIM_OVERFS_ID=1337 runimage {args}

To save OverlayFS after closing the container, use RIM_KEEP_OVERFS:
└──╼ $ RIM_KEEP_OVERFS=1 runimage {args}

To run a one-time OverlayFS, use RIM_OVERFS_MODE:
└──╼ $ RIM_OVERFS_MODE=1 runimage {args}

You can also disable the Bubblewrap overlay using RIM_NO_BWRAP_OVERLAY=1, but in this case
    the Read-Write speed will decrease.

For show the list of RunImage OverlayFS use rim-ofsls:
└──╼ $ runimage rim-ofsls

For remove OverlayFS use rim-ofsrm:
└──╼ $ runimage rim-ofsrm [ID ID...|all]

RunImage build:

Allows you to create your own runimage containers.
By default, runimage is created in the current directory with a standard name, 
    with DwarFS filesystem, zstd 1 lvl compression and 1 MB block size.
    If a new RunImage is successfully build, the old one is deleted.

This works both externally by passing build args:
└──╼ $ runimage rim-build {build args}

And it also works inside the running:
└──╼ $ rim-build {build args}

[ Usage ]: rim-build [OPTIONS] /path/runimage
[ Options ]:
    -b, --bsize '1M|20'    Set block size (env: RIM_CMPRS_BSIZE=1M)
    -c, --clvl  '1-22'     Set compression level (env: RIM_CMPRS_LVL=1)
    -d, --dwfs             Use DwarFS file system (env: RIM_CMPRS_FS=dwfs)
    -l, --lz4              Use lz4 compression (for DwarFS clvl 1-12) (env: RIM_CMPRS_ALGO=lz4)
    -h, --help             Show this message
    -k, --keep             Creates a backup of the old RunImage (env: RIM_KEEP_OLD_BUILD=1)
    -s, --sqfs             Use SquashFS file system (env: RIM_CMPRS_FS=sqfs)
    -x, --xz               Use xz (lzma for DwarFS clvl 1-9) compression (env: RIM_CMPRS_ALGO=xz)
    -z, --zstd             Use zstd compression (clvl 1-22) (env: RIM_CMPRS_ALGO=zstd)

RunImage update:

Allows you to update packages and rebuild RunImage. When running outside the container, 
    rim-update can also take rim-build arguments to build a new RunImage in case of 
    successful package updates.
└──╼ $ runimage rim-update [OPTIONS] {build args}

And it also works inside runimage:
└──╼ $ rim-update [OPTIONS] {build args}

By default, update and rebuild is performed in "$RUNIMAGEDIR"

[ Usage ]: rim-update [OPTIONS]
[ Options ]:
    --shrink     Run rim-shrink --all after update (env: RIM_UPDATE_SHRINK=1)
    --cleanup    Run rim-shrink --pkgcache after update (env: RIM_UPDATE_CLEANUP=1)
    -h, --help   Show this message

RunImage network sandbox:

Allows you to create a private network namespace with slirp4netns and inside the container
    manage routing, create/delete network interfaces, connect to a vpn (checked openvpn
    and wireguard), configure your resolv.conf and hosts, etc. (see RIM_SANDBOX_NET and RIM_SNET_*)
By default, network sandbox created in subnet, with eth0 TAP name, TAP ip,
    1500 TAP MTU, and random MAC.
And you can also enable port forwarding in network sandbox mode with modifyed chisel.
    Supported TCP, UDP port forwarding, socks5 proxy and reverse mode.

For example, this will forward 22 TCP port from container to 2222 TCP port in host,
    reverse forward 53 UDP port from host to 53 UDP port in container
    and start socks5 proxy to container on 1080 port in host:
└──╼ $ RIM_SNET_PORTFW='2222:22 R:53:53/UDP 1080:socks' runimage {args}

You can also run additional port forwarding on a running container with enabled port forwardin option:
└──╼ $ runimage rim-portfw $RUNPID 8080:80 123:123/UDP

Also network access in container may be disabled with RIM_NO_NET=1

RunImage hostexec:

Allows you to run commands at the host level with ssrv shell server/client.
└──╼ $ RIM_ENABLE_HOSTEXEC=1 runimage {args}

[ Usage ]: hostexec [OPTIONS] {executable} {executable args}
[ Options ]:
    -su, --superuser  {args}     Execute command as superuser
    -t,  --terminal   {args}     Execute command in host terminal
    -h,  --help                  Show this message

RunImage desktop integration:

Allows you to integrate applications from a container into the system application menu.
You can also enable pacman hook with RIM_DINTEG=1 env var to automatically add and remove 
    applications to the system menu when working with the package manager inside the container.

[ Usage ]: rim-dinteg [OPTIONS] app app...
[ Options ]:
    -a, --add     [num|name|all|mime] Add applications to apps menu
    -h, --help                        Show this message
    -l, --list    [a|added]           List applications
    -m, --mime                        With MIME types (env: RIM_DINTEG_MIME=1)
    -v, --verbose                     Verbose output
    -r, --remove  [num|name|all|mime] Remove applications from apps menu

RunImage processes monitoring:

Allows you to monitor the processes running in the container.

[ Usage ]: rim-psmon [OPTIONS] RUNPIDs
[ Options ]:
    -p, --ps       Print the list of RunImage processes
    -h, --help     Show this message

RunImage shrink:

Allows you to reduce the size of the container by deleting some files.

[ Usage ]: rim-shrink [OPTIONS] /path/RunDir
[ Options ]:
    -a, --all         Shrink all (env: RIM_SHRINK_ALL=1)
    -b, --back        Shrink backup files '*.old' '*.back' (env: RIM_SHRINK_BACK=1)
    -c, --staticlibs  Shrink static libs '*.a' (env: RIM_SHRINK_STATICLIBS=1)
    -d, --docs        Shrink /usr/share/{man,doc,help,info,gtk-doc} and '*.md' 'README*' (env: RIM_SHRINK_DOCS=1)
    -s, --strip       Strip all debugging symbols & sections (env: RIM_SHRINK_STRIP=1)
    -l, --locales     Shrink all locales except uk ru en en_US (env: RIM_SHRINK_LOCALES=1)
    -o, --objects     Shrink object files '*.o' (env: RIM_SHRINK_OBJECTS=1)
    -p, --pkgcache    Shrink packages cache (env: RIM_SHRINK_PKGCACHE=1)
    -r, --src         Shrink source code files for build (env: RIM_SHRINK_SRC=1)
    -y, --pycache     Shrink '__pycache__' directories (env: RIM_SHRINK_PYCACHE=1)
    -h, --help        Show this message
    -v, --verbose     Verbose output

RunImage bootstrap:

Allows you to create a new RunImage from a base Docker image archlinux:base for x86_64 
    and lopsided/archlinux:latest for aarch64.
You can also specify additional packages that you want to add to the container.

└──╼ $ runimage rim-bootstrap {pkg pkg}

┌─[user@host]─[~] - for aarch64 (required qemu-user-static in x86_64 system)
└──╼ $ TARGETARCH=arm64 runimage rim-bootstrap {pkg pkg}

RunImage encryption:

Allows you to en/decrypt rootfs with gocryptfs.

Encrypt RunImage rootfs:
└──╼ $ runimage rim-encfs {build args}

Decrypt RunImage rootfs:
└──╼ $ runimage rim-decfs {build args}

You can also specify the build args, and after successful en/decryption, the runimage 
    will be rebuild with the specified parameters.
You can also specify passfile with RIM_CRYPTFS_PASSFILE=/path/passfile env var 
    for automatic decryption, or by default, the passfile will be searched in:

RunImage custom rootfs:

Allows you to use custom rootfs with RIM_ROOTFS=/path/rootfs env var.

You can also use getdimg to download a Docker image:
[ Usage ]: getdimg [OPTIONS] dir image[:tag][@digest] ...
           getdimg [OPTIONS] /tmp/old-hello-world hello-world:latest@sha256:8be990ef2aeb16dbcb9271ddfe2610fa6658d13f6dfb8bc72074cc1ca36966a7
[ Options ]:
    -a, --arch            Override the machine architecture (env: TARGETARCH=amd64)
    -x, --extract         Extract image layers (env: EXTRACT_LAYERS=1)
    -h, --help            Show this message

For example, you can use alpine (and others) rootfs with RunImage:
└──╼ $ ./runimage getdimg --extract rootfs alpine:latest

And then just run runimage. By default, custom rootfs will be searched in "$RUNIMAGEDIR/rootfs":
└──╼ $ ./runimage {args}

If you are going to build RunImage with custom rootfs, then do not forget to install 
    the necessary dependencies for operation of and others runimage scripts:
└──╼ $ RIM_ROOT=1 ./runimage apk add bash coreutils curl findutils gawk grep iproute2 kmod procps-ng \
    sed tar util-linux which gocryptfs libnotify lsof slirp4netns socat xhost gzip xz zstd lz4 jq binutils \
    patchelf nftables iptables openresolv iputils file

And then you can run the build:
└──╼ $ ./runimage rim-build runimage-alpine -c 22 -b 24

For Nvidia users with a proprietary driver:

If the nvidia driver version does not match in runimage and in the host, runimage
    will make an image with the nvidia driver of the required version from local Nvidia libs,
    or from official Nvidia driver installer, or will download a ready-made image 
    from the repository and further used as an additional module to runimage.
You can download a ready-made driver image from the releases or build driver image manually:
In runimage, a fake version of the nvidia driver is installed by default to reduce the size:
But you can also install the usual nvidia driver of your version in runimage.
Checking the nvidia driver version can be disabled using RIM_NO_NVIDIA_CHECK=1 env var.
You can also force an attempt to use the local version of the driver using RIM_SYS_NVLIBS=1 env var.
    When searching for libs, a search for 32-bit versions will also be performed, 
    this can be disabled using RIM_NO_32BIT_NVLIBS_CHECK=1 env var.
    If the libs are not found, will be made an attempt to download the driver.
The nvidia driver image can be located next to runimage:
    or in $RUNIMAGEDIR/nvidia-drivers (Default):
    or the driver can be extracted as the directory
    also, the driver can be in RunImage in a packed or unpacked form:
        "$RUNDIR/nvidia-drivers/{nvidia_version}.nv.drv"   -  image
        "$RUNDIR/nvidia-drivers/{nvidia_version}"          -  directory

Rebuild your own RunImage:

  • Download base version of the runimage
  • Make it executable:
chmod +x runimage
  • Run it in OverlayFS mode (If you are using a proprietary nvidia driver, then I recommend disabling the driver check function by RIM_NO_NVIDIA_CHECK=1 for proper rebuild in manual mode. You do not need to do this in automatic mode):
RIM_OVERFS_MODE=1 ./runimage
  • Install or remove the necessary packages, change $OVERFS_MNT/rootfs, etc. You can change $OVERFS_MNT/rootfs in the standard ways for you. But do not close the container until the moment of build.
  • You can also specify your own type of rootfs in $OVERFS_MNT/rootfs/.type file, but it's not necessary.
  • After all the manipulations with rootfs, create a new runimage using this command in the container:
  • Or from another terminal tab with RIM_OVERFS_ID:
RIM_OVERFS_ID=$ID ./runimage rim-build
  • After the build is completed, you can close the container:
# or CTRL-D
Troubleshooting and problem solving
pac -Sy runimage-openssh
ssh-keygen -A
# Don't forget to add your ssh keys for authorization to /etc/ssh/authorized_keys in the container
#   or to $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys
#   password authorization disabled and don't work
systemctl start sshd    # systemctl depend on python3
# OR
/usr/bin/sshd -D &
  • If SELinux is enabled in the system, then there may be problems with the launch and operation of Wine (solution)

  • When using RIM_TMP_HOME* you may run out of RAM, be careful with this.

  • It is also advisable to use TMPDIR when using --runtime-extract-and-run or RUNTIME_EXTRACT_AND_RUN=1, because by default, unpacking before starting will be carried out in /tmp, which may also lead to the end of RAM

  • Xephyr does not support GL acceleration and Vulkan has performance issues (But this is not related to RunImage)

  • Possible tearing on nvidia in RunImage desktop mode (solution)

  • If you have problems with sound when running RunImage desktop on TTY, just restart pulseaudio.

    killall pulseaudio ; pulseaudio -D

Projects based on RunImage
Main used projects
RunImage tested and works on