Training harness for biology related problems
Uses netharn
( to write
the boilerplate for training loops.
Scripts take kwcoco
datasets as inputs. See for how to format in the
extended-COCO format (regular MS-COCO files will also work).
To train a detection model see bioharn/
To train a classification model see bioharn/
To predict with a pretrained detection model see bioharn/
To predict with a pretrained classification model see bioharn/
To evaluate ROC / PR-curves with a pretrained detection model and truth see bioharn/
To evaluate ROC / PR-curves with a pretrained classification model and truth see bioharn/
Current supported detection models include
- YOLO-v2
- EfficientDet
- MaskRCNN - Requires mmdet
- CascadeRCNN - Requires mmdet
- RetinaNet - Requires mmdet
Older versions of bioharn were previously targeting mmdet 1.0 revision 4c94f10d0ebb566701fb5319f5da6808df0ebf6a but we are now targeting v2.0.
This repo is a component of the VIAME project:
some of the data for this project can be found here
Notes for mmcv install on cuda 10.1 with torch 1.5:
pip install mmcv-full==latest+torch1.5.0+cu101 -f
To train a simple detector let use the kwcoco toy data to make sure we can fit to a small dummy dataset. Lets use the kwcoco CLI to generate toy training. For this test we will forgo a validation set.
kwcoco toydata --key=shapes1024 --dst=toydata.kwcoco.json
For our notable hyperparameters we are going to use:
- we will use the ADAM optimizer for faster convergence (may also want to trysgd
). -
- we will start with a small learning rate -
- we will use weight decay regularization of1e-4
to encourage smaller network weights. -
- which means that each batch item will sample a full image. -
- which means we are going to resize each image to H=512, W=512 (using letterboxing to preserve aspect ratio) before inputting the item to the network. -
- will divide the learning rate by 10 at epoch 16 and 22. -
- will do random flips, crops, and color jitter for augmentation (--augment=complex
will do much more and--augment=simple
will only do flips and crops). -
- determines the number of batches per epoch. If auto it will use the entire dataset. If you set it to a number if will use that many batches per epoch with random sampling with replacement. This is useful if you are going to use over/undersampling via the--balance
CLI arg.
will use 8 items (sampled windows) per batch.
will run 8 batches before backpropagating (approximates a larger batch size)
See python -m bioharn.detect_fit --help
for help on all available options.
python -m bioharn.detect_fit \
--name=det_baseline_toydata \
--workdir=$HOME/work/bioharn \
--train_dataset=./toydata.kwcoco.json \
--arch=retinanet \
--optim=adam \
--lr=1e-4 \
--schedule=step-16-22 \
--augment=medium \
--input_dims=512,512 \
--window_dims=full \
--window_overlap=0.0 \
--normalize_inputs=imagenet \
--num_batches=auto \
--workers=4 --xpu=auto --batch_size=8 --bstep=8 \
This should start producing reasonable training-set bounding boxes after a few minutes of training.
Because we are using netharn, training this detection model will write a "training directory" in your work directory. This directory will be a function of your "name" and the hash of the learning-relevant hyperparameters.
In this case the training directory will be in:
and for convenience there will
be a symlink to this directory in
. Example training (and
validation if specified) images will be written to the monitor
directory. If
tensorboard and matplotlib are installed the monitor
directory will also
contain a tensorboard
subdirectory with loss curves as they are produced.