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Probabilistic Auto-Encoder (PAE)

NEW: Fully modular, easy-to-use pytorch implementation with tutorial can be found at

An easy-to-train and evaluate, reliable generative model that achieves state of the art results in data generation, outlier detection and data inpainting and denoising.

For full details, see:

Contributors: Vanessa Böhm, Uroš Seljak

Latest Updates:

We have added a new simplified notebook with detailed instructions for training the second PAE stage (the normalizing flow). The notebook can be run on Google Colab (status Jan '21).

How does it work?

The PAE is a two-stage generative model, composed of an Auto-Encoder (AE) that is interpreted probabilistically after training with a Normalizing Flow (NF). The AE compresses the data and maps it to a lower dimensional latent space. The Normalizing Flow is used as a density estimator in the AE-encoded space. The PAE can be interpreted as non-linear generalization of probabilistic low-rank PCA or a regularized Normalizing Flow. It generalizes the idea of regularization to reduce the effect of undesirable singular latent space variables to non-linear models.

An illustration of the PAE:
The AE encoder and decoder are marked in gray. The AE is trained to minimize the reconstruction error, that is the difference between input (left side) and reconstructed image (right side). The latent space distribution of the AE (pink) can be very irregular, but it can be mapped to a Gaussian (blue) by means of an NF (arrows).



Samples are drawn by first sampling from the latent space distribution of the NF (standard normal distribution). The NF maps these samples to the latent space of the AE and the AE decoder maps them into data space. This procedure does not only achieve excellent sample quality by mapping samples to regions of high density in the AE latent space, it also ensures that the entire data space is covered.

Fake Celeb-A images generated with a PAE at latent space dimensionality 64.

Interpolation between data points show that the PAE latent space is continuous.
drawing drawing


The two stage training allows to first reach optimal reconstruction error and then optimal sample quality. Typical VAE training procedures have to balance these two objectives, leading to suboptimal results in both reconstruction and sample quality. The training of both components of the PAE is simple, stable and does not require hyper-parameter tuning. We provide a python package for training AEs that supports different architectures and data augmentation schemes. Normalizing Flows often struggle with high data dimensionality but are straightforward to apply to the low dimensional AE latent space. We provide notebooks with several different NF implementations that should be sufficient for most AE latent space density estimations.

Out-of-Distribution Detection

We find that the log probability in the AE latent space is an excellent outlier-detection metric, outperforming other OoD detectors.


Data Inpainting and Denoising

The PAE can be used for data inputation with uncertainty quantification and we provide notebooks with examples. High quality reconstructions (left plot, middle coumn) can be obtained from heavily corrupted data (left plot, left column). The underlying true images are shown in the right column. Posterior analysis (central plot) allows for uncertainty quantification from posterior samples (right plot). The first example is compatible with both a 3 and a 5 and the samples reflect this.

Reproducing PAE results

Our results are obtained in 3 steps

  1. we train Auto-Encoders (AEs) and Variational Auto-Encoders (VAEs)
  2. we train Normalizing Flows (NF) on the encoded data
  3. we analyze the performance of our models
    a) we measure reconstruction errors and FID scores
    b) we run Out-of-Distribution detection tests
    c) we perform data inpainting and denoising with posterior analysis

1) AE/VAE Training

We provide a python package that automizes the AE and (beta-)VAE trainings.

python --helpfull

displays all the options for running the code. Parameters include the data set, the latent space dimensionality, locations for storing results, the type of loss (AE or VAE), VAE parameters etc. The model trains by default on Fashion-MNIST, the default parameters are set to reproduce submitted results.
We further provide trained modules to reproduce our submitted results (download link below).

2) Training the NF

Once the AE is trained, the training of the NFs is performed in jupyter notebooks. We choose this setting, because it allows for easy on the spot visualization and analysis. We provide the original notebooks that were used to train the NF modules in the paper. The trained modules are also inlcuded in the download link.

3a) Measurement of Reconstruction Errors and FID scores

The performance of the models in terms of FID scores and reconstruction errors can be analyzed with notebooks named
-FIDScore_and_Reconstruction_Error-X.ipynb (X here is a placeholder)

3b) Out-of-Distribution Detection Tests

The OoD tests can be reproduced with

3c) Posterior Analysis

Image inpainting and denoising is performed in

Trained Models and Parameter Files

The trained models that were used to obtain the submitted results can be obtained from . For anonymization, all paths have been changed to relative paths, expecting that the modules are unzipped in the PAE directory. If done otherwise, the module paths (params['module_path']) has to be adapated.

Each (V)AE module comes with a corresponding parameter file in the params/ folder. The parameter files contain the complete specification of the setttings under which the module was trained. In most notebooks a simple change of the name of the parameter file will result in the corresponding module being loaded and analyzed.

Figure and Table Index

  • Fig.2 and Table 1 use modules in modules/fmnist/class-1/latent_size32/, and notebooks FIDScore_and_Reconstruction_Error-X.ipynb.
  • Fig.3 uses modules in modules/fmnist/class-1/latent_size64/ and modules/fmnist/class-1/latent_size128/.
  • Table 2 can be reproduced with Out-of-Distribution-Detection.ipynb and modules in modules/fmnist/class-1/latent_size64/
  • Fig. 4 uses modules in modules/celeba/class-1/latent_size64/ and can be reproduced with FIDScore_and_Reconstruction_Error-celeba.ipynb
  • Fig. 6 can be reproduced with modules in modules/mnist/class-1/latent_size8/ and the notebooks ImageCorruptionMNIST-solidmask.ipynb and ImageCorruptionMNIST-noise.ipynb

Setup and Dependencies

The PAE package can be installed from inside the PAE directory with
pip install -e .

The python package requires tensorflow<=1.15 and compatible releases of tensorflow-hub and tensorflow-probability.

Some of the notebooks require tensorflow2, specifically
tensorflow-gpu 2.2.0
tensorflow-hub 0.8.0
tensorflow-probability 0.10.0

The OoD detection requires
tensorflow-datasets 3.1.0

and the FID scores require pytorch
torch 1.4.0

Running the PAE on celeba will require downloading the celeba dataset ( and preprocessing it with the load_celeba_data function in pae/


If you use this code for your research, please cite our paper:

       author = {{B{\"o}hm}, Vanessa and {Seljak}, Uro{\v{s}}},
       title={Probabilistic Autoencoder},
       journal={Transactions on Machine Learning Research},
       adsurl = {},
       doi = {10.48550/ARXIV.2006.05479}


Probabilistic Auto-Encoder







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