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PyTorch implementation of Metric-Guided Prototype Learning for hierarchical classification.


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Metric-Guided Prototype Learning

PyTorch implementation of Metric-Guided Prototype Learning for hierarchical classification. The modules implemented in this repo can be applied to any classification task where a metric can be defined on the class set, i.e. when not all misclassifications have the same cost. Such a metric can easily be derived from the hierarchical structure of most class sets.

Example usage on MNIST

We show how to use the code to reproduce Figure 1 of the paper in the notebook mgp.ipynb. The notebook can also be directly run on this google colab.



The torch_prototypes package only requires an environment with PyTorch installed (only tested with version 1.5.0). For the DeepNCM, and Hierarchical Inference module torch_scatter is also required. The installation of torch_scatter can be challenging, if you do not need the two latter modules please use the no_scatter branch of this repo.

PyTorch torch_scatter
Learnt Prototypes x
Hyperspherical Prototypes x
DeepNCM x x
Hierarchical Inference (Yolov2) x x


All the methods presented in the paper are implemented as PyTorch modules packaged in torch_prototypes. To install the package, run pip install -e . inside the main folder.


The package torch_prototypes contains different methods shown in the paper, implemented as torch.nn modules:

  • Learnt prototypes
  • Metric-guided prototypes (learnt and fixed)
  • Distortion and scale free distortion
  • Distortion loss, Rank loss
  • Hyperspherical prototypes and associated loss
  • Hierarchical inference (YOLOv2 hierarchical classification)
  • Soft labels

Generic usage

Model definition

The modules in the torch_prototypes package are applicable to any classification problem. They all follow the same paradigm of being wrapper modules around a backbone neural architecture that maps the samples X of a dataset to embeddings E.

For example, the following lines define a learnt-prototypes classification model with ResNet18 backbone for image embedding. Backward gradient computations will propagate both to the prototypes and to the backbone's weights.

from torch_prototypes.modules import prototypical_network
from torchvision.models.resnet import resnet18

backbone = resnet18()
emb_dim = backbone.fc.out_features
num_classes = 100

model = prototypical_network.LearntPrototypes(backbone, n_prototypes=num_classes, embedding_dim=emb_dim)

Model output

The output of the wrapper model can be treated as regular classification logits:

import torch.nn as nn
xe = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()

logits = model(X)
loss = xe(logits, Y)
prediction = logits.argmax(dim=-1)

Metric-guided regularization

The torch_prototypes package also contains the loss functions (DistortionLoss and RankLoss) to implement metric-guided regularization. The metric needs to be given in the form of a tensor D of shape num_classes x num_classes that defines the pairwise misclassification costs. Once defined, these losses can be applied to the model's prototypes to guide the learning process:

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from torch_prototypes.metrics.distortion import DistortionLoss

xe = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()

D = torch.rand((num_classes,num_classes)) #Dummy cost tensor
disto_loss = DistortionLoss(D=D)

logits = model(X)
loss = xe(logits, Y) + disto_loss(model.prototypes)

By default DistortionLoss computes our scale-free definition of the distortion (see paper).


Please include a reference to the following paper if you are using any of the learnt-prototype based methods:

  title={Metric-Guided Prototype Learning},
  author={Sainte Fare Garnot, Vivien  and Landrieu, Loic},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2007.03047},

For the hyperspherical prototypes, DeepNCM and Yolov2, respectively:

  • Hyperspherical Prorotype Network, Mettes Pascal and van der Pol Elise and Snoek, NeurIPS 2019
  • DeepNCM: deep nearest class mean classifiers, Guerriero Samantha and Caputo Barbara and Mensink Thomas, ICLR Workshop 2018
  • YOLO9000: better, faster, stronger, Redmon Joseph and Farhadi Ali, CVPR 2017