The news that you have just read on your feed may or may not be entirely true. This application helps you to check whether the news is REAL or FAKE using ML/AI!
Angular CLI : 6.0.x
Node JS: 8.9.x
Python 3
- Install Nltk, Flask and TextBlob
pip install nltk
pip install flask
pip install textblob
- In Python shell
>>> import nltk
Clone this project into your local
Open the project in a desired IDE (ex: VScode)
navigate to backend
node .\server.js
prompts "connected to mongo"
navigate to frontend
npm install
ng serve
must compile successfully Angular server should listening on http://localhost:4200
navigate to news-detection
python -m flask run
it will be running on
open localhost:4200 on your browser
register as a new user, else login
Enter a news string and click on "Check News"
You will be shown whether the news is Real or Fake