I am Valkarin. A self taught programmer that is looking to continue learning and get a job in programming. My code right now is not the cleanest and is not the most optimal but I am working on improving it. I think that if I am given the opurtunity and the help of others more experienced that I'll be able to quickly catch up and expand my abilities.
- GDscript for Godot, Used for quite a while making game prototypes.
- Lua, I have coded the A* pathfinding algorithim using OOP in this.
- Python, The language I started with am comfortable with using.
- Typescript, I actually had a chance to code a bit using a custom game engine made with typescript.
- C#, A bit of unity and some basic application stuff.
- C++, Building a dll but I struggled to get it working properly. Willing to learn more though.
- JavaScript, I use it time to time for sites.
- Godot, The engine I have used the most by far.
- Unity, I attempted it a while when I was young but got fustrated and didn't progress to much before switching to Godot later.
- Unreal, Very little when attempting to make a mod but failed. Hoping to learn this some time though.
- A custom TypeScript game enging, Can't say too much because it didn't last long as the group responsible ran out of funds and stopped development but I did make some things with it.
- YHMA is a plugin for Godot 3.5 to assist in modding a game call Your Only Move Is Hustle or YOMI Hustle for short.