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Zero-dependency collection of blazing fast single-function utilities for common tasks


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Zero-dependency collection of single-function utilities for common tasks


npm install @valkyriestudios/utils

Available Functions


Check if a variable is of type Array

import is from '@valkyriestudios/utils/array/is';
isArray({a:1}); // FALSE
isArray([]); // TRUE


Check if a variable a non-empty array

import isNotEmptyArray from '@valkyriestudios/utils/array/isNotEmpty';
isNotEmptyArray({a:1}); // FALSE
isNotEmptyArray([]); // FALSE
isNotEmptyArray([0, 1, 2]); // TRUE

array/mapKey(val:Record[], key:string, opts?:{merge?:boolean;filter_fn?:(el:T) => boolean})

Map a non-primitive object array into an object map by key

import mapKey from '@valkyriestudios/utils/array/mapKey';
    {uid: 12, name: 'Peter'},
    {uid: 15, name: 'Jonas'},
    {uid: 87, name: 'Josh'},
], 'uid');
/* Expected output: */
    12: {uid: 12, name: 'Peter'},
    15: {uid: 15, name: 'Jonas'},
    87: {uid: 87, name: 'Josh'},

Autofilters anything not meeting the spec:

import mapKey from '@valkyriestudios/utils/array/mapKey';
    {uid: 12, name: 'Peter'},
    {uid: 15, name: 'Jonas'},
    [{hi: 'there'}],
    new Date(),
    {uid: 87, name: 'Josh'},
], 'uid');
/* Expected output: */
    12: {uid: 12, name: 'Peter'},
    15: {uid: 15, name: 'Jonas'},
    87: {uid: 87, name: 'Josh'},

allows merging objects onto existing keys:

import mapKey from '@valkyriestudios/utils/array/mapKey';
    {uid: 12, name: 'Peter'},
    {uid: 15, name: 'Jonas', dob: '2022-02-07'},
    [{hi: 'there'}],
    {uid: 15, name: 'Bob'},
    {name: 'Alana'},
    new Date(),
    {uid: 87, name: 'Josh'},
    {uid: 12, name: 'Farah'},
], 'uid', {merge: true})
/* Expected output: */
    12: {uid: 12, name: 'Farah'},
    15: {uid: 15, name: 'Bob', dob: '2022-02-07'},
    87: {uid: 87, name: 'Josh'},

allows filtering out objects with a custom filter_fn:

import mapKey from '@valkyriestudios/utils/array/mapKey';
    {uid: 12, name: 'Peter', isActive: true},
    {uid: 15, name: 'Jonas', dob: '2022-02-07', isActive: true},
    {uid: 15, name: 'Bob', isActive: false},
    {name: 'Alana', isActive: true},
    {uid: 87, name: 'Josh', isActive: false},
    {uid: 12, name: 'Farah', isActive: false},
], 'uid', {merge: true})
/* Expected output: */
    12: {uid: 12, name: 'Peter', isActive: true},
    15: {uid: 15, name: 'Jonas', dob: '2022-02-07'},

array/mapFn(val:Record[], key:Function, opts:object={})

Same behavior as mapKey but instead of a key, a function is passed to generate your own key. Eg:

import mapFn from '@valkyriestudios/utils/array/mapFn';
    {uid: 12, name: 'Peter'},
    {uid: 15, name: 'Jonas'},
    {uid: 87, name: 'Josh'},
], el => el.uid)
/* Expected output: */
    12: {uid: 12, name: 'Peter'},
    15: {uid: 15, name: 'Jonas'},
    87: {uid: 87, name: 'Josh'},

options are the same as the mapKey function

array/mapPrimitive(val:any[], opts?:{valtrim:false;keyround:false;valround:false;filter_fn:(el)=>boolean})

Map an array of primitives (number/string)

import mapPrimitive from '@valkyriestudios/utils/array/mapPrimitive';
mapPrimitive([1,2,3]); // {1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 3}
mapPrimitive(['hello', 'hello', 'foo', 'bar']); // {hello: 'hello', foo: 'foo', bar: 'bar'}
mapPrimitive(['hello', ' hello', 'foo', '  foo'], {valtrim: true}); // {hello: 'hello', foo: 'foo'}

Allows filtering out unwanted values:

import mapPrimitive from '@valkyriestudios/utils/array/mapPrimitive';
mapPrimitive([1,2,'bla', 3, false], {filter_fn: isNumber}); // {1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 3}

array/groupBy(val:Record[], handler:Function|string)

Return a grouped object from an array. This function will automatically filter out any non/empty objects.

Example usage when using a function as the handler

import groupBy from '@valkyriestudios/utils/array/groupBy';
/* The output of the function will be what the key is on the map  */
const group = groupBy([
    {tally: 20, name: 'Peter'},
    {tally: 40, name: 'Jake'},
    {tally: 5, name: 'Bob'},
], el => el.tally > 15);

/* Expected output: */
    false: [{tally: 5, name: 'Bob'}],
    true: [{tally: 20, name: 'Peter'}, {tally: 40, name: 'Jake'}],

/* Can also work with a property return  */
const group = groupBy([
    {role: 'user', name: 'Peter'},
    {role: 'user', name: 'Jake'},
    {role: 'guest', name: 'Bob'},
    {name: 'Alice'},
], el => el.role || 'other');

/* Expected output: */
    user: [{role: 'user', name: 'Peter'}, {role: 'user', name: 'Jake'}],
    guest: [{role: 'guest', name: 'Bob'}],
    other: [{name: 'Alice'}],

Take note: If the function returns an undefined or empty string the object will be added to a fallback group called '_'

Example usage when using a string as the handler to denote a grouping by a certain property name

import groupBy from '@valkyriestudios/utils/array/groupBy';
const group = groupBy([
    {role: 'user', name: 'Peter'},
    {role: 'user', name: 'Jake'},
    {role: 'guest', name: 'Bob'},
    {name: 'Alice'},
], 'role');

/* Expected output: */
    user: [{role: 'user', name: 'Peter'}, {role: 'user', name: 'Jake'}],
    guest: [{role: 'guest', name: 'Bob'}],
    _: [{name: 'Alice'}],

Take note: any object without the key will be added to a fallback group called '_'

array/dedupe(val:Array, opts?:{filter_fn})

Remove all duplicates from an array, behind the scenes it uses the fnv 1A hash algorithm to performantly do comparisons.

import dedupe from '@valkyriestudios/utils/array/dedupe';
dedupe(['a','a','b','c','c']); // ['a', 'b', 'c']
dedupe(['1',1,'2',2]); // ['1','2']
dedupe([new RegExp(/ab+c/, 'i'), new RegExp(/ab+c/, 'i')]); // [new RegExp(/ab+c/, 'i')]
dedupe([new Date('2012-02-02'), new Date('2012-02-02')]); // [new Date('2012-02-02')]
dedupe(['hello', 'hello', 'world']); // ['hello', 'world']
dedupe(['hello', 'hello', 'world', false, 'world'], {filter_fn: el => isNotEmptyString(el)}); // ['hello', 'world']

Take Note: The filtering is applied while deduping, ensuring O(n) performance, as such this is faster than dedupe(arr.filter(...))

array/join(val:Array, opts:object={delim:' ',trim:true,valtrim:true,innertrim:true,valround:false,dedupe:false})

Concatenate the values within an array into a string, behind the scenes this will automatically filter out any value that is not a string or numerical value. For strings it will automatically trim (and remove if empty after trimming) before joining.

import join from '@valkyriestudios/utils/array/join';
join(['Valkyrie', 'Studios']); // 'Valkyrie Studios'
join([5.1, '  years ', 'ago'], {valround: 0}); // '5 years ago'
join(['peter   ', '  valkyrie  '], {delim: '@'}); // 'peter@valkyrie'
join([user.first_name, user.last_name]); // 'John' (where user is {first_name: 'John', last_name: false})
join(['  a', 1], {delim: '', valtrim: false, trim: false}); // '  a1'
join(['  hello  world  ', 'this   is    peter   '], {valtrim:true, innertrim: true, delim: ' '}); // 'hello world this is peter'
join(['  prop_1 ', 'prop_2', ' prop_1', '  prop_2'], {delim: ',', dedupe: true}); // 'prop_1,prop_2'


Shuffle an array (Fisher-Yates) in O(n), take note this changes the passed value

import shuffle from '@valkyriestudios/utils/array/shuffle';
const arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6];
// [4, 6, 3, 2, 5, 1]

array/sort(val:Array[object], by:string|Function, dir:Enum(asc,desc), options:Object)

Sort an array of objects, uses an implementation of Tony Hoare's quicksort

import sort from '@valkyriestudios/utils/array/sort';
const out = sort([
    {test: 'Peter'},
    {test: 'Jack'},
    {test: 'Pony'},
    {test: 'John'},
    {test: 'Joe'},
    {test: 'Bob'},
    {test: 'Alice'},
], 'test', 'desc');
// [{test: 'Pony'}, {test: 'Peter'}, {test: 'John'}, {test: 'Joe'}, {test: 'Jack'}, {test: 'Bob'}, {test: 'Alice'}]
import sort from '@valkyriestudios/utils/array/sort';
const out = sort([
    {test: 'Peter'},
    {test: 'Jack'},
    {test: 'Pony'},
    {test: 'John'},
    {test: 'Joe'},
    {test: 'Bob'},
    {test: 'Alice'},
], 'test', 'asc');
// [{test: 'Alice'}, {test: 'Bob'}, {test: 'Jack'}, {test: 'Joe'}, {test: 'John'}, {test: 'Peter'}, {test: 'Pony'}]

allows passing a function to determine the key to sort by

import sort from '@valkyriestudios/utils/array/sort';
const out = sort([
    {test: 'Peter'},
    {test: 'Jack'},
    {test: 'Pony'},
    {test: 'JOHn'},
    {test: 'Joe'},
    {test: 'Bob'},
    {test: 'Alice'},
], el => el.test.toLowerCase(), 'desc');
// [{test: 'Pony'}, {test: 'Peter'}, {test: 'JOHn'}, {test: 'Joe'}, {test: 'Jack'}, {test: 'Bob'}, {test: 'Alice'}]

auto-cleans input to only contains non-empty objects

import sort from '@valkyriestudios/utils/array/sort';
const out = sort([
    {test: 'Peter'},
    {test: 'Jack'},
    {test: 'Pony'},
    {test: 'JOHn'},
    {test: 'Joe'},
    {test: 'Bob'},
    {test: 'Alice'},
], el => el.test.toLowerCase(), 'desc');
// [{test: 'Pony'}, {test: 'Peter'}, {test: 'JOHn'}, {test: 'Joe'}, {test: 'Jack'}, {test: 'Bob'}, {test: 'Alice'}]

allows passing custom filter function to clean input Take note: Sort will still verify that the object is not an empty object, even when passing a custom filter function.

import sort from '@valkyriestudios/utils/array/sort';
const out = sort([
    {test: 'Peter'},
    {test: 'Jack'},
    {test: 'Pony'},
    {test: false},
    {test: 'JOHn'},
    {test: 'Joe'},
    {test: undefined},
    {test: 'Bob'},
    {test: 'Alice'},
], el => el.test.toLowerCase(), 'desc', {filter_fn: el => isNotEmptyString(el.test)});
// [{test: 'Pony'}, {test: 'Peter'}, {test: 'JOHn'}, {test: 'Joe'}, {test: 'Jack'}, {test: 'Bob'}, {test: 'Alice'}]

allows passing custom options to position elements without a proper key (nokey_atend, defaults to true), or hide them (nokey_hide, defaults to false)

import sort from '@valkyriestudios/utils/array/sort';
const arr = [{test: 'Peter'}, {test: undefined}, {test: 'Jack'}, {test: 'Pony'}, {uid: 100}, {test: 'JOHn'}];
const out = sort(arr, el => el.test.toLowerCase(), 'desc', {nokey_atend: false});
// [{test: undefined}, {uid: 100}, {test: 'Pony'}, {test: 'Peter'}, {test: 'JOHn'}, {test: 'Jack'}]

const out = sort(arr, el => el.test.toLowerCase(), 'desc', {nokey_atend: true});
// [{test: 'Pony'}, {test: 'Peter'}, {test: 'JOHn'}, {test: 'Jack'}, {test: undefined}, {uid: 100}]

const out = sort(arr, el => el.test.toLowerCase(), 'desc', {nokey_hide: true});
// [{test: 'Pony'}, {test: 'Peter'}, {test: 'JOHn'}, {test: 'Jack'}]

array/split(val:any[], size:number, opts?:{filter_fn})

Splits an array into subarray of provided size with optional filter

import split from '@valkyriestudios/utils/array/split';
split([1,2,3,4,5], 2); // [[1,2],[3,4],[5]]
split([1, 2, false, 4, 5], 2, {filter_fn: isInteger}); // [[1,2],[4,5]]

Take Note: The filtering is applied while splitting, ensuring O(n) performance, as such this is faster than split(arr.filter(...), ...)


Check if a variable is of type Boolean

import isBoolean from '@valkyriestudios/utils/boolean/is';
isBoolean(null); // FALSE
isBoolean(false); // TRUE
isBoolean(true); // TRUE


Class-based LRU (Least Recently Used) cache utility with configurable max_size (defaults to 100). The LRU cache is internally used in caching/memoize, date/format, date/isFormat to reduce setup times and runtime memory usage but can also be used independently.

Entries are automatically removed from cache based on the max size of the cache and how recently they were used

import LRU from '@valkyriestudios/utils/caching/LRU';

const cache = new LRU({max_size: 10});

/* .set sets a value */
cache.set('hello', 'World');

/* .has checks if a value exists */
cache.has('hello'); // true
cache.has('holle'); // false

/* .get retrieves the value */
console.log(cache.get('hello')); // world

/* .del deletes a key */
console.log(cache.get('hello')); // undefined

/* .clear clears the entire cache */

Take Note: The cache max_size can be reconfigured at runtime, eg:

import LRU from '@valkyriestudios/utils/caching/LRU';

const cache = new LRU({max_size: 10});
cache.max_size = 20;

caching/memoize(fn:Function, resolver:Function=false, cache_duration_ms?:number|false = false, cache_max_size?:number = 100)

memoize the output of a function. An optional resolver function can be passed which allows custom cache key generation.

import memoize from '@valkyriestudios/utils/caching/memoize';

const memoized_function = memoize((a) => {
    return fnv1A(a);

Take Note: Also supports async functions and cache busting, eg:

import memoize from '@valkyriestudios/utils/caching/memoize';

async function retrieveUser (userId:string) {

/* Async but with no cache busting */
const memoized = memoize(retrieveUser);
await memoized('123456'); /* Original function will be called */
await memoized('123456'); /* Original function will not be called and memoized cache will be returned */

/* Async with cache busting after 5 seconds */
const memoized = memoize(retrieveUser, undefined, 5000);
await memoized('123456'); /* Original function will be called */
await memoized('123456'); /* Original function will not be called and memoized cache will be returned */

... (some time longer than 5 seconds passes)

await memoized('123456'); /* Original function will be called and re-cached */

/* Async with cache busting after 60 seconds and a max cache size of 50 entries*/
const memoized = memoize(retrieveUser, undefined, 60000, 50);


Check if a variable is of type Date and valid

import isDate from '@valkyriestudios/utils/date/is';
isDate(new Date('December 17, 1995 03:24:00')); // TRUE
isDate('December 17, 1995 03:24:00'); // FALSE


Check if a date is in a leap year or not

import isLeap from '@valkyriestudios/utils/date/isLeap';
isLeap(new Date("2022-02-07T14:30:59.000Z")); // false
isLeap(new Date("2024-02-07T14:30:59.000Z")); // true

date/isFormat(val:unknown, spec:string)

Check if a variable is a string in a particular date format

import isFormat from '@valkyriestudios/utils/date/isFormat';
isFormat('2024-02-07', 'YYYY-MM-DD'); // TRUE
isFormat('2024-2-07', 'YYYY-MM-DD'); // FALSE
isFormat('12:30 AM', 'HH:mm A'); // TRUE
isFormat('2024-Q4', 'YYYY-[Q]Q'); // TRUE
isFormat('2024-Q5', 'YYYY-[Q]Q'); // FALSE (there is no such thing as a fifth quarter)
isFormat('2024-02-29T12:30:00.000Z', 'ISO'); // TRUE
isFormat('2023-02-29T12:30:00.000Z', 'ISO'); // FALSE (leap year)

Available tokens for usage in spec:

Token Description Example
YYYY Full Year 2021
Q Quarters of the year 1 2 3 4
MM Month as 2 char 01 02 .. 11 12
DD Day of month as 2 char 01 02 .. 30 31
HH Hours as 2-char 00 01 .. 22 23
mm Minutes as 2-char 00 01 .. 58 59
ss Seconds as 2-char 00 01 .. 58 59
SSS Milliseconds as 3-digit 000 001 ... 998 999
A Uppercase AM/PM AM ... PM
a Lowercase AM/PM am ... pm
Z Zone, does not allow full zone names, only Z or offsets Z +02:00
ISO Check for full iso date format, take note this enforces milliseconds as a requirement 2024-02-03T10:28:30.000Z

Allows for marking certain portions as optional by wrapping in {...}:

import isFormat from '@valkyriestudios/utils/date/isFormat';
isFormat('2024-02-07', 'YYYY-MM-DD{THH:mm:ss}'); // true
isFormat('2024-02-07T14:50', 'YYYY-MM-DD{THH:mm:ss}'); // false, optional part passed but invalid
isFormat('2024-02-07T14:50:30', 'YYYY-MM-DD{THH:mm:ss}'); // true

Note: The ISO token is a shorthand for YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss{.SSS}Z Note: You can escape characters by surrounding them with [...] in your spec, eg: YYYY-[Q]Q would check for example 2024-Q1

date/diff(val_a:Date, val_b:Date, key:string)

Take two incoming dates and return the difference between them in a certain unit. Possible key options(week,day,hour,minute,second,millisecond).

Note: Does not touch the passed date objects, if no key is passed will default to millisecond

import diff from '@valkyriestudios/utils/date/diff';
diff(new Date("2022-10-05T13:12:11+02:00"), new Date("2022-11-05T13:12:11+06:00"), 'week'); // -4.404761904761905
diff(new Date("2022-11-05T13:12:11+06:00"), new Date("2022-10-05T13:12:11+02:00"), 'day'); // 30.83333333333333332
diff(new Date("2022-11-05T13:12:11+06:00"), new Date("2022-10-05T13:12:11+02:00"), 'hour'); // 740
diff(new Date("2022-10-05T13:12:11+02:00"), new Date("2022-10-05T17:43:09.344+06:00"), 'minute'); // -30.9724
diff(new Date("2022-10-05T13:12:11+02:00"), new Date("2022-10-05T17:43:09.344+06:00"), 'second'); // -1858.344
diff(new Date("2022-10-05T13:12:11+02:00"), new Date("2022-10-05T17:43:09.344+06:00"), 'millisecond'); // -1858344
diff(new Date("2022-11-05T13:12:11+06:00"), new Date("2022-10-05T13:25:43.898+02:00")); // 2663187102

date/format(val:Date, spec:string, locale?:string, zone?:string, startOfWeek?:'mon'|'sun'|'sat'):string

Format a date according to a spec/locale and zone

Take Note:

  • The locale is by default set to en-US
  • The zone is by default detected as the time zone of the client
  • If we fail to detect the time zone we default to UTC
  • The start of week is by default set to mon, the supported values are mon, sun, sat
  • You can escape characters by surrounding them with [...] in your spec, eg: YYYY-[Q]Q would for example become 2024-Q1

Available Tokens:

Token Description Example
YYYY Full Year 2021
Q Quarters of the year 1 2 3 4
MMMM Month in full January February ... November December
MMM Month as 3 char Jan Feb ... Nov Dec
MM Month as 2 char 01 02 .. 11 12
M Month as pure digit 1 2 .. 11 12
WW Week Number as 2 char 01 02 .. 52 53
W Week Number as pure digit 1 2 .. 52 53
DD Day of month as 2 char 01 02 .. 30 31
D Day of month as 1 char 1 2 .. 30 31
dddd Day of week in full Sunday Monday ... Saturday
ddd Day of week as 3 char Sun Mon ... Fri Sat
HH Hours as 2-char 00 01 .. 22 23
H Hours as pure digit 0 1 .. 22 23
hh Hours in 12 hour time as 2 char 01 02 ... 11 12
h Hours in 12 hour time as pure digit 1 2 ... 11 12
mm Minutes as 2-char 00 01 .. 58 59
m Minutes as pure digit 0 1 .. 58 59
ss Seconds as 2-char 00 01 .. 58 59
s Seconds as pure digit 0 1 .. 58 59
SSS Milliseconds as 3-digit 000 001 ... 998 999
A Uppercase AM/PM AM ... PM
a Lowercase AM/PM am ... pm
l Locale-specific short Date 15/07/2024
L Locale-Specific date 15 jul 2024
t Locale-specific short time 10:28 AM
T Locale-specific time with seconds 10:28:30 AM

Additional: Format has several additional functions defined which help usage inside of an ecosystem (eg: webapp) by overriding the global defaults used by format.

Function Description Example
setZone Sets the global timezone used by format format.setZone("Europe/Brussels")
getZone Returns the global timezone used by format
setLocale Sets the global locale used by format format.setLocale("nl-BE")
getLocale Returns the global locale used by format
setStartOfWeek Sets the global start of week used by format format.setStartOfWeek("sun")
getStartOfWeek Returns the global start of week used by format


import format from '@valkyriestudios/utils/date/format';

format(new Date('2023-01-10T14:30:00Z'), '[Today is] dddd, MMMM D, YYYY [at] h:mm A', 'en', 'Europe/Brussels');
//  'Today is Tuesday, January 10, 2023 at 2:30 PM'

format(new Date('2022-07-14T16:40:30Z'), 'dddd, [Year] Q Q M D [Ă ] hh:mm A [string]', 'fr', 'Asia/Singapore');
// 'vendredi, Year 3 3 7 15 Ă  12:40 AM string'

format(new Date('2022-07-14T16:40:30Z'), 'YYYY-MM-DD', 'fr', 'Asia/Singapore');
// 2022-07-15

format(new Date('2022-07-14T16:40:30Z'), 'YYYY-MM-DD', 'fr', 'Europe/Brussels');
// 2022-07-14

// ... (somewhere else in your code)


// ... (somewhere else in your code)

format(new Date('2022-07-14T16:40:30Z'), 'dddd, [Year] Q Q M D [Ă ] hh:mm A [string]');
// 'vendredi, Year 3 3 7 15 Ă  12:40 AM string'
format(new Date('2022-07-14T19:40:30Z'), 'dddd, YYYY-MM-DD');
// 'vendredi, 2022-07-15'


Takes the passed date object and returns a new date object set for utc


Takes the passed date object and returns its unix timestamp in seconds


Returns the current unix timestamp in seconds


Returns the current unix timestamp in milliseconds

date/setTimeUTC(val:Date, props:{hour?:number;minute?:number;second?:number;millisecond?:number})

Take the incoming date and return a date where the time portion is set to the values in the provided props

Note: Does not touch the date object passed

import setTimeUTC from '@valkyriestudios/utils/date/setTimeUTC';
setTimeUTC(new Date("2023-05-04T12:04:27.432Z"), {hour: 5}); // new Date("2023-05-04T05:04:27.432Z")
setTimeUTC(new Date("2023-05-04T12:04:27.432Z"), {hour: 5, minute: 30}); // new Date("2023-05-04T05:30:27.432Z")
setTimeUTC(new Date("2023-05-04T12:04:27.432Z"), {hour: 5, minute: 30, second: 0}); // new Date("2023-05-04T05:30:00.432Z")
setTimeUTC(new Date("2023-05-04T12:04:27.432Z"), {hour: 5, minute: 30, second: 0, millisecond: 0}); // new Date("2023-05-04T05:30:00.000Z")
setTimeUTC(new Date("2023-05-04T12:04:27.432Z"), {minute: 30, second: 0, millisecond: 0}); // new Date("2023-05-04T12:30:00.000Z")
setTimeUTC(new Date("2023-05-04T12:04:27.432Z"), {second: 9, millisecond: 0}); // new Date("2023-05-04T12:04:09.000Z")

date/startOfUTC(val:Date, key:string)

Take the incoming date and return a date set to the start of passed key. Possible key options(year,quarter,month,week,week_sun,week_mon,week_tue,week_wed,week_thu,week_fri,week_sat,day,hour,minute,second).

Note: Does not touch the date object passed

import startOfUTC from '@valkyriestudios/utils/date/startOfUTC';
startOfUTC(new Date("2023-05-04T12:04:27+02:00"), 'year'); // new Date("2023-01-01T00:00:00.000Z")
startOfUTC(new Date("2023-05-04T12:04:27+02:00"), 'quarter'); // new Date("2023-04-01T00:00:00.000Z")
startOfUTC(new Date("2023-05-04T12:04:27+02:00"), 'month'); // new Date("2023-05-01T00:00:00.000Z")
startOfUTC(new Date("2023-05-14T12:04:27+02:00"), 'week'); // new Date("2023-05-08T00:00:00.000Z")
startOfUTC(new Date("2023-02-03T12:04:27+02:00"), 'week'); // new Date("2023-01-30T00:00:00.000Z")
startOfUTC(new Date("2023-01-01T12:04:27+02:00"), 'week'); // new Date("2022-12-26T00:00:00.000Z")
startOfUTC(new Date("2023-05-04T12:04:27+02:00"), 'week_sun'); // new Date("2023-04-30T00:00:00.000Z")
startOfUTC(new Date("2023-02-03T12:04:27+02:00"), 'week_sun'); // new Date("2023-01-29T00:00:00.000Z")
startOfUTC(new Date("2022-01-01T12:04:27+02:00"), 'week_sun'); // new Date("2021-12-26T00:00:00.000Z")
startOfUTC(new Date("2023-05-04T12:04:27+02:00"), 'day'); // new Date("2023-05-04T00:00:00.000Z")
startOfUTC(new Date("2023-05-04T12:04:27+02:00"), 'hour'); // new Date("2023-05-04T10:00:00.000Z")
startOfUTC(new Date("2023-05-04T12:04:27+02:00"), 'minute'); // new Date("2023-05-04T10:04:00.000Z")
startOfUTC(new Date("2023-05-04T12:04:27.043+02:00"), 'second'); // new Date("2023-05-04T10:04:27.000Z")

date/endOfUTC(val:Date, key:string)

Take the incoming date and return a date set to the end of passed key. Possible key options(year,quarter,month,week,week_sun,week_mon,week_tue,week_wed,week_thu,week_fri,week_sat,day,hour,minute,second).

Note: Does not touch the date object passed

import endOfUTC from '@valkyriestudios/utils/date/endOfUTC';
endOfUTC(new Date("2023-05-04T12:04:27+02:00"), 'year'); // new Date("2023-12-31T23:59:59.999Z")
endOfUTC(new Date("2023-05-04T12:04:27+02:00"), 'quarter'); // new Date("2023-06-30T23:59:59.999Z")
endOfUTC(new Date("2023-05-04T12:04:27+02:00"), 'month'); // new Date("2023-05-31T23:59:59.999Z")
endOfUTC(new Date("2023-05-04T12:04:27+02:00"), 'week'); // new Date("2023-05-07T23:59:59.999Z")
endOfUTC(new Date("2023-05-13T12:04:27+02:00"), 'week'); // new Date("2023-05-14T23:59:59.999Z")
endOfUTC(new Date("2023-05-14T12:04:27+02:00"), 'week'); // new Date("2023-05-14T23:59:59.999Z")
endOfUTC(new Date("2023-02-27T12:04:27+02:00"), 'week'); // new Date("2023-03-05T23:59:59.999Z")
endOfUTC(new Date("2022-12-29T12:04:27+02:00"), 'week'); // new Date("2023-01-01T23:59:59.999Z")
endOfUTC(new Date("2023-05-04T12:04:27+02:00"), 'week_sun'); // new Date("2023-05-06T23:59:59.999Z")
endOfUTC(new Date("2023-05-12T12:04:27+02:00"), 'week_sun'); // new Date("2023-05-13T23:59:59.999Z")
endOfUTC(new Date("2023-05-06T12:04:27+02:00"), 'week_sun'); // new Date("2023-05-06T23:59:59.999Z")
endOfUTC(new Date("2023-03-29T12:04:27+02:00"), 'week_sun'); // new Date("2023-04-01T23:59:59.999Z")
endOfUTC(new Date("2021-12-28T12:04:27+02:00"), 'week_sun'); // new Date("2022-01-01T23:59:59.999Z")
endOfUTC(new Date("2023-05-04T12:04:27+02:00"), 'day'); // new Date("2023-05-04T23:59:59.999Z")
endOfUTC(new Date("2023-05-04T12:04:27+02:00"), 'hour'); // new Date("2023-05-04T10:59:59.999Z")
endOfUTC(new Date("2023-05-04T12:04:27+02:00"), 'minute'); // new Date("2023-05-04T10:04:59.999Z")
endOfUTC(new Date("2023-05-04T12:04:27.043+02:00"), 'second'); // new Date("2023-05-04T10:04:27.999Z")

date/addUTC(val:Date, amount:integer, key:string)

Take the incoming date and add a certain amount of the passed key. Possible key options(year,years,month,months,day,days,hour,hours,minute,minutes,second,seconds,millisecond,milliseconds).

Note: Does not touch the date object passed

import addUTC from '@valkyriestudios/utils/date/addUTC';
addUTC(new Date("2022-10-05T13:12:11+02:00"), 10, 'year'); // new Date("2032-10-05T11:12:11.000Z")
addUTC(new Date("2022-10-05T13:12:11+02:00"), -10, 'year'); // new Date("2012-10-05T11:12:11.000Z")
addUTC(new Date("2022-10-05T13:12:11+02:00"), 10, 'month'); // new Date("2023-08-05T11:12:11.000Z")
addUTC(new Date("2022-10-05T13:12:11+02:00"), -8970, 'month'); // new Date("1275-04-05T11:12:11.000Z")
addUTC(new Date("2022-10-05T13:12:11+02:00"), 200, 'day'); // new Date("2023-04-23T11:12:11.000Z")
addUTC(new Date("2022-10-05T13:12:11+02:00"), -400, 'day'); // new Date("2021-08-31T11:12:11.000Z")
addUTC(new Date("2022-10-05T13:12:11+02:00"), 2200, 'hour'); // new Date("2023-01-05T03:12:11.000Z")
addUTC(new Date("2022-10-05T13:12:11+02:00"), -10, 'hour'); // new Date("2022-10-05T01:12:11.000Z")
addUTC(new Date("2022-10-05T13:12:11+02:00"), 59, 'minute'); // new Date("2022-10-05T12:11:11.000Z")
addUTC(new Date("2022-10-05T13:12:11+02:00"), 336000, 'minute'); // new Date("2023-05-26T19:12:11.000Z")
addUTC(new Date("2022-10-05T13:12:11+02:00"), -34, 'minute'); // new Date("2022-10-05T10:38:11.000Z")
addUTC(new Date("2022-10-05T13:12:11+02:00"), -769, 'minute'); // new Date("2022-10-04T22:23:11.000Z")
addUTC(new Date("2022-10-05T13:12:11+02:00"), 59, 'second'); // new Date("2022-10-05T11:13:10.000Z")
addUTC(new Date("2022-10-05T13:12:11+02:00"), 2873 * 60, 'second'); // new Date("2022-10-07T11:05:11.000Z")
addUTC(new Date("2022-10-05T13:12:11+02:00"), 336000 * 60, 'second'); // new Date("2023-05-26T19:12:11.000Z")
addUTC(new Date("2022-10-05T13:12:11+02:00"), -10, 'second'); // new Date("2022-10-05T11:12:01.000Z")


Recursively freezes all properties of an object

import deepFreeze from '@valkyriestudios/utils/deep/freeze';
const myObj = deepFreeze({
    a: 2,
    b: {
        c: 3,
        d: {
            e: 'hello',
Object.isFrozen(myObj); // TRUE
Object.isFrozen(myObj.b); // TRUE
Object.isFrozen(myObj.b.d); // TRUE


Recursively freezes all properties of an object

import deepSeal from '@valkyriestudios/utils/deep/seal';
const myObj = deepSeal({
    a: 2,
    b: {
        c: 3,
        d: {
            e: 'hello',
Object.isSealed(myObj); // TRUE
Object.isSealed(myObj.b); // TRUE
Object.isSealed(myObj.b.d); // TRUE
Object.isFrozen(myObj.b.d); // FALSE

deep/set(obj:Object, path:string, value:any=null, define:boolean=false)

Sets a property and its value deep in the structure of an object

import deepSet from '@valkyriestudios/utils/deep/set';
const myObj = {
    a: 2,
deepSet(myObj, 'b.c.d.e', 4);
myObj.b.c.d.e; // 4

const myObj2 = {
    a: 2,
    b: [
        { price : 2 },
        { price : 4 },
deepSet(myObj2, 'b[0].price', 100);
deepSet(myObj2, 'b[1].price', 500);
myObj2.b[0].price; // 100
myObj2.b[1].price; // 500

const myObj3 = {
    a: 2,
deepSet(myObj3, 'b.c', { value: function () => {...} }, true);
myObj3.b.c; // Function

deep/get(obj:Object, path:string, get_parent:boolean=false)

Retrieves a value based on a path in a deeply nested object

import deepGet from '@valkyriestudios/utils/deep/get';
const myObj = {
    a: 2,
    b: [
        { price : 2 },
        { price : 4 },
deepGet(myObj, 'b[0].price', true); // [{price: 2}, {price: 4}]

const myObj2 = {
    a: 2,
    b: [
        { price : 2 },
        { price : 4 },
deepGet(myObj2, 'b[0].price'); // 2

equal(a:any, b:any)

Check if a variable is equal to another one

import equal from '@valkyriestudios/utils/equal';
equal(5, 6); // FALSE
equal(1, 1); // TRUE
equal([0, 1, 2], [1, 2]); // FALSE
equal({a: 1, b: 2}, {a: 1, b: 3}); // FALSE
equal({a: 1, b: 2}, {a: 1, b: 2}); // TRUE
equal(new Date('2012-20-09'), '2012-20-09'); // TRUE ( check is being done on unix timestamp )
equal(new RegExp(/ab+c/, 'i'), /ab+c/i); // TRUE

function/debounce(val:Fn, wait:number)

Wrap a function in a debounce proxy that waits for X uninterrupted milliseconds before running callback function

const log = (message: string) => console.log(message);
const debouncedLog = debounce(log, 2000);
debouncedLog("Hello, World!"); // 2 seconds later we see log

debouncedLog("Hello, World!");
debouncedLog.cancel(); // No log as we cancelled

debouncedLog("Hello, World!");
debouncedLog.flush(); // Immediate log no 2 second debounce

debouncedLog("Hello, World!");
debouncedLog.flush(); // Nothing happens as timeout was killed through cancel


Check if a variable is a Function

import isFunction from '@valkyriestudios/utils/function/is';
isFunction(() => console.log('Hello')); // TRUE
isFunction('December 17, 1995 03:24:00'); // FALSE


Check if a variable is an async function

import isAsync from '@valkyriestudios/utils/function/isAsync';
isAsync(() => console.log('Hello')); // FALSE
isAsync(async () => {
    await sleep(1000);
}); // TRUE


An empty function that can be used in (for example) piping


An empty function that will pass back the variable that it was passed


An empty function that returns a promise that will immediately resolve itself and pass back any variable that was passed to it


An empty function that returns a promise that will resolve after X milliseconds, default is set to 1000ms.

import sleep from '@valkyriestudios/utils/function/sleep';
await sleep(1000); // sleeps for 1 second


Check if a variable is of type FormData

import isFormData from '@valkyriestudios/utils/formdata/is';
isFormData(new FormData()); // TRUE
isFormData({hi: 'there'}); // FALSE

formdata/toObject(val:FormData, {raw?:string[]|true;single?:string[];normalize_bool?:boolean;normalize_date?:bool;normalize_number?:bool} = {})

Converts an instance of FormData to an object

import toObject from '@valkyriestudios/utils/formdata/toObject';
const form = new FormData();
form.append('name', 'Alice');
form.append('hobbies', 'reading');
form.append('hobbies', 'writing');
form.append('emptyField', '');

toObject(form); // {name: 'Alice', hobbies: ['reading', 'writing'], emptyField: ''}

Automatically converts strings to numbers, dates, booleans and nests objects/arrays based on key structures:

const form = new FormData();
form.append('user[0].name', 'Alice');
form.append('user[1].age', '25');
form.append('enabled', 'false');
form.append('config.isGood', 'true');
form.append('config.amount', ' 50 ');

toObject(form); /* {
    user: [
        {name: 'Alice'},
        {age: 25},
    enabled: false,
    config: {
        isGood: true,
        amount: 50,
} */

Allows blacklisting keys that should not be normalized into numbers/booleans but should remain as they are:

const form = new FormData();
form.append('pincode', '0123');
form.append('enabled', 'false');
form.append('config.isGood', 'true');
form.append('config.amount', ' 50 ');

toObject(form, {raw: ['pincode']}); /* {
    pincode: '0123',
    enabled: false,
    config: {
        isGood: true,
        amount: 50,
} */

Take Note: Set raw to true to do no normalization

Allows passing a 'single' list that tells the system to NEVER turn a particular value into an array of values:

const formData = new FormData();
formData.append('status', 'active');
formData.append('status', 'inactive');
formData.append('action', 'save');
formData.append('action', 'reset');

toObject(formData, { single: ['status', 'action'] }) /* {status: 'inactive', action: 'reset'} */

Allows configuring what types of data to normalize:

const form = new FormData();
form.append('pincode', '0123');
form.append('enabled', 'false');
form.append('config.isGood', 'true');
form.append('config.amount', ' 50 ');

toObject(form, {raw: ['pincode'], normalize_bool: false}); /* {
    pincode: '0123',
    enabled: 'false',
    config: {
        isGood: 'true',
        amount: 50,
} */


Generate a unique identifier (guid) according to RFC4122

import guid from '@valkyriestudios/utils/hash/guid';
guid(); // 245caf1a-86af-11e7-bb31-be2e44b06b34


Generate a fnv1A hash from an object, using a 32-bit prime/offset

import fnv1A from '@valkyriestudios/utils/hash/fnv1A';
fnv1A('hello world'); // -2023343616
fnv1A({a:1,b:2}); // 361168128
fnv1A(4); // 1630425728
fnv1A(new RegExp(/ab+c/, 'i')); // 2131692544
fnv1A(new Date('2012-02-02')); // 1655579136


The utility found at @valkyriestudios/utils/is combines and exposes a barrel export of several other functions found within the library. This does not extend those utils but simply acts as an easy single import for many utils all at once.

These functions are the following:

  • Is.Array
  • Is.NeArray
  • Is.NotEmptyArray
  • Is.Boolean
  • Is.Date
  • Is.Formdata
  • Is.Function
  • Is.AsyncFunction
  • Is.Num
  • Is.NumBetween
  • Is.NumAbove
  • Is.NumAboveOrEqual
  • Is.NumBelow
  • Is.NumBelowOrEqual
  • Is.NumGt
  • Is.NumGte
  • Is.NumLt
  • Is.NumLte
  • Is.Number
  • Is.NumberBetween
  • Is.NumberAbove
  • Is.NumberAboveOrEqual
  • Is.NumberBelow
  • Is.NumberBelowOrEqual
  • Is.Int
  • Is.IntBetween
  • Is.IntAbove
  • Is.IntAboveOrEqual
  • Is.IntBelow
  • Is.IntBelowOrEqual
  • Is.IntGt
  • Is.IntGte
  • Is.IntLt
  • Is.IntLte
  • Is.Integer
  • Is.IntegerBetween
  • Is.IntegerBelow
  • Is.IntegerBelowOrEqual
  • Is.IntegerAbove
  • Is.IntegerAboveOrEqual
  • Is.RegExp
  • Is.Object
  • Is.NeObject
  • Is.NotEmptyObject
  • Is.String
  • Is.StringBetween
  • Is.NeString
  • Is.NotEmptyString
  • Is.Equal
  • Is.Eq


Check if a variable is a number

import isNumber from '@valkyriestudios/utils/number/is';
isNumber('foo'); // FALSE
isNumber(4); // TRUE
isNumber(0.5); // TRUE

number/isAbove(val:number, comp:number)

Check if a variable is a number above a certain bound

import isNumberAbove from '@valkyriestudios/utils/number/isAbove';
isNumberAbove(5, 0); // TRUE
isNumberAbove(.1, 0); // TRUE
isNumberAbove(-1, -1); // FALSE
isNumberAbove(-10, -9); // FALSE

number/isAboveOrEqual(val:number, comp:number)

Check if a variable is a number above or equal to a certain bound

import isNumberAboveOrEqual from '@valkyriestudios/utils/number/isAboveOrEqual';
isNumberAboveOrEqual(5, 0); // TRUE
isNumberAboveOrEqual(.1, 0); // TRUE
isNumberAboveOrEqual(-1, -1); // TRUE
isNumberAboveOrEqual(-10, -9); // FALSE

number/isBelow(val:number, comp:number)

Check if a variable is a number below a certain bound

import isNumberBelow from '@valkyriestudios/utils/number/isBelow';
isNumberBelow(0, 5); // TRUE
isNumberBelow(0, .1); // TRUE
isNumberBelow(-1, -1); // FALSE
isNumberBelow(-9, -10); // FALSE

number/isBelowOrEqual(val:number, comp:number)

Check if a variable is a number below or equal a certain bound

import isNumberBelowOrEqual from '@valkyriestudios/utils/number/isBelowOrEqual';
isNumberBelowOrEqual(0, 5); // TRUE
isNumberBelowOrEqual(0, .1); // TRUE
isNumberBelowOrEqual(-1, -1); // TRUE
isNumberBelowOrEqual(-9, -10); // FALSE

number/isBetween(val:number, min:number, max:number)

Check if a variable is a number between a range of numbers

import isNumberBetween from '@valkyriestudios/utils/number/isBetween';
isNumberBetween(5, 0, 10); // TRUE
isNumberBetween(.1, 0, 1); // TRUE
isNumberBetween(-.1, -1, 0); // TRUE
isNumberBetween(0, 0, 1); // TRUE
isNumberBetween(-1, 0, 1); // FALSE


Check if a variable is an integer

import isInteger from '@valkyriestudios/utils/number/isInteger';
isInteger('foo'); // FALSE
isInteger(4); // TRUE
isInteger(0.5); // FALSE

number/isIntegerAbove(val:number, comp:number)

Check if a variable is an integer above a certain bound

import isIntegerAbove from '@valkyriestudios/utils/number/isIntegerAbove';
isIntegerAbove(5, 0); // TRUE
isIntegerAbove(.1, 0); // FALSE
isIntegerAbove(-1, -1); // FALSE
isIntegerAbove(-10, -9); // FALSE

number/isIntegerAboveOrEqual(val:number, comp:number)

Check if a variable is an integer above or equal to a certain bound

import isIntegerAboveOrEqual from '@valkyriestudios/utils/number/isIntegerAboveOrEqual';
isIntegerAboveOrEqual(5, 0); // TRUE
isIntegerAboveOrEqual(.1, 0); // FALSE
isIntegerAboveOrEqual(-1, -1); // TRUE
isIntegerAboveOrEqual(-10, -9); // FALSE

number/isIntegerBelow(val:number, comp:number)

Check if a variable is an integer below a certain bound

import isIntegerBelow from '@valkyriestudios/utils/number/isIntegerBelow';
isIntegerBelow(0, 5); // TRUE
isIntegerBelow(0, .1); // TRUE
isIntegerBelow(.4, 5); // FALSE
isIntegerBelow(-1, -1); // FALSE
isIntegerBelow(-9, -10); // FALSE

number/isIntegerBelowOrEqual(val:number, comp:number)

Check if a variable is an integer below or equal to a certain bound

import isIntegerBelowOrEqual from '@valkyriestudios/utils/number/isIntegerBelowOrEqual';
isIntegerBelowOrEqual(0, 5); // TRUE
isIntegerBelowOrEqual(0, .1); // TRUE
isIntegerBelowOrEqual(.4, 5); // FALSE
isIntegerBelowOrEqual(-1, -1); // TRUE
isIntegerBelowOrEqual(-9, -10); // FALSE

number/isIntegerBetween(val:number, min:number, max:number)

Check if a variable is an integer between a range of numbers

import isIntegerBetween from '@valkyriestudios/utils/number/isIntegerBetween';
isIntegerBetween(5, 0, 10); // TRUE
isIntegerBetween(.1, 0, 1); // FALSE
isIntegerBetween(-.1, -1, 0); // FALSE
isIntegerBetween(0, 0, 1); // TRUE
isIntegerBetween(-1, 0, 1); // FALSE


Check if a variable is a numerical nan ( a number that is a NaN, this distinguishment is made since both a string or a number can be NaN)

import isNumericalNaN from '@valkyriestudios/utils/number/isNumericalNaN';
isNumericalNaN('foo'); // FALSE
isNumericalNaN(NaN); // TRUE


Calculate the percentage of a specific value in a range

import toPercentage from '@valkyriestudios/utils/number/toPercentage';
toPercentage(0.50106579, 5); // 50.11658
toPercentage(-356, 0, -1000, 1000); // 32
toPercentage(0.5); // 50


Round a numeric value to a specific amount of decimals

import round from '@valkyriestudios/utils/number/round';
round(5.123456789, 0); // 5
round(5.123456789, 2); // 5.12
round(5.123456789, 5); // 5.12346


Generate a random numeric value between a min and max range

import randomBetween from '@valkyriestudios/utils/number/randomBetween';
randomBetween(); // Will generate a random between 0 and 10
randomBetween(25, 100); // Will generate a random between 25 and 100


Generate a random numeric value between a min and max range (max not inclusive)

import randomIntBetween from '@valkyriestudios/utils/number/randomIntBetween';
randomIntBetween(); // Will generate a random between 0 and 10 (10 not inclusive)
randomIntBetween(25, 100); // Will generate a random between 25 and 100 (100 not inclusive)


Check if a variable is of type Object

import isObject from '@valkyriestudios/utils/object/is';
isObject({a: 1}); // TRUE
isObject(1); // FALSE


Check if a variable a non-empty object

import isNotEmptyObject from '@valkyriestudios/utils/object/isNotEmpty';
isNotEmptyObject({a:1}); // TRUE
isNotEmptyObject({}); // FALSE
isNotEmptyObject('Hi'); // FALSE

object/pick(obj:Object={}, keys:Array[string]=[])

Copies the keys passed in the 'keys' array from the passed object to a new object and returns that object. If a key wasn't found it will be set as undefined

import pick from '@valkyriestudios/utils/object/pick';
pick({a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}, ['a','b']); // {a: 1, b: 2}

object/omit(obj:Object={}, keys:Array[string]=[])

Returns an object with the keys provided in the keys array stripped from the provided object.

import { omit } from "@valkyriestudios/utils/object"; /* Or @valkyriestudios/utils/object/omit; */
const redacted = omit({
    firstName: "Peter",
    lastName: "Vermeulen",
    age: 34,
    details: {
        phone: "...",
        email: "...",
        isActive: true,
        password: "...",
}, ["age", "", "", "details.password"]);
Redacted here will be:
{firstName: "Peter", lastName: "Vermeulen", "details": {"isActive": true}}

Its type will be
{firstName: string; lastName: string; details: {isActive: boolean}}

object/merge(target:Object={},obj:Object|Object[]={}, opts?:{union?:boolean})

Merges two objects together, with the preference over the second object.

import merge from '@valkyriestudios/utils/object/merge';
merge({a: 1, b: false}, {a: 900, c: 50}, {union: true}); // {a: 900, b: false, c: 50}
merge({a: 1, b: false}, {a: 900, c: 50}, {union: false}); // {a: 900, b: false}
merge({a: 1, c: {bar: 'foo'}}, [{b: 2}, {c: {foo: 'bar'}}], {union: true}); // {a: 1, b: 2, c: {bar: 'foo', foo: 'bar'}}

Take Note: The default behavior is to not have union, this means that ONLY the keys in the target object are going to be available in the response of this function.

object/define(props:Object, obj:Object={})

Creates an object with the passed accessors set on it

import define from '@valkyriestudios/utils/object/define';
        a: {
            enumerable: false,
            value : function () { ... }
    { b: 2 }
// { a : () => ..., b: 2 }
import define from '@valkyriestudios/utils/object/define';
    a : {
        enumerable: false,
        value : function () { ... }
}); // { a : () => ... }


Check if a variable is an instance of RegExp

import isRegExp from '@valkyriestudios/utils/regexp/is';
isRegExp('foo'); // FALSE
isRegExp(new RegExp('ab+c', 'i')); // TRUE
isRegExp(new RegExp(/ab+c/, 'i')); // TRUE
isRegExp(/ab+c/i); // FALSE


Escapes special characters in a string and returns a sanitized version safe for usage in RegExp instances

import sanitize from '@valkyriestudios/utils/regexp/sanitize';
sanitize(''); // contact@valkyriestudios\\.be


Check if a variable is a string

import isString from '@valkyriestudios/utils/string/is';
isString('foo'); // TRUE
isString(4); // FALSE

string/isBetween(val:string, min:number, max:number, trimmed:boolean=true)

Check if a variable is between a range of numbers

import isBetween from '@valkyriestudios/utils/string/isBetween';
isBetween('Peter', 4, 10); // TRUE
isBetween('Jeff', 4, 10); // TRUE
isBetween('Moe', 4, 10); // FALSE
isBetween('Hello', 6, 1); // FALSE
isBetween('    Joe', 1, 3); // TRUE
isBetween('    Joe', 1, 3, false); // FALSE

string/isNotEmpty(val:unknown, trimmed:boolean=true)

Check if a variable a non-empty string

import isNotEmptyString from '@valkyriestudios/utils/string/isNotEmpty';
isNotEmptyString({a:1}); // FALSE
isNotEmptyString(''); // FALSE
isNotEmptyString(' '); // FALSE
isNotEmptyString(' ', false); // TRUE
isNotEmptyString('Hi'); // TRUE

string/shorten(val:string, length:integer, postfix:string=..., truncate_words=true)

Shorten a string and add a postfix if string went over length

import shorten from '@valkyriestudios/utils/string/shorten';
shorten('To the moon and beyond', 11, '..'); // 'To the moon..'
shorten('Hi', 250); // 'Hi'
shorten('To the moon and beyond'); // 'To the moon...'
shorten('To the moon and beyond', 11, ' '); // 'To the moon '

/* For when you don't want words to be truncated mid-word */
shorten('To the moon and beyond', 11, '...', false);


Humanize an amount of bytes

allows passing options to control the output, following options are possible: -- option:delim (default:','): Override the delimiter used, eg: 20000 -> 20,000 -- option:separator (default:'.'): Override the separator used for floats, eg: '20.034' -> '20,034' -- option:precision (default:2): Override decimal precision for floats: eg: '20.0344233' with precision 2 -> '20.03' -- option:units (default:[' byes', ' KB', ' MB', ' GB', ' TB', ' PB', ' EB', ' ZB', ' YB']): Override units used, eg: 4893290423489 with units [' Jedi', ' Darth', ' Vader', ' Force'] and precision of 0 -> '4,893 Force'

import humanizeBytes from '@valkyriestudios/utils/string/humanizeBytes';
humanizeBytes(1504230); // '1.4 MB'
humanizeBytes(23); // '23 bytes'
humanizeBytes(-374237489237); // '-348.5 GB'
humanizeBytes('-1504230'); // '-1.4 MB'

string/humanizeNumber(val:number|string, options:Object)

Humanize a number

allows passing options to control the output, following options are possible: -- option:delim (default:','): Override the delimiter used, eg: 20000 -> 20,000 -- option:separator (default:'.'): Override the separator used for floats, eg: '20.034' -> '20,034' -- option:precision (default:2): Override decimal precision for floats: eg: '20.0344233' with precision 2 -> '20.03' -- option:units (default:['', 'k', 'm', 'b', 't', 'q']): Override units used, eg: 1073741823 with units ['', 'K'] -> 1.073.741,82K -- option:real (default:false): Set to true to automatically round input numbers -- option:divider (default:1000): Override default divider used for units (used internally for humanizeBytes with 1024 as divider)

import humanizeBytes from '@valkyriestudios/utils/string/humanizeBytes';
humanizeNumber(4327963279469432); // '4.33q'
humanizeNumber(1504230); // '1.5m'
humanizeNumber(-432443); // '-432.44k'
humanizeNumber('-1500'); // '-1.5k'
humanizeNumber(47328748923747923479); // '47,328.75q'



Zero-dependency collection of blazing fast single-function utilities for common tasks






Contributors 3
