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Releases: ValkyrieStudios/validator


03 Nov 16:37
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  • dx: Branded Types now internally work with a cleaner type allowing for easier usage in eg IDEs such as VS Code
  • dx: SSN rule now has a branded type behind it
  • dx: ULID rule now has a branded type behind it
  • dx: date_string rule now has a branded type behind it
  • dx: date_iso and date_day rules now have the same branded type as date_string
  • dx: All uuid rules now have a branded type behind them


  • Fix an issue where ulid regex was including non-base32 characters


03 Nov 16:02
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  • feat: ssn rule - Validates U.S. Social Security Numbers (SSN), ensuring the format XXX-XX-XXXX where each "X" is a digit
const v = new Validator({a: 'ssn'});
v.check({a: '987-65-4321'}); /* true */
v.check({a: '123-45-678'}); /* false */
  • feat: ulid rule - Validates ULIDs (Universally Unique Lexicographically Sortable Identifiers), ensuring a 26-character uppercase alphanumeric format.
const v = new Validator({ a: 'ulid' });
v.check({ a: '01ARZ3NDEKTSV4RRFFQ69G5FAV' }); // true
v.check({ a: '01ARZ3NDEKTSV4RRFFQ69G5FA' }); // false (too short)
  • feat: uuid rule - Validates general UUIDs, supporting versions 1 through 5
const v = new Validator({ a: 'uuid' });
v.check({ a: '550e8400-e29b-11d4-a716-446655440000' }); // true
v.check({ a: 'bla' }); // false
v.check({ a: '550e8400-e29b-61d4-a716-446655440000' }); // false, version 6 does not exist
  • feat: uuid_v1 rule to verify that a provided value is a correctly formatted UUID V1
  • feat: uuid_v2 rule to verify that a provided value is a correctly formatted UUID V2
  • feat: uuid_v3 rule to verify that a provided value is a correctly formatted UUID V3
  • feat: uuid_v4 rule to verify that a provided value is a correctly formatted UUID V4
  • feat: uuid_v5 rule to verify that a provided value is a correctly formatted UUID V5
const v = new Validator({a: 'uuid'});
v.check({a: '550e8400-e29b-11d4-a716-446655440000'}); /* true */
v.check({a: 'bla'}); /* false */
v.check({a: '550e8400-e29b-61d4-a716-446655440000'}); /* false, v6 does not exist */
  • feat: isbn rule - Validates International Standard Book Numbers (ISBNs), supporting both ISBN-10 and ISBN-13 formats.
const v = new Validator({ a: 'isbn' });
v.check({ a: '123456789X' }); // true (ISBN-10)
v.check({ a: '9781234567897' }); // true (ISBN-13)
v.check({ a: '1234567890' }); // true (ISBN-10)
v.check({ a: '1234567890123' }); // false (invalid ISBN)
  • feat: isbn_10 rule to verify that a provided value is a correctly formatted 10 character ISBN
  • feat: isbn_13 rule to verify that a provided value is a correctly formatted 13 character ISBN
  • feat: ean rule - Validates European Article Numbers (EANs), supporting both 8-character (EAN-8) and 13-character (EAN-13) formats.
const v = new Validator({ a: 'ean' });
v.check({ a: '12345670' }); // true (EAN-8)
v.check({ a: '1234567890128' }); // true (EAN-13)
v.check({ a: '1234567' }); // false (too short for EAN-8)
  • feat: ean_8 rule to verify that a provided value is a correctly formatted 8 character EAN
  • feat: ean_13 rule to verify that a provided value is a correctly formatted 13 character EAN


  • dx: color_hex rule now works with a branded ColorHex type as typeguard instead of string
  • dx: email rule now works with a branded Email type as typeguard instead of string
  • dx: guid rule now works with a branded Guid type as typeguard instead of string
  • dx: phone rule now works with a branded Phone type as typeguard instead of string
  • dx: sys_ipv4 rule now works with a branded IP_V4 type as typeguard instead of string
  • dx: sys_ipv6 rule now works with a branded IP_V6 type as typeguard instead of string
  • dx: sys_ipv4_or_v6 rule now works with a branded IP type as typeguard instead of string
  • dx: sys_mac rule now works with a branded MAC type as typeguard instead of string
  • deps: Upgrade @valkyriestudios/utils to 12.27.1
  • deps: Upgrade @types/node to 22.8.7
  • deps: Upgrade eslint to 9.14.0
  • deps: Upgrade typescript to 5.6.3
  • deps: Upgrade typescript-eslint to 8.12.2


06 Oct 11:59
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  • deps: Upgrade @valkyriestudios/utils to 12.25.1


05 Oct 14:17
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  • feat: date_iso rule now sees ISO formatted date strings without milliseconds as valid too
const v = new Validator({a: 'date_iso'});
v.check({a: '2024-02-07T19:35:00Z'}); // true
v.check({a: '2024-02-07T19:35:00.010Z'}); // true
v.check({a: '2024-02-07T19:35:00.Z'}); // false
  • deps: Upgrade @valkyriestudios/utils to 12.25.0
  • deps: Upgrade eslint to 9.12.0
  • deps: Upgrade typescript-eslint to 8.8.0


29 Sep 19:09
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  • feat: null as a rule to validate that a value is null, take note this can be used in tandem with conditional groups, for example:
const v = new Validator({a: '(string_ne)(null)'});
v.check({a: null}); /* true */
v.check({a: false}); /* false */
v.check({a: "Hello world"}); /* true */
  • feat: blob as a rule to validate that a value is an instance of Blob
  • feat: file as a rule to validate that a value is an instance of File
  • deps: typescript-eslint (dev dep)


  • feat: less_than and lt now support Blob and File to verify their size is below a certain number of bytes
  • feat: less_than_or_equal and lte now support Blob and File to verify their size is below or equal to a certain number of bytes
  • feat: greater_than and lt now support Blob and File to verify their size is above a certain number of bytes
  • feat: greater_than_or_equal and lte now support Blob and File to verify their size is above or equal to a certain number of bytes
  • feat: between now support Blob and File to verify their size is between a minimum and maximum number of bytes
  • feat: between_inc now support Blob and File to verify their size is between or inclusive to a minimum and maximum number of bytes
  • deps: Upgrade @valkyriestudios/utils to 12.24.0
  • deps: Upgrade eslint to 9.11.1
  • deps: Upgrade nyc to 17.1.0
  • deps: Upgrade typescript to 5.6.2
  • deps: Upgrade @types/node to 20.16.10


  • deps: @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin
  • deps: @typescript-eslint/parser


07 Sep 20:15
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  • feat: Validator@checkForm - Instance function which checks if a FormData instance is valid and returns it as an object if it is. Perfect for middleware situations in backend endpoints
type User = {
    age: number;
    name: string;
const v = new Validator<User>({
    name: 'string_ne|min:2',
    age: 'integer|between:1,150',

const form = new FormData();
form.append('name', 'Peter');
form.append('age', '34');
const result = v.checkForm(form);
if (!result) return;

... // result is converted to an object and typed as User here and will be {name: "Peter", age: 34}
  • feat: Validator@check now supports FormData validation
const v = new Validator({
    name: 'string_ne|min:2',
    age: 'integer|between:1,150',

const form = new FormData();
form.append('name', 'Peter');
v.check(form); // false

form.append('age', '40');
v.check(form); // true
  • feat: Validator@validate now supports FormData validation
const v = new Validator({
    name: 'string_ne|min:2',
    age: 'integer|between:1,150',

const form = new FormData();
form.append('name', 'Peter');
console.log(v.validate(form).is_valid); // false

form.append('age', '40');
console.log(v.validate(form).is_valid); // true


  • deps: Upgrade @valkyriestudios/utils to 12.22.0
  • deps: Upgrade @types/node to 20.16.5


18 Aug 15:36
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  • feat: Rule 'date_iso' - Validates that a provided value is a date string in the iso format of YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ
const v = new Validator({created: 'date_iso'});
v.check({a: '2024-04-31T09:20:00.000Z'}); // false there is no 31st day in April
v.check({a: '2024-04-16T09:20:00.000Z'}); // true
  • feat: Rule 'date_day' - Validates that a provided value is a date string in the format of YYYY-MM-DD
const v = new Validator({created: 'date_day'});
v.check({a: '2023-02-29'}); // false 2023 was not a leap year
v.check({a: '2024-02-29'}); // true


  • perf: ~2-5% improvement in url_med validation thanks to precompiled regexes
  • perf: ~2-5% improvement in url_vid validation thanks to precompiled regexes
  • perf: ~2-5% improvement in url_aud validation thanks to precompiled regexes
  • perf: ~2-5% improvement in url_img validation thanks to precompiled regexes
  • perf: ~2-5% improvement in sys_ipv4_or_v6 validation thanks to removal of redundant typeof check and simplification of ops
  • perf: ~5% improvement in lt, less_than, lte, less_than_or_equal, gt, greater_than, gte, greater_than_or_equal, between, between_inc when using numerical checks thanks to removal of typeof check and simplification of operations
  • sys: Automated test runs are now run against node 18.x, 20.x and 22.x instead of only 20.x
  • deps: Upgrade @valkyriestudios/utils to 12.20.0
  • deps: Upgrade @types/node to 20.16.0


18 Aug 15:35
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  • deps: Upgrade @valkyriestudios/utils to 12.19.0


05 Aug 00:00
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  • deps: Upgrade @valkyriestudios/utils to 12.18.0
  • deps: Upgrade @types/node to 20.14.14
  • deps: Upgrade @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin to 7.18.0
  • deps: Upgrade @typescript-eslint/parser to 7.18.0
  • deps: Upgrade esbuild-register to 3.6.0
  • deps: Upgrade typescript to 5.5.4


21 Jul 17:51
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  • deps: Upgrade @valkyriestudios/utils to 12.17.1