Backbone collections as a standalone component. Sync stripped out so no jQuery dependency. Can be readded with separate component.
Install with npm(1):
$ npm install backbone-collection
Install with component(1):
$ component install green-mesa/backbone-collection
var Collection = require('backbone-collection').Collection;
// from here it's Backbone's usual API... except without sync.
You need to $ component install green-mesa/backbone-sync
(which, by the way, will also install jQuery. Fun times. A non-jQuery replacement would be good at this point)
var Collection = require('backbone-collection').Collection;
var sync = require('backbone-sync').sync;
Collection.prototype.sync = function(){
return sync.apply(this, arguments);
Some commonJS related quirks mean that overridding the ajax handler is a bit pointless as you've already got jQuery installed by default. Write a replacement backbone-sync
module and use that instead. That's the component way.