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Releases Checklist

Bernhard Manfred Gruber edited this page Oct 6, 2023 · 7 revisions


  • The CDash dashboard may not show any failures.
  • Verify that the is up to date.
  • Verify that the Compiler Explorer header files are up to date (see godbolt/*). If not, run ./ and commit.
  • Verify that the documentation builds without (bad) warnings and that it is not outdated.
  • Prepare a full changelog using git cl ( and upload it to a new gist.
    • git cl is an alias for git log --no-merges --pretty=tformat:'* [%h]( %s - %an'
  • Prepare the release notes, summarizing the full changelog and closed issues.


  • Run the script.
  • Upload docs, qch, and tarball to the release page on GitHub.
  • Check that the full changelog is still up to date.
  • Extract the docs tarball on web server.
  • Push the release commits and the release tag.
  • Publish the release on GitHub.

After release

Clone this wiki locally