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This repository contains an implementation of the Transformer architecture from scratch, written in Python .py files.

The Transformer is a powerful neural network architecture that has been shown to achieve state-of-the-art performance on a wide range of natural language processing tasks, including language modeling, machine translation, and sentiment analysis.

About the Project


The goal of this project is to gain a deeper understanding of how the Transformer works and how it can be applied to different natural language processing tasks.


NLP can be performed using many Architectures and model but we have started our journey with Neural Networks as they form the basis of each and every NLP model. Here we have implemented RNNs and LSTMs models and considering it's drawbacks we have shifted towards more advanced models like Transformer. Transformer models are commonly made using Pytorch(torch) and Tensorflow frameworks but here we have implemented it from Scratch using Numpy. Transfomer mainly interact with data in form of matrices hence with help of Numpy libraries we can easily manipulate data as per our need against for using conventional methods.Numpy is a pre-defined library and not a framework like tensorflow. By implementing the Transformer from Scratch using Numpy and Cupy Libraries, we can get a hands-on understanding of the key components of the architecture, including multi-head self-attention, feedforward layers, and layer normalization. We have made it easy for the user by allowing him to load the dataset of his choice therby training our model on his dataset. Our Transformer model package can be easily imported like other predefined libraries using PyPi.

Tech Stack

File Structure

├── Courses                   
   ├── Kshitij
   ├── Mayank
   ├── Veeransh   
├── Mini Projects
   ├── Image_Classification.ipynb
   ├── Logistic Spam Project.ipynb
   ├── MNISTfinal.ipynb
├── RNN Implementation
   ├── .rnn implementation.ipynb
├── Transformers
   ├── BaseLayers
   ├── CombinedLayers   
   ├── Decoder    
   ├── Encoder  

Getting Started

Projects we worked on

  • Transformer
  • Building Transformer Package Using PyPi

Project Results

Image 08-11-23 at 1 44 PM

Image 08-11-23 at 1 44 PM (1)

Image 08-11-23 at 12 34 PM

Transformer Architecture

The Transformer architecture consists of a set of encoders and a decoders, In the paper they used 6 of each. The encoder processes the input sequence of tokens, while the decoder generates the output sequence. Here's a brief overview of each component:

Input Embedding

The input sequence of tokens is first embedded into a continuous vector space using an embedding layer. This serves as practically the first step in both encoder and decoder layers. The input generally is in form of tokens or one hot encoding is mapped to an embedding with dimension of model. The embeddings can be pretrained like Glove or Word2Vec or one can train it while training the model We train the embeddings here while training the model

Positional Encoding

Since the Transformer does not use recurrent or LSTM layers, it needs a way to incorporate positional information about the tokens. This is done using a positional encoding layer, which adds a set of sinusoidal (sin and cos) functions to the input embeddings. The frequencies and phases of these functions encode the position of each token in the input sequence.This help the transformer to maintain the order in the positioning of the tokens.

Encoder Layers

The encoder consists of multiple identical layers, each of which applies a set of operations to the input sequence in parallel. The core operation of each encoder layer is multi-head self-attention (they used 8 heads in the paper), which allows the model to attend to different parts of the input sequence at different levels of granularity. The outputs of the self-attention layer are passed through a feedforward neural network, and the resulting representations are combined with the original input sequence using residual connections and layer normalization. The encoder has bidirectional context.

Add and Norm

These stand for layer normalization and residual connection.These are optimization tricks which help us in better training the model. LayerNormalization Idea is to cut down on uninformative variation in hidden vector values by normalizing to unit mean and standard deviation within each layer. LayerNorm’s success may be due to its normalizing gradients Residual Connection help to make the loss profile more smooth as we use the input of the layer and add the residual and gradient calculation

Multihead Attention

We generate three vectors query,key and values by linear transformation of our input vector x query represents the current position It's dot product with key divided by d_h gives us scaled dot product attention which helps the transformer to get context of the seqeuence Value stores information corresponding to the key. There are 2 types:cross attention and self attention Decoder uses both self attention and cross attention Encoder uses self attention only In cross attention, Query comes from decoder while key and value comes from encoder.It helps the decoder to get context of the input sequence. Also we use masked multihead attention so that it cannot attend to future position The attention similarity is set to negative infinity and then the softmax maps it to 0

Decoder Layers

The decoder also consists of multiple identical layers, each of which applies a similar set of operations to the output sequence. In addition to the self-attention and feedforward layers, each decoder layer also includes a multi-head attention layer that attends to the encoder output. This allows the decoder to align the input and output sequences and generate more accurate translations. Each Block consists of: Multihead-attention Add & Norm Feed-Forward Add & Norm The decoder constrains itself to unidirectional context flow in language models.

Output Layer

The final layer of the decoder is a softmax layer that produces a probability distribution over the output vocabulary. During training, the model is trained to maximize the likelihood of the correct output sequence. During inference, the output sequence is generated by sampling from the predicted probability distribution using temperature sampling.

This is our Transformer Architecture with Encoder on left and Decoder on right. Screenshottrans

Building Transformer Package Using PyPi

  • Added one special feature in which we can directly import our Transformer Architecture just like we import predefined libraries in python. This has been achieved using PyPi which is Python Package Index.

Future Works

  • We are planning to work on real time transformer models like Llama and many others too.
  • Generative Pre-Trained Transformer models that is GPT is our next topic of discussion and research.
  • Planning to modify, optimize and fine tune our model to give more accurate predictions. We would be achieveing this by comparing our model with real time world Transformer Architecture Models.


Running the model

Install the package and then call the fit function of transformer class Provide your preprocessed data to it in the form of a list and provide your hyperparameters to it

Acknowledgement and Resources


No description, website, or topics provided.







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Contributors 4
