This WordPress page template removes all of the special WordPress html from a page so that you can write whatever html you want between the body tags and style it with it's own css file.
This is a page template for a WordPress Child Theme.
##To use:
- Create a child theme and place this file in it's directory.
- Activate your new child theme.
- Customize the URLs in the file (the URLs are described in ALL CAPS).
- Create a new page and switch the template to "Blank Page."
- Use the text editor to enter the html that will be displayed between the body tags.
- Add a "Title" custom field where the "value" is the page title.
- Upload a syle sheet for the page to your child theme directoy.
- Add a "Stylesheet" custom field where the "value" is the name of the css file (without the .css extention).
- Publish your page.