This sample project demonstrates a draft of a patch that enables using GWT-RPC with jakarta.servlet apis. Built from
the modular-webapp
archetype at, there are a few small changes
to fetch the 2.11.0-jakarta-SNAPSHOT
version from and run a simple GWT-RPC
servlet and app under Jetty 11.
To develop with this project, run these commands:
- First, start a codeserver with
mvn gwt:codeserver -pl jakarta-gwt-app-client -am
- Next, start a Jetty server with
mvn jetty:run -pl jakarta-gwt-app-server -am -Denv=dev
To deploy to production, either invoke mvn package
and copy the resulting war in jakarta-gwt-app-server/target
any jakarta.servlet container, or build and run directly via
mvn package jetty:run-war -Denv=prod