Digital Signal Processing Library for Xilinx Platforms
Vivado 2019.2
Project is in DSP/Projects/adc_recorder. Change the IP repository to the location of .../DSP/cores
and .../DSP/pavel-cores
Click generate bitstream in vivado, output will be at DSP/project/adc_recorder/adc_recorder.runs/impl_1/system_wrapper.bit
Copy the bitstream to the Red Pitaya and load cat bitmap.bit > /dev/xdevcfg
A script
is included to automatically find the bitmap and use scp
to upload it to the FPGA. Given a program
, the script automatically looks for ./projects/$program/$program.runs/impl_1/system_wrapper.bit
. Alternatively, you can use a flag to specify the input file. The script then uploads this file to the FPGA.
Usage: ./ -p program [-s source_file] [-d remote_dir]
- -p: Specify the Vivado program to upload
- -d: Specify the destination directory for
- -s: Specify the source file
Run example
on the Red Pitaya.