An interactive application for sculpting in 3D.
Distance functions defining the surface of a shape can be added additively and subtractively to form complex shapes. Functions are added to an octree which causes affected areas to be re-evaluated. Function evaluation consists of iterating over a hierarchical grid to find distances smaller than some threshold. Zero-crossing points are collected and uploaded to an openGL vertex buffer, then drawn.
Input | Action |
Mouse movement | Look around |
Left click | Add brush |
Right click | Remove brush |
1 | Toggle shape |
Up arrow | Increase brush size |
Down arrow | Descrease brush size |
Left arrow | Decrease blending |
Right arrow | Increase blending |
W | Move forward |
S | Move backward |
A | Move left |
D | Move right |
Left shift | Move down |
Spacebar | Move up |
E | Set light direction |
NUM 7 | Increase red |
NUM 4 | Decrease red |
NUM 8 | Increase green |
NUM 5 | Decrease green |
NUM 9 | Increase blue |
NUM 6 | Decrease blue |
ESC | Close program |
- OpenGL 3.3
- glew
- glfw3
- glm
- c++11 compiler
- cmake
- mkdir build
- cd build
- cmake .. -G "your platform"
- cd ..
- cmake --build build --config Release
- cd bin
- ./main