See installation instructions at:
Check you have python3 installed:
python3 --version
Ensure your pip (package manager) is up to date:
pip3 install --upgrade pip
To check your pip version run:
pip3 --version
Create the virtual environment in the root of the cloned project:
python3 -m venv .venv
You always want your virtual environment to be active when working on this project.
source ./.venv/bin/activate
This will install some of the packages you might find useful:
pip3 install -r ./requirements.txt
A data generator is included as part of the project in ./input_data_generator/
This allows you to generate a configurable number of months of data.
Although the technical test specification mentions 6 months of data, it's best to generate
less than that initially to help improve the debugging process.
To run the data generator use:
python ./input_data_generator/
This should produce customers, products and transaction data under ./input_data/starter
Please save Snowflake model code in snowflake
and infrastructure code in infra
Update this README as code evolves.
First, I tried to generate the data with the given condition, but it had an issue on the main_data_generator that (bws was not defined). So I commented that bws line, once that bws was not previously defined properly.
Then, I created an S3 bucket, a Policy and a Role attached to it, so that it is possible to get the data from AWS to Snowflake securely.
Created the base tables that would get the info from the files.
Created the Storage Integration in Snowflake
Created the external stages
Populated the tables with the data from the stages
Created the final view, as required.
Created the pipes to automatically run the file as it is received.
Order of files in snowflake folder:
1 - Base_Tables.sql
2 - storage_stage_creation.sql
3 - Customers.sql
4 - Products.sql
5 - JSON_file_format.sql
5 - Transactions.sql
6 - Final_Table.sql