Releases: VictorAvelar/mollie-cli
New Features and updates
- 89a6843: feat: add devcontainer configuration (@VictorAvelar)
- c4b6a94: feat: improve actions pipeline (@VictorAvelar)
Bug fixes
- 8dfc668: fix(gh_actions): labeler cannot write on PRs (@VictorAvelar)
- ac4731b: fix(gh_actions): trigger on local and remote prs (@VictorAvelar)
Documentation updates
- e92338a: docs(md): regenerate markdown documentation (@VictorAvelar)
Other work
- 44cd0de: build(deps): bump from 1.7.4 to 1.7.5 (@dependabot[bot])
- a3642d2: build(deps): bump from 1.7.5 to 1.8.0 (@dependabot[bot])
- e4f4b14: chore(gh-actions): add manual trigger event (@VictorAvelar)
- be172a0: chore(gh-actions): add pr-labeler action (@VictorAvelar)
- bfdb2c4: chore(gh-actions): fix action documents (@VictorAvelar)
- e6e4c3b: chore(gh-actions): fix identation (@VictorAvelar)
- fdea686: chore(gh-actions): fix incorrect permission names (@VictorAvelar)
- 3553973: chore(gh-actions): fix label definition paths (@VictorAvelar)
- 5eaf788: chore(gh-actions): fix labeler config (@VictorAvelar)
- 1a70ed8: chore(gh-actions): fix yml identation (@VictorAvelar)
- 2256438: chore(readme): extend readme file (@VictorAvelar)
New Features and updates
- 3ebfc56: feat: add scripts to generate autocompletions and manpages (@VictorAvelar)
- f594add: feat: generate manpages and markdown docs (@VictorAvelar)
- c0af58f: feat: new goreleaser configuration (@VictorAvelar)
Other work
- cac6fdc: chore(deps): update base dependencies (@VictorAvelar)
- c30c812: chore(git): add generated content to gitignore (@VictorAvelar)
- 09ed010 task: fix yaml namespace
- d93c634 task: re-enable the debug flag
- 692ea8d task: cleanup more debug steps
- efe8c42 task: use app.Logger consistently on common.go
- 41fa6ee task: remove debug logs
- 98b32bd chore(version): prepare version update
- fca90d1 task: fix json display flag and behaviour
- dc2164b task: adapt initializer
- 4768fec task: adapt refunds commands
- 9bb803a task: fix information prompters
- 8bc2ce0 task: adapt profiles commands
- ff515e6 task: adapt permissions commands
- 7dc9ec6 task: adapt payments commands
- 1eb6002 task: adapt payment methods commands
- 25ddcc3 task: adapt invoices commands
- ff378dc task: adapt customers commands
- daf5799 task: general common files modifications
- 469dd11 task: adapt chargebacks commands
- e5c483d task: addapt captures results
- 20d36f3 task: update command version number
- e6903d8 Bump from 3.2.1 to 3.3.0
- 323dd6c task: migrate to mollie-api-go@v3
- cb8973b chore(gh-actions): update gh actions
daa7217 Upgrade base dependencies
40d1c0f Update dependencies
b9e64f9 Update golancilint to use default presets
dc6254b Fix errors: performance linter
59ef320 Fix errors: comment linter
e4c355d Fix errors: unused and bugs linters report
6ec144b Add makefile ci and pr linters
5793ef5 Remove internal command implementation
e6ec24e Update workflow files
5b7d500 Add invoices command to mollie
acbfce3 Update invoices command to admiral
10daec7 Update invoices displayers
f3df677 Fix golint errors
8ccaeee Fix failing tests and code smells
fff3660 Add customers command to mollie
75962e0 Update customers command to admiral
1bf01bc Update customer displayer
fff676b Add refunds command to mollie
8f65748 Update refunds commands to admiral
626fea2 Update refunds displayer
a7ac942 Add extra common flags
941dcd7 Add chargebacks command to mollie
30b00eb Update chargebacks commands to admiral
f31d072 Update chargebacks displayers
1be4c52 Add filtering for captures command
0073121 Add captures command to mollie
b26b707 Update captures command to admiral
6b346b9 Update captures displayers
5591113 Update base packages
9ccf581 Update command helpers
cd3eea7 Add payments command
86ca5c2 Update payment displayers
6bd62a2 Update payments commands to admiral
2edb905 Add common mollie prompters
6070630 Add more common flaggers
197c180 Update profile displayable
ff311a7 Update profiles commands to admiral
9e8f2df Update dependencies
9280ab1 Update permission displayers
9249272 Update permission commands to admiral
fc25a69 Add updated commands to the CLI
0f43bc1 Update tooling commands to admiral
a77785e Update browse command to admiral
9ec3842 Update impl to use common admiral displayables
33a7175 Update helpers to admiral base impl
0dd254c Remove duplicate displayables
348df6f Remove use of global variable
a1fc255 Add one file per command for methods
047af19 Refactor base code
418c613 Update methods commands to admiral (basic)
c4c997f Add issuers for methods displayer
43971f4 Update base command to admiral
5555742 Add json displayable object
e55b7dd Add text displayable object
7e4bd29 Add json dump config
9fdaa32 Add go-money to display amounts
4b5b144 Add issuers displayer
04012e4 Add more flaggers
6b2e8d4 Migrate methods command to admiral
4b69ca0 Add flag attachment functions
da8f6fb Add avocatl/admiral module
b843618 Migrate base command to admiral
58ebe4f Fix out-format for golangci-lint workflow
ca0b516 Add fixed tag to dockerfile
c0b52d2 Update golang dependencies
93e416d Update direct dependencies
7cf23da Update stale.yml
8e5dd51 Update generated documentation
6a8b178 Update displayable version
f56bab0 Update ci config
255c0dc Update README
984b70f Merge branch 'master' into customers-resource-implementation
26a328c Add displayers to command actions
e1770f9 Add customers base command
58c2708 Add customer domain missing args
250ba9f Add customer displayers
877c482 Add basic commands for customers