An on going TF implementation on Voxnet to deal with LiDAR pointcloud.
title={VoxNet: A 3D Convolutional Neural Network for real-time object recognition},
author={Maturana, Daniel and Scherer, Sebastian},
booktitle={Ieee/rsj International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems},
Sydney Urban Object Dataset, short for SUOD
Stanford Track Collection
KITTI Object Recognition
Semantic 3D
# converting SUOD bin files to pcd and saving centerlized and rotation augmented voxels in `{name}_{rotate_step}.npy`
# training and evaluation, checkpoint and log will be saved in `./voxnet/` folder
The current model is trained by folder[1-3], and evaluated on folder[4] with resolution 0.2m
, batch size 32
and epoch 8
. And it achieves F1-score at 0.73433015006
for SUOD with only data aumentation rather than other voting technique. The loss is shown as follows:
Wall time Step Value
1508375747.16754 1 2.6253740788
1508377549.74742 101 0.9230182171
1508379332.95241 201 0.7202908993
1508381070.35217 301 0.5305011868
1508382793.84819 401 0.1175880656
1508384521.5706 501 0.2003295422
1508386244.20116 601 0.0610329323
1508387969.68897 701 0.0604557097
1508389692.15291 801 0.088219732
1508391414.02475 901 0.0428960286
1508393137.4318 1001 0.0754385814
1508394883.46221 1101 0.0614332743
1508396624.6835 1201 0.0039639813
- Dataset path needs to be modified in
- The training step is really slow, about 44s. It needs to check implementation of Voxnet architecture.
- Some folder need to be created before running(e.g., lacking path checker and mkdir in the script)