UIImageView+AsyncLoad is an extension of UIImageView for loading and displaying images asynchronously on iOS. Developer will have a hassle free environment for showing the remote image on imageview without doing much work, more sepcifically not worring about network calls, with out blocking the UI.
To use the UIImageView+AsyncLoad in an app, just drag the ImageDownloadManager.swift
& UIImageView+AsyncLoad.swift
files into your project.
Use the APi setImageFrom(imageURLString : String, placeHolderImage: UIImage = UIImage(), completionBlock: DownloadHandler?)
on the UIImageView instance, pass the remote image URL to be displayed, check the below snippet for example.
And "Thats it"
*Note : Additonaly if you want to pass the placeholder image, just add an argument placeHolderImage
and pass the image, rest is taken care.