Repo for the results of pipelines reporting dataflow to and within VFB.
Current results are from the latest travis build #968 from commit: 'no change' on master
kb: knowledge_base
dev: dev pipeline, pre-release - used to drive v2 dev test site. This pipeline should be used for schema changes that require code updates to work.
staging: data pipeline, pre-release - used to drive v2 staging/a/alpha test site. This pipeline should be used only to stage data, the absense of any schema changes. However, schema changes to KB can potentially muddle the data/dev distinction.
pdb: production - live database running VFB 2
report = complete report of content
diff = diff of server to kb, to track progress of data to release
For each EM dataset the following reports are generated:
A general overview for each dataset listing the number of included neuron skeletons (skids) in the relevant CATMAID instance vs VFB KnowledgeBase (KB). For neurons in VFB, it lists which neurons are classified only under 'neuron' - i.e. which are candidates for deepening annotations.
New skids - not yet imported into VFB.
Neurons imported into VFB - but only annotated as 'neuron'. These are candidates for curation.
A complete list of skids published on the relivant VFB CATMAID site with their relivant publications. a simple diff with previous versions in github shows any changes between releases and the dates of thouse changes.
Report of cell type (FBbt) annotations on neurons in CATMAID
Query for cell type annotations with FBbt (Does not apply to L1EM)
Endpoint: annotations/query-targets
query json:
{ "annotated_with": celltype_annotation, "with_annotations": False,
"annotation_reference": "id"}
FAFB: celltype_annotation: 11078097
# internal annotation id allowing us to pull cell-type annotations
Return values used: = FBbt id
iterate of cell type annotations (
) to find skids:
endpoint: annotations/query-targets
{"annotated_with":, "with_annotations": False,
"annotation_reference": "id", }
*Return values used:
neurons.skeleton_ids -> skid
Endpoint: annotations/query-targets
query json:
{"annotated_with": paper_annotation, "with_annotations": False,
"annotation_reference": "name"}
FAFB: paper_annotation = 'Published'
L1EM: paper_annotation = 'papers'
Return values used:
{jpath} -> column_header -> Paper_ID -> CATMAID_name
Note: the reports is automatically generated on each run. Please edit if changes are needed.