My config for my development environment. Includes configurations for:
- Alacritty, a cross-platform, GPU accelerated terminal emulator
- tmux, a terminal multiplexer, configured with minimal changes using a framework called Oh my tmux! for one of the best out-of-the-box tmux experiences
- zsh, a powerful alternative shell, configured with the Zim framework
- GNU stow, a utility to help manage dotfiles by symlinking them to the places they need to be
- Powerlevel10k (zsh prompt) recommended font: Meslo Nerd Font
- eza, a modern ls replacement, adding colours and icons
- pyenv's suggested build environment packages
- Clone the repository with submodules to your home folder
$ git clone $HOME/.dotfiles
- Inside the
folder, runstow [foldername]
depending on which configs you would like to install. This will create symbolic links to wherever the configs are expected to be. For example,stow zsh
will create symlinks in your home directory for.zim
, and.zshrc
- If you already have configurations, create backups/move the files so that the symlinks can be created properly.
- Done! Restart the program if you were already using it and enjoy your new environment.
- add a quick reference for some commands added
- expand on the plugins included in zsh
- make a nvim config