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Social Media API

Project overview

In this project, a full scale working API for generic social media has been developed. This API has the following features:

  • Uses FAST API framework
  • Support all CRUD functions
  • Functions to create users, user login using authentication tokens and get user by id
  • Functions to create posts, get all posts, get posts by id, delete posts by id and update posts by id. All these are allowed only for an authenticated user
  • Functions to add and remove votes on posts, also not allowing multiple votes on same post. All these are allowed only for an authenticated user

Tech Stack

API framework: FAST API
Database: Postgresql
Database tools: SQLAlchemy (sql mapper), Alembic (database migration)
Testing: pytest library
CI/CD: github actions
Containerization: Docker
Deployment: Tested local deployment on ubuntu server running on a vitrual machine