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Fine-Tuning Image-Conditional Diffusion Models

[Paper] [Project Page] [HF demo depth] [HF demo normals] [BibTeX]

🔧 Setup

Tested with Python 3.10.

  1. Clone repository:
git clone
cd diffusion-e2e-ft
  1. Install dependencies:
python -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

🤖 Models

The following checkpoints are available for inference. Note that the Marigold (Depth) and GeoWizard (Depth & Normals) diffusion estimators are the official checkpoints provided by their respective authors and were not trained by us. Following the Marigold training regimen, we have trained a Marigold diffusion estimator for normals.

"E2E FT" denotes models we have fine-tuned end-to-end on task-specific losses, either starting from the pretrained diffusion estimator or directly from Stable Diffusion. Since the fine-tuned models are single-step deterministic models, the noise should always be zeros and the ensemble size and number of inference steps should always be 1.

Models Diffusion Estimator Stable Diffusion + E2E FT Diffusion Estimator + E2E FT
Marigold (Depth) prs-eth/marigold-depth-v1-0 GonzaloMG/stable-diffusion-e2e-ft-depth GonzaloMG/marigold-e2e-ft-depth
Marigold (Normals) GonzaloMG/marigold-normals GonzaloMG/stable-diffusion-e2e-ft-normals GonzaloMG/marigold-e2e-ft-normals
GeoWizard (Depth&Normals) lemonaddie/geowizard N/A GonzaloMG/geowizard-e2e-ft

🏃 Inference

  1. Marigold checkpoints:
python Marigold/ \
    --checkpoint="GonzaloMG/marigold-e2e-ft-depth" \
    --modality depth \
    --input_rgb_dir="input" \
python Marigold/ \
    --checkpoint="GonzaloMG/marigold-e2e-ft-normals" \
    --modality normals \
    --input_rgb_dir="input" \
Argument Description
--checkpoint Hugging Face model path.
--modality Output modality; depth or normals.
--input_rgb_dir Path to the input images.
--output_dir Path to the output depth or normal images.
--denoise_steps Number of inference steps; default 1 for E2E FT models.
--ensemble_size Number of samples for ensemble; default 1 for E2E FT models.
--timestep_spacing Defines how timesteps are distributed; trailing or leading; default trailing for the fixed inference schedule.
--noise Noise types; gaussian, pyramid, or zeros; default zeros for E2E FT models.
--processing_res Resolution the model uses for generation; 0 for matching the RGB input resolution; default 768.
--output_processing_res If True, the generated image is not resized to match the RGB input resolution; default False.
--half_precision If True, operations are performed in half precision; default False.
--seed Sets the seed.
--batch_size Batched inference when ensembling; default 1.
--resample_method Resampling method used for resizing the RGB input and generated output; bilinear, bicubic, or nearest; default bilinear.
  1. GeoWizard checkpoints:
python GeoWizard/ \
    --pretrained_model_path="GonzaloMG/geowizard-e2e-ft" \
    --domain indoor \
    --input_dir="input" \
Argument Description
--pretrained_model_path Hugging Face model path.
--domain Domain with respect to the RGB input; indoor, outdoor, or object.
--input_dir Path to the input images.
--output_dir Path to the output depth and normal images.
--denoise_steps Number of inference steps; default 1 for E2E FT models.
--ensemble_size Number of samples for ensemble; default 1 for E2E FT models.
--timestep_spacing Defines how timesteps are distributed; trailing or leading; default trailing for the fixed inference schedule.
--noise Noise types; gaussian, pyramid, or zeros; default zeros for E2E FT models.
--processing_res Resolution the model uses for generation; 0 for matching the RGB input resolution; default 768.
--output_processing_res If True, the generated image is not resized to match the RGB input resolution; default False.
--half_precision If True, operations are performed in half precision; default False.
--seed Sets the seed.

By using the correct trailing timestep spacing, it is possible to sample single to few-step depth maps and surface normals from diffusion estimators. These samples will be blurry but become sharper by increasing the number of inference steps, e.g., from 10 to 50. Metrics can be improved by increasing the ensemble size, e.g., to 10. Since diffusion estimators are probabilistic models, the noise setting can be adjusted to either gaussian noise or multiresolution pyramid noise.

Our single-step deterministic E2E FT models outperform the previously mentioned diffusion estimators.

📋 Performance

Depth Method Inference Time NYUv2 AbsRel↓ KITTI AbsRel↓ ETH3D AbsRel↓ ScanNet AbsRel↓ DIODE AbsRel↓
Stable Diffusion + E2E FT 121ms 5.4 9.6 6.4 5.8 30.3
Marigold + E2E FT 121ms 5.2 9.6 6.2 5.8 30.2
GeoWizard + E2E FT 254ms 5.6 9.8 6.3 5.9 30.6
Normals Method Inference Time NYUv2 Mean↓ ScanNet Mean↓ iBims-1 Mean↓ Sintel Mean↓
Stable Diffusion + E2E FT 121ms 16.5 15.3 16.1 33.5
Marigold + E2E FT 121ms 16.2 14.7 15.8 33.5
GeoWizard + E2E FT 254ms 16.1 14.7 16.2 33.4

Inference time is for a single 576x768-pixel image, evaluated on an NVIDIA RTX 4090 GPU.

🎓 Citation

If you use our work in your research, please use the following BibTeX entry.

  title   = {Fine-Tuning Image-Conditional Diffusion Models is Easier than You Think},
  author  = {Gonzalo Martin Garcia and Karim Abou Zeid and Christian Schmidt and Daan de Geus and Alexander Hermans and Bastian Leibe},
  journal = {arXiv preprint arXiv:2409.11355},
  year    = {2024}