You can use this library to integrate the Zoom Meeting SDK into your MAUI app for both Android and iOS, using either the default U.I or custom U.I
We try to keep the meeting SDK version above Zoom's minimum supported version
MAUI Android: Meeting SDK Version:
(Note - I had to drop .net 8 support in the latest version and go .net 9 only, because the nuget package got too big targetting both versions. I'm sure there is a way to use shared files in the package output, but I don't have the time to research it. A PR is welcome if someone needs .net 8 support)
MAUI iOS: MobileRTC Version:
Xamarin.Forms (Legacy, unsupported)
This library started life as a Xamarin Forms binding. PRs are no longer accepted and no new versions will be released since Microsoft no longer support Xamarin Forms as of May 2024.
Last supported versions:
- Android: Meeting SDK Version:
- iOS:
- MobileRTC Version: - no nuget package available. Build the project locally and implement dlls directly.
- MobileRTC Screen Share Version: Not implemented
Format the .aar file correctly (Unneccessary in onwards - but be aware zoom may break things in future versions)
If you download a fresh android sdk .aar file to upgrade the version, before it will build, you will need to run a manual process to strip out incorrectly formatted placeholder characters present in the zoom sdk resource files. Basically %s and %d characters need replacing with their positional alternatives %1$s and %2$d etc. (I don't know how it compiles for the zoom guys themselves without this, but perhaps the native android build process handles this kind of thing for you?)
There are hundreds of resource files, so I am including a replace utility console app in the src. Instructions for use are below. A PR to automate this process further is welcome. I also raised an issue in the zoom developer forums to fix this at their end, but there is no sign of a fix yet.
- Download the latest zoom sdk
- Inside the mobile RTC folder, find the file called mobilertc.aar and rename it to
- Extract the contents of the folder.
- Run the replace utility console app, located in src/Droid/, making sure to point the file location in the script to the res folder inside the extracted folder
- Recompile the mobilertc.aar file with this command
jar cvf mobilertc.aar -C theExtractedFolderName/ .
- Your mobilertc.aar file will now be suitable to use in the binding project.
To join a call fill in your app settings file with these zoom details*
public class AppSettings
public const string ZOOM_MEETING_NUMBER = "";
public const string ZOOM_MEETING_PASSWORD = "";
public const string ZOOM_JWT = "";
* This is a temporary solution - do not commit your changes to this file. We used to use the nuget package mobilebuildtools for this, using an appsettings.json file excluded from source control. However but the lib does not work for .net 8 yet, so we have fallen back to this solution for now
- Your consuming app requires the following nuget versions to be explicitly set for android
<!-- Android Only Nuget Packages -->
<PackageReference Include="Xamarin.AndroidX.Security.SecurityCrypto" Version="" />
<PackageReference Include="Xamarin.Google.Android.Material" Version="" />
<PackageReference Include="Xamarin.Google.Crypto.Tink.Android" Version="1.15.0" />
<PackageReference Include="Xamarin.AndroidX.Fragment.Ktx" Version="1.8.3" />
<PackageReference Include="Xamarin.AndroidX.Collection" Version="1.4.3"/>
<PackageReference Include="Xamarin.AndroidX.Collection.Ktx" Version="1.4.3"/>
- Requires your android app to compile for Android 14
Grab the package from the nuget link above and install it as a dependency to your .NET MAUI project (If you have a MAUI "single project" project structure and you support platforms other than Android, you will need to add a configuration flag to your csproj node to only pull the nuget in for Android builds)
Implement an IZoomSDKInitializeListener singleton somewhere in your application
Initialise the SDK in the IZoomSDKInitializeListener. (Note the main thread access in this step and all the way down. Accessing the ZoomSDK Instance on a background thread can crash the app)
zoomSDK = ZoomSDK.Instance;
var zoomInitParams = new ZoomSDKInitParams
JwtToken = jwt,
zoomSDK.Initialize(Android.App.Application.Context, this, zoomInitParams);
- Listen for successful initialisation inside IZoomSDKInitializeListener.OnZoomSDKInitializeResult
public void OnZoomSDKInitializeResult(int errorCode, int internalErrorCode)
if (errorCode == ZoomError.ZoomErrorSuccess)
//Add listeners according to your needs
//zoomSDK.InMeetingService.AddListener(new YourInMeetingServiceListener());
//zoomSDK.MeetingService.AddListener(new YourMeetingServiceListener());
// something bad happened
- Join Meeting
var meetingService = zoomSDK.MeetingService;
var resultJoinMeeting = meetingService.JoinMeetingWithParams(Android.App.Application.Context, new JoinMeetingParams
MeetingNo = meetingID,
DisplayName = displayName,
Password = meetingPassword
}, new JoinMeetingOptions { });
Grab the package from nuget at the link above and install it as a dependency to your MAUI project (If you have a MAUI "single project" project structure and you support platforms other than iOS, you will need to add a configuration flag to your csproj node to only pull the nuget in for iOS)
Implement an IMobileRTCMeetingServiceDelegate (which should also inherit from your "Cross platform interface" as a DependencyService);
Generate a JWT token as per
In the IMobileRTCMeetingServiceDelegate class you should initialize the SDK as follows:
public void InitZoomLib(string jwtToken)
bool InitResult;
Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() => {
InitResult = mobileRTC.Initialize(new MobileRTCSDKInitContext
EnableLog = true,
Domain = "",
Locale = MobileRTC_ZoomLocale.Default
if (InitResult)
authService = mobileRTC.GetAuthService();
if (authService != null)
authService.Delegate = new MobileDelegate(); //inherits from MobileRTCAuthDelegate
authService.JwtToken = jwtToken;
Console.WriteLine($"Mobile RTC Version: {mobileRTC.MobileRTCVersion()} ");
- Listen for successful initialisation inside MobileRTCAuthDelegate
class MobileDelegate : MobileRTCAuthDelegate
public override void OnMobileRTCAuthReturn(MobileRTCAuthError returnValue)
Console.WriteLine($"Another Log from our iOS counterpart: {returnValue}");
5.1 You can monitor the initialisation and authorization status in any moment like this:
public bool IsInitialized()
bool result = false;
if (MobileRTC.SharedRTC != null)
if (MobileRTC.SharedRTC.IsRTCAuthorized())
if (MobileRTC.SharedRTC.GetMeetingService() != null)
result = true;
return result;
- Join the meeting
public void JoinMeeting(string meetingID, string meetingPassword, string displayName = "Zoom Demo")
if (IsInitialized())
var meetingService = mobileRTC.GetMeetingService();
meetingService.Delegate = this;
MobileRTCMeetingJoinParam meetingParamDict = new MobileRTCMeetingJoinParam();
meetingParamDict.UserName = displayName;
meetingParamDict.MeetingNumber = meetingID;
meetingParamDict.Password = meetingPassword;
MobileRTCMeetingSettings settings = mobileRTC.GetMeetingSettings();
//Specify your meeting options here
Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() =>
var meetingJoinResponse = meetingService.JoinMeetingWithJoinParam(meetingParamDict);
Console.WriteLine($"Meeting Joining Response {meetingJoinResponse}");
- Monitor the meeting status
public override void OnMeetingStateChange(MobileRTCMeetingState state)
if (state == MobileRTCMeetingState.Ended)
//The meeting has ended
//=> Fire your event!
if (state == MobileRTCMeetingState.InMeeting)
inMeeting = true;
inMeeting = false;
You are welcome to raise issues. PRs are particularly welcome, as the maintainer's primary focus is a commercial product which only uses certain limited feature of the Zoom SDK. Therefore time to spend on fixing issues not directly related to features we require will be limited.
- Change the Version node in the file MobileRTC_Droid.csproj to the latest version
- Build in release mode
- The nuget package will appear in the bin/Release folder
The Lottie dependency is adapted from
This project is originally based on this repo