The SymPy
package (
) is a Python library for symbolic mathematics.
With the excellent PyCall
package of julia
, one has access to the
many features of SymPy
from within a Julia
This SymPy
package provides a light interface for some of the
features of SymPy
that makes working with SymPy
objects a bit
The tutorial provides an overview. It is
viewable as an IJulia
To use this package, both Python
and its SymPy
library must be
installed on your system. If PyCall
is installed using Conda
(which is the default if no system python
is found), then the
underlying SymPy
library will be installed via Conda
when the
package is first loaded. Otherwise, installing both Python
(which also requires mpmath
) can be done by other means.
In this case, the Anaconda
distribution is suggested, as it provides a single
installation of Python
that includes SymPy
and many other
scientifice libraries that can be profitably accessed within Julia
via PyCall
. (Otherwise, install Python
then download the sympy
library from and install.)
The only point to this package is that using PyCall
to access
is somewhat cumbersome. The following is how one would define
a symbolic value x
, take its sine, then evaluate at pi
, say:
using PyCall
@pyimport sympy
x = sympy.Symbol("x")
y = sympy.sin(x)
y[:subs](x, sympy.pi) |> float
The Symbol
and sin
function of SymPy
are found within the
imported sympy
object. They may be referenced with Python
's dot
notation. However, the subs
method of the y
object is accessed
differently, using indexing notation with a symbol. The call above
substitutes a value of sympy.pi
for x
. This leaves the object as a
storing a number which can be brought back into julia
through conversion, in this case with the float
The above isn't so awkward, but even more cumbersome is the similarly
simple task of finding sin(pi*x)
. As this multiplication is done at
the python level and is not a method of sympy
or the x
object, we
need to evaluate python code. Here is one solution:
x = sympy.Symbol("x")
y = pycall(sympy.Mul, PyAny, sympy.pi, x)
z = sympy.sin(y)
z[:subs](x, 1) |> float
This gets replaced by a more julia
n syntax:
using SymPy
x = symbols("x") # or @vars x, Sym("x"), or Sym(:x)
y = sin(pi*x)
y(1) # Does subs(y, x, 1). Use y(x=>1) to be specific as to which symbol to substitute
The object x
we create is of type Sym
, a simple proxy for the
underlying PyObject
. We then overload the familiar math functions so
that working with symbolic expressions can use natural julia
idioms. The final result here is a symbolic value of 0
, which
prints as 0
and not PyObject 0
. To convert it into a numeric value
within Julia
, the N
function may be used, which acts like the
call, only there is an attempt to preserve the variable type.
(There is a subtlety, the value of pi
here (an Irrational
in Julia
) is converted to the
symbolic PI
, but in general won't be if the math constant is coerced
to a floating point value before it encounters a symbolic object. It
is better to just use the symbolic value PI
, an alias for sympy.pi
used above. A similar comment applies for e
, where E
should be
However, for some tasks the PyCall
interface is still needed, as
only a portion of the SymPy
interface is exposed. To call an
underlying SymPy method, the getindex
method is overloaded for
indices so that ex[:meth_name](...)
dispatches to either to
SymPy's ex.meth_name(...)
or meth_name(ex, ...)
, as possible.
There is a sympy
string macro to simplify this a bit, with the call
looking like: sympy"meth_name"(...)
, for example
. For example, the above could also be done
@vars x
y = sympy"sin"(pi * x)
As calling the underlying SymPy function is not difficult, the
interface exposed through overloading Julia
's methods attempts to
keep similar functionality to the familiar Julia
method when there is
a discrepancy between conventions.
Some aspects of SymPy
require more modern versions of sympy
to be
installed. For example, the matrix functions rely on features of
that are not exposed in the sympy
installed with Ubuntu LTS
In that particular instance, calls such as
x = symbols("x")
a = [x 1; 1 x]
Can be replaced with
Similarly for trace
, eigenvects
, ... . Note these are sympy
methods, not Julia
methods that have been ported. (Hence,
and not eigvecs