Here's the list of all exercices I push in this repo :
- Print Comb : a simple exercice about learning while loops
- Print Comb 02 : same thing but with more diffculty
- Putnbr : one of the most basic BUT important exerice. DO NOT SKIP OR GO DIRECTLY FOR THE SOLUTION FOR THIS ONE. How to display an int with write function ? Think about recursion and euclidian division... By the way I'll give a great tip -> When you need to go from a number (0 to 9) to it's equivalent in the ASCII table (char) you will need to add to the number 48. I let you search why 48...
- Swap : A very straight forward exercice once you understood how pointers works in C. You will use this one innumerable times, so get it done correctly.
- Putstr : If you know that a string ends with a "\0" in C, you will know how to manipulate those back and forth without any issues.
- Strlen : You will need this one everytime you use strings and solving more exercices about them. Again, you need to know perfectly how a string is formed in C and you will be good to go.
- Rev_int_tab : First exercice about manipulating int arrays. Mr.Swap is your strongest ally ! Use the size of your array and Mr.Swap to reverse it but don't go to far, because you will end with the same array as in the input ;)
- Sort_int_tab : When it comes to sorting arrays you have a lot of paths in front of you, choose the one you are the most confortable with, but remember NO CHEATING. Sorting an array is composed of : Mr.Swap and a sorting algorithm that's it !
- Strcmp : This is not one of the most usefull exercices but one of the first where you are manipulating to strings and trying to find something. Great tip : when you are solving some kind of problem in programming, try to split it as best as you can in many lighter tasks and highlight everyting that you need to solve.
- Strcat : Strcat, strdup, strlen, strcpy... You will do a lot of those during your C programming journey. It always comes to looping throw a string until you find that '\0' with some more things depending on what function you want to recreate.
- Strstr : Basically : find a little string in a big string. First of all find the first char of little str and try to find the all little str. It's all about looping throw strings until you find the character you want or not.
- Union : A little harder exercice I got during an exam, just remember to always split big problems into light issues and you will be good to go.
- Atoi : ASCII TO INTEGER. You've already done the other way with putnbr. I'll give you one tip : when you want to go from ascii to integer you will need to substract 'O' (48) to your actual ascii number to have it with the integer version. Example : '5' in ascii table -> 53, '0' in ascii table -> 48 53 - 48 = 5. Here you go you successfuly converted an ascii to an integer. Now try to do the same thing with '765341'. Just remember the max int in ascii table is 9 ;).