- Angular v17
- Angular Material v17
- Golang v1.22
- Gin v1.9
- GORM v1.25
- SQlite
Be sure that ports 8081 and 80 are available. Else you can change the ports in the compose.yaml
# Backend
- "{PORT_FOR_BACKEND}:8081" # Default: 8081
- "{PORT_FOR_FRONTEND}:80" # Default: 80
Then run:
docker-compose up -d
Then you can access the application at http://localhost:{PORT_FOR_FRONTEND}
cd backend
export DEMO="true" # Populate the database with fake data
go run cmd/main.go
cd frontend
npm install
npm start
Then you can access the application at http://localhost:4200
The endpoint that determines if feature is active for user it at
POST /api/v1/customers/:customerID
The tests in backend/pkg/model/feature_test.go
, corresponds to the Example API response in the homework document.