Bringing together the FourierBlender & CircularNURBS
This is a hacky prototype, no guarantees! To make it run in Blender 2.8 follow these steps.
- Install Eigen3 so that CMake can find it, e.g.
$ sudo apt install libeigen3-dev
- Download the code
$ git clone
- Create a build dir
$ cd MrGeo && mkdir build && cd build
- Run CMake (providing an install dir, e.g. ~/install)
$ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=~/install ..
- Build & Install
$ make install
- Run Blender 2.8 & open the ~/install/
The script generates a "Control" object which is used to control the circular NURBS surface. One needs to comment out the "init_poly_surface" call in the script before re-running the script, otherwise the changes in the mesh are overriden.