This Repo tracks the server side code base for the services related to VolunteeRide App.
- Pre-Requsites
Clone the project on the local system.
Import the project as a gradle project in Intellij.
Start MongoDB server using command mongod --dbPath <PATH_TO_YOUR_DB_DIRECTORY> by opening a new shell.
To quickly insert sample data in the test database, execute command gradlew cleanTest test --tests
"com.volunteeride.dao.RideDAOTest.test save ride " -
In order to confirm if the data was inserted in the mongodb databse, open a new shell, type command mongo, a mongo shell will open. Type the following commands to find the inserted data.
- show dbs .. will show available databases. You should see volunteerideTest database.
- use volunteerideDev .. command to use this db
- show collections .. will show ride, center and user collections.
- db.ride.find() .. will display data in ride collection. Copy the center id for one of the ride document for testing rest webservice in later steps.
In the gradle Tasks, in intellij, run bootRun Task. This will deploy the app on an embedded tomacat server.
Go to the browser of your choice or any rest client plugins for these browsers (RestClient plugin for Mozilla)
In-order to test whether are setup is successfull, we will make a rest call to one of the sample rest-webservices created for the project which is Retrieve All Rides for a particular center. .
Type url http://localhost:8080/volunteeride/centers/{PLUGIN THE CENTER ID COPIED EARLIER}/rides
You should get a Json response for the find rides rest webservice.