Landing page for
- Install otto and VirtualBox
- Clone this repository
git clone
- In the project folder, run
otto compile
- Allow otto to install all of its dependencies
- Run ´otto dev´ this will start a virtual machine
- Make a note of the IP that the virtual machine is running on.
- Log in to the virtual machine with
otto dev ssh
- Run the PHP server with:
php -S
- The server is now running on port 5000 on the IP printed out in step 5
- Download MAMP
- Install the .pkg file you downloaded (next, next, continue, etc.)
- Open the MAMP application from Applications/MAMP/MAMP (the icon is a little elephant!)
- Inside MAMP, go to Preferences.../Web Server
- Select Apache and click the little folder icon to the right of "Document Root:". As "Document Root" you should choose the folder where your index.php file is located.
- Done. Start the server from MAMP by clicking 'Start Servers'. :)
- Start by downloading and installing XAMPP
- Open XAMPP Control Panel
- Move the folder to C:\xampp\htdocs
- Press "Start" on Apache-row
- In case Xampp fails to run Apache, make sure Xampp isn't being stopped by your antivirus program and try rebooting your computer
- If it starts successfully open your browser and type localhost/ in the addressbar to check if it's up and running
- Ladda ner nyaste XAMPP från
- Kör vid behov chmod 755 xampp-linux-*
- sudo ./xampp-linux-*
- Lägg till din github-mapp till /opt/lampp/etc/httpd.conf, följ instruktioner på
- chmod o+x /väg/till/din/mapp/
- Fungerar kanske? Om inte så hjälper StackExchange.