#Vooban.Freshbooks# A simple, easy to use, strongly type, C# client for the Freshbooks API. This project is built on top of HastyAPI.Freshbooks used to communicate with Freshbooks cloud accounting system.
The goal for us is to ease developpement using Freshbooks for .NET users, while providing an API that can be used easily.
We are creating this because HastyAPI.Freshbooks is great, but you must have the Freshbooks API by your side in order to use it. Moreover, HastyAPI.Freshbooks uses dynamic objects that reflects 1:1 the xml content of the Freshbooks API, which might not always be ideal as Freshbooks uses XML, and therefore, there is a lot of uncessary code to do on the dynamic object each time we want to integrate with Freshbooks.
The basic API returns results wrapped inside a Freshbooks response object that you can inspect and work with.
var freshbooks = FreshbooksApi.Build("username", "token");
var currentStaff = freshbooks.Staff.GetCurrent();
var staffList = freshbooks.Staff.GetAllPages();
// TODO : Work with the strongly typed StaffModel object
This methods allows you to get a list of items from Freshbooks. This methods supports paging, so you can passing the page number and number of items per page you want to get. In the following example, we're asking for the first page, with 25 items per page.
var freshbooks = new FreshbooksApi("username", "token");
FreshbooksPagedResponse<StaffModel> result = freshbooks.Staff.GetList(1, 25);
var totalItems = result.TotalItems;
var totalPages = result.TotalPages;
var itemPerPages = result.ItemsPerPage;
var currentPage = result.Page;
var currentPageItems = result.Result;
// Iterate over the results
foreach(var staff in result)
// TODO: Your code here
var freshbooks = new Freshbooks("username", "token");
IEnumerable<StaffModel> result = freshbooks.Staff.GetAllPages();
// Iterate over the results
foreach(var staff in result)
// TODO: Your code here