This is a project for Symbolics Languages class
This project is focused on developing popular card game in Poland called "1000" (or Russian Schnapsen in english) where communication is made via WebSockets where every player can join to game from his browser.
Wiki page of this game:
Some screenshots:
This project requires:
- Python 3.7 or higher
- pip 10.0.x or higher
- Tornado 6 or higher
To install Tornado you can run:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Before running you should check configuration.
MessageHandler.js = ""; // or localhost
MessageHandler.port = ":8888";
If everything is okey run from terminal:
And then go to your favourite browser and type in address bar: localhost:8888
Opening 4 cards allows you to play on localhost, but if you chose your machine address instead of localhost, then you should type that address from every other machine.
python -m unittest discover -s Tests -p 'Test*.py'
- Bartosz Belski - Initial work - My GitHub