Elixir library to read and write data of Google Spreadsheets.
This library is based on Google Cloud API v4 and uses Google Service Accounts to manage it's content.
Check ecto_gss if you need to integrate your Google Spreadsheet with Ecto changesets for validation and other features.
- Use this wizard to create or select a project in the Google Developers Console and automatically turn on the API. Click Continue, then Go to credentials.
- On the Add credentials to your project page, create Service account key.
- Select your project name as service account and JSON as key format, download the created key and rename it to service_account.json.
- Press Manage service accounts on a credential page, copy your Service Account Identifier: [projectname]@[domain].iam.gserviceaccount.com
- Create or open existing Google Spreadsheet document on your Google Drive and add Service Account Identifier as user invited in spreadsheet's Collaboration Settings.
- Add
{:elixir_google_spreadsheets, "~> 0.4"}
to mix.exs underdeps
function, add:elixir_google_spreadsheets
in your application list. - Add service_account.json in your
or other config file, likedev.exs
. config :elixir_google_spreadsheets, json: "./config/service_account.json" |> File.read! - Run
mix deps.get && mix deps.compile
The following Google Spreadsheet is used to run tests locally, it can be copied to run local tests.
All Google API limits, suggested params are the following:
config :elixir_google_spreadsheets, :client,
request_workers: 50,
max_demand: 100,
max_interval: :timer.minutes(1),
interval: 100,
result_timeout: :timer.minutes(10),
request_opts: [] # See Finch request options
Initialise spreadsheet thread with it's id which you can fetch from URL:
{:ok, pid} = GSS.Spreadsheet.Supervisor.spreadsheet("XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX-XXXXXXXXX")
Or if you wish to edit only a specific list:
{:ok, pid} = GSS.Spreadsheet.Supervisor.spreadsheet(
list_name: "my_list3"
Sample operations:
GSS.Spreadsheet.update_sheet_size(pid, 10, 5)
GSS.Spreadsheet.read_row(pid, 1, column_to: 5)
GSS.Spreadsheet.read_rows(pid, 1, 10, column_to: 5, pad_empty: true)
GSS.Spreadsheet.read_rows(pid, [1, 3, 5], column_to: 5, pad_empty: true)
GSS.Spreadsheet.read_rows(pid, ["A1:E1", "A2:E2"])
GSS.Spreadsheet.write_row(pid, 1, ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5"])
GSS.Spreadsheet.write_rows(pid, ["A2:E2", "A3:F3"], [["1", "2", "3", "4", "5"], ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6"]])
GSS.Spreadsheet.append_row(pid, 1, ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5"])
GSS.Spreadsheet.append_rows(pid, 1, [["1", "2", "3", "4", "5"], ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6"]])
GSS.Spreadsheet.clear_row(pid, 1)
GSS.Spreadsheet.clear_rows(pid, 1, 10)
GSS.Spreadsheet.clear_rows(pid, ["A1:E1", "A2:E2"])
GSS.Spreadsheet.set_basic_filter(pid, %{row_from: 0, row_to: 5, col_from: 1, col_to: 10}, %{col_idx: 2, condition_type: "TEXT_CONTAINS", user_entered_value: "test"})
GSS.Spreadsheet.set_basic_filter(pid, %{row_from: nil, row_to: nil, col_from: nil, col_to: nil}, %{})
GSS.Spreadsheet.freeze_header(pid, %{dim: :row, n_freeze: 1})
GSS.Spreadsheet.freeze_header(pid, %{dim: :col, n_freeze: 2})
GSS.Spreadsheet.update_col_width(pid, %{col_idx: 1, col_width: 200})
GSS.Spreadsheet.add_number_format(pid, %{row_from: 0, row_to: nil, col_from: 3, col_to: 4}, %{type: "NUMBER", pattern: "#0.0%"})
GSS.Spreadsheet.update_col_wrap(pid, %{row_from: 0, row_to: nil, col_from: 5, col_to: 7}, %{wrap_strategy: "clip"})
GSS.Spreadsheet.set_font(pid, %{row_from: nil, row_to: nil, col_from: nil, col_to: nil}, %{font_family: "Source Code Pro"})
GSS.Spreadsheet.add_conditional_format(pid, %{row_from: nil, row_to: nil, col_from: nil, col_to: nil}, %{formula: "=$E1=\"TEST\"", color_map: %{red: 1, green: 0.8, blue: 0.8}})
GSS.Spreadsheet.update_border(pid, %{row_from: 0, row_to: 10, col_from: 2, col_to: 5}, %{top: %{red: 1, style: "dashed"}, bottom: %{green: 1, blue: 0.7}, left: %{blue: 0.8, alpha: 0.75}})
Last function param of GSS.Spreadsheet
function calls support the same Keyword
options (in snake_case instead of camelCase), as defined in Google API Docs.
We also define column_from
and column_to
Keyword options which control range of cell which will be queried.
Default values:
column_from = 1
- default is configurable as:default_column_from
column_to = 26
- default is configurable as:default_column_to
major_dimension = "ROWS"
value_render_option = "FORMATTED_VALUE"
datetime_render_option = "FORMATTED_STRING"
value_render_option = "USER_ENTERED"
insert_data_option = "INSERT_ROWS"
- Recommended columns 26 (more on your own risk), max rows in a batch 100-300 depending on your data size per row, configurable as
; - Pull requests / reports / feedback are welcome.