Spot is a Spotify client for iPhone based on despotify. You can see a video of it in action on youtube.
All dependencies are bundled.
Please note: You MUST have a Spotify Premium account to use Spot! Otherwise it'll just crash. Yes, I need to add a check for that...
Please follow these recommendations, or I might not be able to pull changes from your fork:
- Follow Cocoa naming conventions
- Make atomic commits. One feature per commit.
- If you change a .xib or .xcodeproj, describe the change thorougly so I can reproduce it, as it'll probably not merge cleanly and I'll have to remake it manually
Githubs source download doesn't get you the full source. Some submodule dependencies are missing.
- Install git
- git clone git:// (OR from voxar: git clone git://
- checkout submodules: git submodule init; git submodule update
- open xcode and compile.
- If compile fails with errors regarding libogg and/or libvorbis, you might need to ´make install´ libogg and/or libvorbis. Let us know if you need to do this. They are in the Vendor folder.
- Playlists don't work (despotify need fixing)
- If despotify looses connection to Spotify, you need to restart Spot (you'll notice by music stopping and Spot stalling on search)
- ArtistBrowseViewController
- zoom art
- zoom text
- react on links in text
- AlbumBrowseViewController
- zoom art
- add something in the empty space (artist info here too?)