This tool automates the recognition phase of a crackme binary & try to solve it . Mainly useful for basic reverse CTFs challenges !
git clone
cd RevBrain
chmod +x
docker build -t angr .
docker run -it --name angr -v "c:/Users/$($env:UserName)/Desktop:/home/angr" angr
(Change the shared folder path)
Shortcut for Windows Terminal App
%SystemRoot%\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -Command "$prog=\"C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker\Docker Desktop.exe\";if (! (ps | ? {$_.path -eq $prog})) {& $prog;Start-Sleep -Seconds 15};docker run -it -v \"c:/Users/$($env:UserName)/Desktop:/home/angr\" angr"
usage: [-h] -f FILE [-w FORMATFLAG] [-g WIN_WORD] [-b FAIL_WORD] [-a {32,64}] [-i TYPE_INPUT] [-t TIMEOUT]
This tool automates the recognition phase & solve a crackme binary. Mainly useful for CTFs
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-f FILE Path of the binary
-w FORMATFLAG Format Flag (default= 'flag{}' )
-g WIN_WORD Valid string/address result (ex: 'Here is the flag' ) | ex: -g "you win" or -g "['win','0x00000835']"
-b FAIL_WORD Fail string/address result (ex: 'Invalid Password' ) | ex: -g "failed " or -g "['nop','invalid',0x00000872]"
-a {32,64} Type of architecture
-i TYPE_INPUT Type of Input: (ex: ['stdin:digit','args:ascii','args:ascii'])
-t TIMEOUT Set Timeout (minutes) (default=5min)
The tool determines by itself all the information but the arguments are necessary for a better precision
python3 -f /home/angr/xordemo -g '0x00000870' -b '0x0000087c' -a 64
python3 -f /home/angr/crackme -i ['stdin:digit'] -w 'ctf{'