This is a collection of utilities working for Filecoin blockchain.The miner commands particularly provide penalty statistics for terminating all sectors and time distribution data of sector expiration. These functions are really useful for miners.
displays multiple address formats including f0, f1, and eth.chain
provides utilities for getting block and tipset information.miner
provides utilities for getting miner information and sector expiration information.state
gets the miner state of a miner. You can know the penalty amount for proactively terminating a sector after the sector is damaged. Refer toMinerSectorsState
provides utilities for getting network power information.
make build
Prints the description of an address
./bin/filecoin-utils utils addrdescription <address>
Example output:
"id": "f086971",
"filecoin": "f1m2swr32yrlouzs7ijui3jttwgc6lxa5n5sookhi",
"eth": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"type": "unknown"
prints the block information of the given block hash
# block_hash: block hash of the block to get
# flags:
# --raw: print just the raw block header
./bin/filecoin-utils utils chain getblock <block_hash>
Example output:
{ }
prints the tipset information of the given block height
# height: block height of the tipset to get
./bin/filecoin-utils utils chain gettipset <height>
Example output:
Lists all the miners in the network
./bin/filecoin-utils utils miner list
Example output:
Estimate the amount of failure penalty that will occur after a given number of sectors are terminated
# miner_id: miner id
# flags:
# --pos, -p: Terminate start pos sectors
# --number, -n: Terminate number sectors
./bin/filecoin-utils utils miner estimate-faulty <miner_id>
Example output:
Prints the state of a miner
# miner_id: miner id
./bin/filecoin-utils utils miner state <miner_id>
Example output:
Collect miner sector expiration information
# miner_id: miner id
./bin/filecoin-utils utils miner collectminer <miner_id>
Example output:
Collect all sector expiration information in the network
./bin/filecoin-utils utils miner collectsector
Example output:
Prints the sector information of a miner
# miner_id: miner id
./bin/filecoin-utils utils miner minersectors <miner_id>
Example output:
Prints the power information of the network
./bin/filecoin-utils utils power
Example output: