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Algorand SDK for .Net Framework to interact with the Algorand network


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Dotnet Algorand SDK

The SDK version 0.2 add the support of Algorand Api 2.0 and the Indexer Api.

dotnet-algorand-skd is a dotnet library for communicating and interacting with the Algorand network. It contains a REST client for accessing algod instances over the web, and also exposes functionality for mnemonics, creating transactions, signing transactions, and serializing data across the network.

Please find documents of dotnet-algorand-sdk on You can find more Chinese resource from

1. Prerequisites

This library is compliant to .Net Standard 2.0.

2. How to Install

Open the NuGet command line and type:

Install-Package Algorand

3. Quick Start

Algorand already released Algod API 2.0 for a long time, Some service providers no longer support API 1.0 (such as Purestake). It is highly recommended to use the API 2.0 and Indexer to build your program.

In dotnet-algorand-sdk, the algod API 2.0 is almost the same as API 1.0. The most important change is using the namespace Algorand.V2.

Normally, we can add the following namespace references at the beginning of the class. Note: Since Algorand.V2.Model and Algorand namespace both have the realization of the Account class, we can add the 5th line using Algorand.Account as default.

using Algorand;
using Algorand.V2;
using Algorand.Client;
using Algorand.V2.Model;
using Account = Algorand.Account;

Let's try some code.

string ALGOD_API_ADDR = "your algod api address"; //find in
string ALGOD_API_TOKEN = "your algod api token"; //find in algod.token
AlgodApi algodApiInstance = new AlgodApi(ALGOD_API_ADDR, ALGOD_API_TOKEN);

    var supply = algodApiInstance.GetSupply();
    Console.WriteLine("Total Algorand Supply: " + supply.TotalMoney);
    Console.WriteLine("Online Algorand Supply: " + supply.OnlineMoney);
catch (ApiException e)
    Console.WriteLine("Exception when calling algod#getSupply: " + e.Message);

    var transParams = algodApiInstance.TransactionParams();
    Console.WriteLine("Transaction Params: " + transParams.ToJson());
catch (ApiException e)
    throw new Exception("Could not get params", e);

Dotnet-algorand-sdk has good support for PureStake, you can connect to PureStake by replacing the ALGOD_API_TOKEN use PureStake API KEY. It's very difficult to tell the difference between API 1.0 and API 2.0 besides the namespace is different. So if you are familiar with API 1.0, it's very easy to use API 2.0.

It's simple to query information from Algod, the code blow show how to send an transaction using API 2.0.

string ALGOD_API_ADDR = "your algod api address"; //find in
string ALGOD_API_TOKEN = "your algod api token"; //find in algod.token          
string SRC_ACCOUNT = "typical permit hurdle hat song detail cattle merge oxygen crowd arctic cargo smooth fly rice vacuum lounge yard frown predict west wife latin absent cup";
if (!Address.IsValid(DEST_ADDR))
    Console.WriteLine("The address " + DEST_ADDR + " is not valid!");
Account src = new Account(SRC_ACCOUNT);
Console.WriteLine("My account address is:" + src.Address.ToString());

AlgodApi algodApiInstance = new AlgodApi(ALGOD_API_ADDR, ALGOD_API_TOKEN);

    var supply = algodApiInstance.GetSupply();
    Console.WriteLine("Total Algorand Supply: " + supply.TotalMoney);
    Console.WriteLine("Online Algorand Supply: " + supply.OnlineMoney);
catch (ApiException e)
    Console.WriteLine("Exception when calling algod#getSupply:" + e.Message);

var accountInfo = algodApiInstance.AccountInformation(src.Address.ToString());
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Account Balance: {0} microAlgos", accountInfo.Amount));

    var trans = algodApiInstance.TransactionParams();
    var lr = trans.LastRound;
    var block = algodApiInstance.GetBlock(lr);
    Console.WriteLine("Lastround: " + trans.LastRound.ToString());
    Console.WriteLine("Block txns: " + block.Block.ToString());
catch (ApiException e)
    Console.WriteLine("Exception when calling algod#getSupply:" + e.Message);

TransactionParametersResponse transParams;
    transParams = algodApiInstance.TransactionParams();                
catch (ApiException e)
    throw new Exception("Could not get params", e);
var amount = Utils.AlgosToMicroalgos(1);
var tx = Utils.GetPaymentTransaction(src.Address, new Address(DEST_ADDR), amount, "pay message", transParams);
var signedTx = src.SignTransaction(tx);

Console.WriteLine("Signed transaction with txid: " + signedTx.transactionID);

// send the transaction to the network
    var id = Utils.SubmitTransaction(algodApiInstance, signedTx);
    Console.WriteLine("Successfully sent tx with id: " + id.TxId);
    Console.WriteLine(Utils.WaitTransactionToComplete(algodApiInstance, id.TxId));
catch (ApiException e)
    // This is generally expected, but should give us an informative error message.
    Console.WriteLine("Exception when calling algod#rawTransaction: " + e.Message);
Console.WriteLine("You have successefully arrived the end of this test, please press and key to exist.");

DO NOT SHOW THE MNEMONIC IN YOU CODE. The code above is only used for function display and cannot be used in the actual production environment

You can find more examples in the sdk-examples project.

4. Quick Start for Indexer

As we all know blockchain has a chain data struct, so it's very different for us to search the data. So algorand retrieve the blockchain data from a PostgreSQL compatible database. Then we can search for the blockchain very easily.

Algorand Indexer

The indexer has 12 methods to search the blockchain and some of these methods have a lot of variables to control the result. Let's try some code.

string ALGOD_API_ADDR = "your algod api address";
string ALGOD_API_TOKEN = "your algod api token";

IndexerApi indexer = new IndexerApi(ALGOD_API_ADDR, ALGOD_API_TOKEN);
//AlgodApi algodApiInstance = new AlgodApi(ALGOD_API_ADDR, ALGOD_API_TOKEN);
var health = indexer.MakeHealthCheck();
Console.WriteLine("Make Health Check: " + health.ToJson());

System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1200); //test in purestake, imit 1 req/sec
var acctInfo = indexer.LookupAccountByID(address);
Console.WriteLine("Look up account by id: " + acctInfo.ToJson());

System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1200); //test in purestake, imit 1 req/sec
var transInfos = indexer.LookupAccountTransactions(address, 10);
Console.WriteLine("Look up account transactions(limit 10): " + transInfos.ToJson());

System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1200); //test in purestake, imit 1 req/sec
var appsInfo = indexer.SearchForApplications(limit: 10);
Console.WriteLine("Search for application(limit 10): " + appsInfo.ToJson());

var appIndex = appsInfo.Applications[0].Id;
System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1200); //test in purestake, imit 1 req/sec
var appInfo = indexer.LookupApplicationByID(appIndex);
Console.WriteLine("Look up application by id: " + appInfo.ToJson());

System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1200); //test in purestake, imit 1 req/sec
var assetsInfo = indexer.SearchForAssets(limit: 10, unit: "LAT");
Console.WriteLine("Search for assets" + assetsInfo.ToJson());

var assetIndex = assetsInfo.Assets[0].Index;
System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1200); //test in purestake, imit 1 req/sec
var assetInfo = indexer.LookupAssetByID(assetIndex);
Console.WriteLine("Look up asset by id:" + assetInfo.ToJson());

Please enjoy!!!

5. Quick Start for algod API 1.0

string ALGOD_API_ADDR = "your algod api address"; //find in
string ALGOD_API_TOKEN = "your algod api token"; //find in algod.token
AlgodApi algodApiInstance = new AlgodApi(ALGOD_API_ADDR, ALGOD_API_TOKEN);

Now purestake DO NOT support algod API 1.0, please use your own node to test the functions below.

Get information from algorand blockchain:

    Supply supply = algodApiInstance.GetSupply();
    Console.WriteLine("Total Algorand Supply: " + supply.TotalMoney);
    Console.WriteLine("Online Algorand Supply: " + supply.OnlineMoney);
catch (ApiException e)
    Console.WriteLine("Exception when calling algod#getSupply: " + e.Message);
ulong? feePerByte;
string genesisID;
Digest genesisHash;
ulong? firstRound = 0;
    TransactionParams transParams = algodApiInstance.TransactionParams();
    feePerByte = transParams.Fee;
    genesisHash = new Digest(Convert.FromBase64String(transParams.Genesishashb64));
    genesisID = transParams.GenesisID;
    Console.WriteLine("Suggested Fee: " + feePerByte);
    NodeStatus s = algodApiInstance.GetStatus();
    firstRound = s.LastRound;
    Console.WriteLine("Current Round: " + firstRound);
catch (ApiException e)
    throw new Exception("Could not get params", e);

If you want to go further, you should have an account. You can use Account acc = new Account(); to generate a random account. Surely you can use mnemonic to create an account. The example below using mnemonics to create an account and send some algos to another address.

ulong? amount = 100000;
ulong? lastRound = firstRound + 1000; // 1000 is the max tx window
string SRC_ACCOUNT = "typical permit hurdle hat song detail cattle merge oxygen crowd arctic cargo smooth fly rice vacuum lounge yard frown predict west wife latin absent cup";
Account src = new Account(SRC_ACCOUNT);
Console.WriteLine("My account address is:" + src.Address.ToString());
Transaction tx = new Transaction(src.Address, new Address(DEST_ADDR), amount, firstRound, lastRound, genesisID, genesisHash);
//sign the transaction before send it to the blockchain
SignedTransaction signedTx = src.SignTransactionWithFeePerByte(tx, feePerByte);
Console.WriteLine("Signed transaction with txid: " + signedTx.transactionID);
// send the transaction to the network
    //encode to msg-pack
    var encodedMsg = Algorand.Encoder.EncodeToMsgPack(signedTx);
    TransactionID id = algodApiInstance.RawTransaction(encodedMsg);
    Console.WriteLine("Successfully sent tx with id: " + id.TxId);
catch (ApiException e)
    // This is generally expected, but should give us an informative error message.
    Console.WriteLine("Exception when calling algod#rawTransaction: " + e.Message);

6. Migrate from dotnet-algorand-sdk 0.1.X to dotnet-algorand-sdk 0.2.X

Dotnet-algorand-sdk Version 0.2.X modifies the namespace of algod API 1.0 compared to dotnet-algorand-sdk Version 0.1.X. Please replaces the namespaces below:

Replace Algorand.Algod.Client.Model with Algorand.Algod.Model

Replace Algorand.Algod.Client.Api with Algorand.Algod.Api

Replace Algorand.Kmd.Client.Model with Algorand.Algod.Model

Replace Algorand.Kmd.Client.Api with Algorand.Kmd.Api

Replace Algorand.Algod.Client with Algorand.Client

Replace Algorand.Kmd.Client with Algorand.Client

Everything else remains the same.

That's all? Yes, this is a complete example, you can find more examples in the sdk-examples project.


Algorand SDK for .Net Framework to interact with the Algorand network







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