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Repository files navigation

git_better CircleCI


🎉 We were 3rd place! Check out the official challenge results here 🎉

Solution Approach and Performance


Repository Classification

  • Make sure that you've installed Python 2.7
  • Install xgboost manually
  • Create a virtual environment and install all dependencies
virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python2.7 venv
source venv/bin/activate`  
pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Download the NLTK corpus
python -m nltk.downloader all
  • Create a personal access token, grant "Full control of private repositories" (repo) and put it in your config.ini file
cp example.config.ini config.ini

Django Server


  • Psycopg2 needs postgresql-devel
apt-get install -y libpq-dev
  • Sklearn needs Tkinter
apt-get install python-tk
  • Migrate the database
python server/ migrate
  • Run the server (per default on port 8000)
python server/


  • Install Docker
  • Build the docker image
docker build -t git_better .
  • Create a container from the image and run it in the background
docker run -d -p 8000:8000 git_better


To predict repository labels based on your own training data or based on pre-trained models, follow the instructions of our main script:
python app/ --help
As an example, to classify the input data from the challenge repository using our pre-trained models, run
python app/ -i data/example-input.txt

To visualize the data with the TensorBoard Embedding Projector, run python app/ and start tensorboard with tensorboard --logdir log/. Tensorboard will display the port on which the server listens, open localhost:[port] with your browser (standard port is 6006).


To test whether the app works correctly, simply run python -m unittest discover

Deployment on Heroku

docker build -t git_better .  
docker tag git_better  
docker push  
heroku open