Below is a list of documentation and libraries that are useful from year to year. We envision this thing being updated year to year to reflect the future programming team using more/different APIs.
CTRE Phoenix
Phoenix 6 Overview (lib)
Talon FX (lib)
CoreTalonFX class (lib)
TalonFX Configuration (docs)
PID with TalonFX (docs)
Motion Magic with TalonFX (docs)
Playing music on TalonFX (docs)
Swerve overview (docs)
CANCoder sensor (lib)
Phoenix 6 Examples (repo)
CAN Talon (SRX) tutorial (example)
- FRC Example Code - Power Distribution Hub (example)
- CANSparkBase parent class (lib)
- CANSparkMax motor controller (lib) - includes methods for interfacing with an encoder connected to it
- SparkMax (example)
DutyCycleEncoder (lib) Class for supporting duty cycle/PWM encoders, such as the US Digital MA3 with PWM Output, the CTRE Mag Encoder, the Rev Hex Encoder, and the AM Mag Encoder.
Command-Based Structure (tutorial)
SmartDashboard API (lib)
The Java Units library (tutorial)
Manage Vendor Dependencies - Adding software libraries to robot projects (tutorial)
Tuning a Vertical Arm PID Controller (tutorial)
Translation, Rotation, Pose (tutorial docs)
Rotation2d (API)
Pose2d (API)
Translation2d (API)
Get Alliance Color (tutorial docs)
Example Projects (repos)
- Getting Target Data (from Camera) (lib)
- Using WPILib Pose Estimation, Simulation, and Photonvision together
- AprilTags and Photon Pose Estimator (docs)
- Examples (repos)
Limelight (docs)
- Limelight Library
- Estimating Distance (tutorial)
- Best Practices
- Quick Start (tutorial)
- Limelight with Swerve (tutorial)
- Build an Auto (tutorial)
- Named Commands (tutorial)