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ASG210 User Guide

WIZnet Azure Sphere Guardian 210 (ASG210) is a product which provides Ethernet interfaces to both Public and Private Network. This is how to set up ASG210 for data communication between your device and Azure IoT Cloud with ASG210.

Azure Sphere Guardian 200


Azure Sphere Development Environment

complete the below steps to develop applications with Azure Sphere on a Windows or Linux system

Machine Environment

You can select Azure Sphere development kit for your machine and install software.

  • On Windows 10 (1st anniversary update or more)
    • Visual Studio Enterprise, Professional or Community 2019
    • Visual Studio Code
  • On Linux
    • Visual Studio Code

Azure Sphere SDK Installation

Download Azure Sphere SDK and install it.

Then complete Azure Sphere SDK Extension Install for development tool.

Visual Studio Code settings.json

Below is example settings for Visual Studio Code:

   "cmake.cmakePath": "C:\\Program Files\\CMake\\bin\\cmake.exe",
   "cmake.configureSettings": {
      "CMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM": "C:\\ninja\\ninja-v1.10.0\\ninja.exe",
   "AzureSphere.ArmGnuPath": "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain\\9 >2020-q2-update\\bin",
   "AzureSphere.SdkPath": "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Azure Sphere SDK",

Azure Sphere Debugger

The MT3620 exposes two dedicated UARTs and SWD interface for debugging. The Azure Sphere PC software tools require the use of a USB-to-UART interface that exposes these interfaces to a PC in away that allows the tools to recognize and interact with them.

For this, ASG210 components have a ‘Debugger’ board which can attaches to 18pin headers on ASG210. To use this debugger board, user should init the interface information with FTDI tools.

Please follow these steps described in this link:

Development Environment

Azure Sphere CLI

The azsphere.exe command-line utility supports commands that manage Azure Sphere elements. For the more details, enter the below link:

On Azure Sphere Developer Command Prompt Preview, the option, -?, helps to show the command information.

Azure Sphere CLI - ? option

Register User Account

To manage Azure Sphere elements for development, log in Azure Sphere Developer Command Prompt Preview with Microsoft account. To use Azure Sphere Security Service, Microsoft Account is required.

  1. Log in on azsphere login command (Needed the option, –-newuser, with azsphere login command to register the account only have to sign in once.)

    azsphere login --newuser <MS account>

Azure Sphere Tenant

An Azure Sphere tenant provides a secure way for your organization to remotely manage its Azure Sphere devices in isolation from other customer’s devices. And it is accessed based on RBAC (Role Based Access Control). Only people with an account in that directory will be able to manage devices within your Azure Sphere tenant.

Role assigned an account in the Azure Sphere tenant

Follow these steps to select the role assigned Azure Sphere tenant:

  1. Search the tenant list.

    azsphere tenant list
  2. Select the tenant from the list with tenant id.

    azsphere tenant select -i <tenant id>
  3. Check the selected tenant.

    azsphere tenant show-selected

Create new tenant

There is no existed Azure Sphere tenant or assigned role in it. User can create new Azure Sphere tenant.

  1. Create new tenant
    azsphere tenant create -n <tenant name>

ASG210 Claim

Check the selected tenant for development environment. Once ASG210 claimed to the Azure Sphere tenant, claiming to other tenant is prohibited followed Azure Sphere Security policy.

  1. Claim ASG210 to the selected tenant

    azsphere device claim

ASG210 Configuration

Recovery interface

Once ASG210 is connected to the internet, Azure Sphere OS updates are initiated automatically via OTA (Over The Air) Wi-Fi interface. Also, user can manually update Azure Sphere OS with recovery. Recovery is the process of replacing the latest system software on the device using a special recovery bootloader instead of cloud update.

Follow these steps to update the latest Azure Sphere OS:

  1. Set Wi-Fi interface

    azsphere device wifi add –ssid <SSID> --psk <Password>
  2. Check Wi-Fi Status

    azsphere device wifi show-status
  3. Recovery for Azure Sphere OS update

    azsphere device recover
  4. Check Azure Sphere OS version

    azsphere device show-os-version

Development Mode

Connect Debugger board which is attached to ASG210 debug interface to PC and set development mode for debugging on In Azure Sphere Developer Command Prompt Preview.

On development mode, OTA is inactivated.

  1. Development mode for debugging (Add option for RT App debugging)

--enablertcoredebugging option requires administrator privilege because it installs USB drivers for the debugger.

Right-click the Azure Sphere Developer Command Prompt shortcut and select More>Run as administrator.

azsphere device enable-development --enablertcoredebugging

Run Application

For the ASG210 application, chapter 5, Development Environment, is preceded.

ASG210 application has two types of applications, High-level application and Real-time capable application.

To Clone this repository:

$ git clone

Refer each application page for details on how to use.

Real-time capable Examples

High-level Application


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