Releases: WRI-Cities/static-GTFS-manager
v3.4.4 before new UI
Pushing out a release with bugfixes done till date, before starting (a longer term) work on the new UI being brought in the PR
See details of the changes done here:
Apologies to windows non-python users : I could not find the time to update the binary .exe in this release. There have been some bug-fixes at backend (python) level (see note) I'm not sure if it would still have those same bugs or would they be solved. But still those were edge cases and may not affect most users.
For windows users: If you want to ensure you're running the latest code, please follow this python3 guide , or run through docker. Follow the links for detailed guides in the wiki section.
Some bigfixes and improvements
See details here:
Executables have not been re-compiled in this version; they will remain the same as last release. But the non-backend changes made in JS and HTML will come through regardless. Few changes made in python side can only work through running by python / docker.
- quick fixes for KMRL import, shapes.txt provisioning
- password is pre-set by default so you don't have to keep entering it again (read below!)
- program can be run from another working folder
- fixed a missing module error from v3.4.0
Windows binary has been compiled - download and unzip this release, double-click "GTFSManager.exe" to launch.
Note for those planning to host this on a web link: Upon several requests from users, the password for editing is being pre-entered by default. If you want to deploy this on a public-facing URL and don't want people messing with your data or potentially deleting it (clean slate!), then please reverse the steps here : #132 (comment) (edit js/commonfuncs.js
and remove the password line. remove it so it's not readable to bots/hackers).
Also change the password from the default "program" to another one by following the steps laid out here: Apologies for the inconvenience; but the vast majority of this tool's users are using it as a personal application and not hosting on web, so having to put in the password for each edit was being too cumbersome for them.
One improvement to frequencies page to ensure that only existing trips get added. With that exception, this release features major work done to make using the tool as easy as possible for the target user.
There is now a windows .exe (GTFSManager.exe
), and linux/ubuntu executable (linux_GTFSManager_executable
) in the top folder that a user can directly double-click to launch the program, without any installation needed.
Support for docker has been worked out and implemented. We also have scripts now for all OS platforms that do the main tasks, See this page for full details: Running with Docker on any OS
v3.2.0 more tables provisioned, exe for encrypt util
Frequencies table provisioned, see Frequencies page
Calendar_dates table provisioned, see bottom of Calendar page
Feed_info table provisioned, see bottom of Agency page
Route_types : to get options to pick from in Routes table, edit
, edit the line forconst route_type_options = { ... }
. See #125 -
Common API call
. See #127
Windows standalone
- GTFSManager.exe at the top folder, will run the program on Windows OS without having to do any package-installations.
- In utlitities folder, encrypt.exe program kept to enable windows users to change their password.
v3.1.0 bug fixes and windows executable
Details of specific issues here.
The code now includes a GTFSManager.exe
in the main folder ; users do not need to download anything separate to run the program in windows.
Just double-click on GTFSManager.exe
to launch the program in windows. No installation needed, no python commands needed.
v3.0.0 restructured layout
Update: Windows binary made
Double-click on GTFSManager.exe
file at top to start the program.
See this page for troubleshooting.
Restructured site/app layout.
Broke up the Miscellaneous page into its sub-parts : agency, calendar, translations, rename ID, delete ID
Made a 2-level menu system in top navbar
Brought all configurable settings used in the program to one folder:
Refined current stats output on home page.
- It now displays Agency name,
- lists all the GTFS tables that have zero rows too,
- sorted into groups: required, optional, extra.
route shape download, improved current status on main page, handling empty tables, limit calendar services to valid ones, improvements in backend, frontend small changes.
- Major code overhaul
- Added custom conversion for another metro agency: HMRL (Hyderabad Metro).
- DB system change to HDF5 (.h5) format, and ensuing re-write of most functions
- Brought KMRL's import function to new db system
- Incorporating changes for v2.0.0 and some minor updates.
- Fixed an error in a .js file in v2.0.1
- Fixed a versioning error in requirements.txt that was flagged by an error on heroku deployment.
- Major code overhaul
- Added custom conversion for another metro agency: HMRL (Hyderabad Metro).
- DB system change to HDF5 (.h5) format, and ensuing re-write of most functions
- Brought KMRL's import function to new db system
- Incorporating changes for v2.0.0 and some minor updates.