Satellite Archive is a open source web tool for browsing the data of satellite observations. Easy to migrate to other study cases such as astronomical data.
Satellite Archive it's a was originally a web tool to navigate the data obtained in CESAR project. It's developed in PHP
with mySQL
, to filter and display the pictures obtained with the telescopes.
Satellite Archive is built with Docker. In order to start the web application, you must have installed:
To start Cosmos Archive just type in the root directory of the project:
$ docker-compose up -d
Then, it will deploy:
- On port 80: The Webserver application.
- On port 8080: PHPmyadmin connected to the database.
- On port 3306: MySQL database.
Then we have to import the sample_database.sql
to MySQL. It can be done by accessing to PHPmyadmin on the port 8080, or by running the following command:
$ docker exec -i archive-db bash -c 'mysql -u root sample_database --password=tiger < /home/sample_database.sql'
$ cd www
$ docker build -f ../bin/webserver/Dockerfile -t USERNAME/satellite-archive .
- Docker - Contanier platform
- Docker-compose - Tool for defining and running multi-container Docker applications
- Apache - HTTP Server Project
- Bootstrap - Frontend framework
- npm - Javascript package manager
- Fran Acién - Initial work - Github
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details
Satellite observations are uploaded here. When a observation is made, the pipeline insert into the database the information to be displayed on the Satellite Archive. See sample_database
to see the structure followed.
The whole project is configured by Docker in the Dockerfile on ./bin
Npm modules are installed when the container starts, saved on /var/www/node_modules
inside the Docker machine. With Apache, modules are redirected on localhost/dep/
. See index.php for more information.
You can turn on debug mode
to display the queries from the database. It can be turned on by changing the constant DEBUG
on ./www/lib/conf.php
to true.