A package that provides type hints for AWS Lambda event, context and response objects. It's a convenient way to get autocomplete and type hints built into IDEs. Type annotations are not checked at runtime but are only enforced by third party tools such as type checkers, IDEs, linters, etc.
from aws_lambda_typing import context as context_, events
def handler(event: events.SQSEvent, context: context_.Context) -> None:
for record in event['Records']:
message: events.sqs.SQSMessage
- Context
- ALBEvent
- ApacheKafkaEvent
- APIGatewayRequestAuthorizerEvent
- APIGatewayTokenAuthorizerEvent
- APIGatewayProxyEventV1
- APIGatewayProxyEventV2
- AppSyncResolverEvent
- CloudFormationCustomResourceEvent
- CloudWatchEventsMessageEvent (Deprecated since version 2.10.0: use
instead.) - CloudWatchLogsEvent
- CodeCommitMessageEvent
- CodePipelineEvent
- CognitoCustomMessageEvent
- ConfigEvent
- DynamoDBStreamEvent
- EventBridgeEvent
- EC2ASGCustomTerminationPolicyEvent
- IoTPreProvisioningHookEvent
- KinesisFirehoseEvent
- KinesisStreamEvent
- MQEvent
- MSKEvent
- S3Event
- S3BatchEvent
- SecretsManagerRotationEvent
- SESEvent
- SNSEvent
- SQSEvent
- WebSocketConnectEvent
- WebSocketRouteEvent
- SNSPublish
- SNSPublishBatch
- ALBResponse
- APIGatewayAuthorizerResponse
- APIGatewayProxyResponseV1
- APIGatewayProxyResponseV2
- DynamoDBBatchResponse
- IoTPreProvisioningHookResponse
- KinesisFirehoseTransformationResponse
- S3BatchResponse
- PolicyDocument
Contributions are welcome! See the Contributing Guide.
If you encounter any problems, please file an issue along with a detailed description.