Web Developer/ Devops and problem solver adept at programming
- Python (python, django, django restframework)
- Javascript (backbone, rivetsjs, require, jQuery, react, vuejs)
- Perl,
- OpenLaszlo,
- Ruby
- Vagrant
- Docker
- kubernetes
- Css
- Sass
- devops
- Rabbitmq
- TeamCity
- git hook
- Openstack
- postrgesql
- Mongodb
- Anything necessary to get things done (legally and ethically)
Buona conoscenza dei S.O. : Windows, Linux (debian e sue derivate, come Ubuntu e Mint, gentoo, xen) MacOSX . Buona conoscenza dei linguaggi di programmazione: RUBY, PYTHON, html, css, javascript (jquery, backbone, marionette, requirejs, rivetjs, angular), less, slim, haml, sass, compass, asp.net asp, Visual Basic, C# , VB.NET, mono, coffeescript (base) Buona conoscenza dei seguenti applicativi: Grafica: Fireworks, Photoshop, Gimp, Inkscape, Cinerella, KDEnlive, Blender, Paint.NET, Corel draw, Illustrator Editor: Emacs, PyCharm, Notepad++, Gedit, MsOffice, OpenOffice, LibreOffice, Dreamweaver Database: MySql. MsSql, Sqlite, Mongodb Tools preferiti: Linux Mint, Emacs, zsh, Pycharm, Inksapce, Gimp, Fireworks, Firefox (con addons x web editor/debug). Blender (x video montaggi ed ovviamente 3d) Linguaggi e framework preferiti: Python, Django, Django RestFramework, Ruby, padrino, sinatra, jquery, requirejs, rivetsjs, backbone
- urllib_s3: urllib_s3 is a urllib handler for s3 protocol (python)
- CarrierWave::ImageSorcery: Additional processing to use ImageSorcery into CarrierWave. (ruby)
- MsTranslate: The library is a simple API in Ruby for Microsoft Translator V2 (ruby)
- padrino-lazy: Through padrino-lazy, we can include some common properties shared between the model object used a base model object (ruby)
- sqlany-django: This is a SQL Anywhere database backend for Django (python)
- MiniRecord: MiniRecord is a micro extension for our ActiveRecord gem (ruby)
- Minio Client SDK for Python: Minio Python Library for Amazon S3 Compatible Cloud Storage (python)
- design-web-toolkit: Il Web Toolkit contiene fogli di stile CSS, componenti Javascript accessibili e snippet HTML riutilizzabili in linea con le linee guida di design per i siti web della Pubblica Amministrazione. (javascript)
- ampersand-state-mixin-datatype-iso-date: Adds ISO 8601 date functionality to ampersand state (javascript)
- outlinejs: An opinionated ES6 nano-framework (javascript)
- padrino-framework: Padrino is the godfather of Sinatra (ruby)
- padrinobook: The Guide To Master The Elegant Ruby Web Framework. A practical approach to learn crafting web applications in Padrino. Written by @wikimatze (ruby)
- Padrino Integration: Integration testing for the Padrino Framework (ruby)
- Padrino Recipes: A collection of padrino templates and plugins (ruby)
- Padrino Contrib: Contributed plugins and utilities for Padrino Framework (ruby)